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Imagine you’re shopping online and constantly clicking on “next page” to find the product you want. It can get annoying very quickly!

While there are many reasons to customize the number of products displayed per page on your WooCommerce site, the biggest one is that it improves the website user experience and journey.

In this article, we’ll explore the various methods you can use to edit the number of products per page in WooCommerce, including using plugins like WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate.

Why customizing product display matters

WooCommerce, by default, is pretty limited in terms of displaying a custom number of products per page on your online store. Most WooCommerce themes are designed to only showcase 3 columns and 4 rows per page, or 4 columns and 4 rows per page. This means you can either display a maximum of 12 or 16 products per page.

While you can change the number of columns and rows you display per page (and we’ll show you how to do this), you’ll still be limited to a grid format for displaying products on your main shop page.

Customizing the default number of products per page on your online store is useful if you have a large product catalog. This enables shoppers to easily and quickly breeze through multiple products without having to navigate to multiple pages.

You also want to have control over the total number of products that appear on the shop page as it may interfere with pop-ups or other displays. The last thing you want is to cause clutter on your online store which may cause shoppers to leave without making purchases.

In addition to this, when you want to display additional product information on your online store, you will need more space, more than what the default grid format offers. A better alternative to this would be to use product tables since you will be able to dedicate a row to each product and include essential information easily. Product tables also make it extremely easy to showcase multiple products in a neat way.

Ultimately, customizing the number of products per page on your WooCommerce site can help improve user experience and increase product discoverability, which means potentially higher sales for eCommerce businesses.

How to customize the number of products per page in WooCommerce

There are multiple ways to customize the number of products per page in WooCommerce, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

We’ll get into the top three methods, and show you why the easiest and most effective is by using a plugin – like the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin – to create a customized table display of your products.

Method #1: Using WooCommerce default theme

If you’re using any default WooCommerce theme like Storefront or Twenty Twenty-Three, you can change the number of products directly from the WordPress admin dashboard. Simply navigate to Appearance → Customize using the admin panel and then click on the WooCommerce tab.

Default products per page

Now click on the Product Catalog tab to find the Products per row and the Rows per page fields. This lets you customize the default WooCommerce product display by letting you set a custom number of products per row or change the number of rows per page on your online store.

Custom products per page

Note that some themes like OceanWP let you edit the products per page using the theme settings.

Method #2: Using code

While you can use your WooCommerce theme settings to change the number of products displayed per page on your online store, it’s also possible to do this with code. You can change the number of products that will be shown on your main shop pages by editing the functions.php file.

All you need to do is add a simple code snippet at the end of the functions.php file. However, since this file also directly influences the functioning of your WordPress site, we do not recommend this method, especially if you’re not a developer.

Making the slightest error when editing the functions.php file can cause your site to break, and can cause other problems such as compatibility issues with other plugins. A common workaround to this is to edit in a child theme as it will be easier to revert changes if something goes wrong. However, be aware that if you update or change your theme, this can override any changes you may have made.

That’s why it’s best to use a plugin to change the number of products that appear on a single page of your WooCommerce site. It’s a much safer and user-friendly option that gives you access to additional benefits and features.

Method #3: Using a plugin

Plugins make it easier to edit the way products are displayed in the WooCommerce store because they include functionality and options for displaying products that you wouldn’t get by default in a theme. For example, one of the best ways to display multiple products in a user-friendly way is to use customized tables, and you will need a dedicated plugin if you want to do this. Here’s why we think product tables are a gamechanger for displaying products on the WooCommerce shop page:

  • Showcasing your products in a table-style format makes it easier for shoppers to navigate through multiple products at once and quickly find what they’re looking for. You can display additional information in product tables such as a short description so that customers don’t need to visit the individual product pages to learn more.
  • You can also let customers shop directly from product tables to speed up the process for them. This way, they’ll be able to multiple products to their cart in one go without having to navigate to multiple pages. For instance, wholesale buyers might want to compare two different products before they purchase one in bulk.
  • In addition to this, if you have a lot of product variations, you can easily create comparison tables that let you showcase related products in a custom product table. This will make it easier for your customers to quickly sort through all product options and order multiple product variations at once.

The best plugin to do this is WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate, which lets you override the shop page and category pages in your WooCommerce store with customized product tables. Alternatively, you can add customized product tables to any page on your website. You have full control over how many products are displayed in a table and what information is included.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

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Using the plugin, you can create custom tables that enable customers to add multiple products to their shopping carts at once. This way, they can select the products they like and quickly checkout from your online store without having to add each product from its single product page.

You can display each product in a row, including variable products as well as products with add-on fields or extra options. You also have full control over how your columns look and feel in product tables. You can showcase product thumbnails, titles, SKUs, descriptions, stock level attributes, categories, tags, quantity, and add-to-cart buttons as columns in your product tables.

The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin also integrates with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. This way, you can show extra product options directly on your product tables such as date picker fields or color selector fields. This makes it easier to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and efficient user experience on your WooCommerce site.

Create custom product tables to display a custom number of products per page

Here, we’ll show you how to create custom product tables to display a custom number of products per page on your WooCommerce site.

For this, you will need a WordPress site with the WooCommerce plugin installed as well as a few products that you want to showcase in a product table. In addition to this, you will also need the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin to create custom product tables in WooCommerce.

Step #1: Install and activate the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin

To begin, get the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin and install it on your WordPress site. To install a new plugin to your WooCommerce site, navigate to Plugins → Add New and upload the plugin’s .ZIP file to your site and click on the Install Now button to continue.

Once you install the plugin on your WooCommerce site, it’s time to activate its license key. For this, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Table Ultimate and click on the Licence link from the top.

Enter the license key given to you at the time of purchase and click on the Activate this license button to continue.

Step #2: Create a custom product tables

Now that the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin is ready to go, we can start setting up a custom product table with a user-defined number of products per page.

To get started, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Table Ultimate and click on the General link from the top.

Product Table Ultimate settings

While you can configure each product table differently, this page lets you customize the default options for displaying product tables on your WooCommerce site. The Columns field lets you add or remove columns from the product table. This way, you can configure multiple columns in your product tables. It also gives you full control over how much information you want to display on your product table.

The Show Quantities on add-to-cart column lets you showcase the quantity selector next to each product row. This makes it easier for shoppers to quickly set the product quantity without having to navigate to single product pages.

Once you’re done setting up basic options for your product table, you can choose which products will be displayed in product tables using the Product Source dropdown menu. For instance, if you only want to display the top-selling products in product tables, you can select the relevant product category using the Products Source dropdown menu. Make sure to click on the Save Changes button so new fields appear after selecting any option other than All.

General settings

You can also select how variations are displayed on your product tables using the Variations Display dropdown menu. The plugin also lets you set the default order in which products will be listed in your product tables using the Order table by and Order fields.

Setting the number of products per page

The Products per page field lets you specify a custom number of products to be listed in product tables. This way, you can showcase as many or as few products per page on your WooCommerce site as you’d like. Based on the settings configured in the screenshot above, the product table will show 10 products per page.

In addition to this, you can also set both the Enable add selected button and Enable add all fields to Yes to let your customers add multiple products to their shopping cart at once using select checkboxes.

Once you’re done, make sure to click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #3: Showcase a custom number of products per page on default WooCommerce pages

Now that you’ve set up a product table with a custom number of products per page, you can showcase the custom product table on the default WooCommerce pages.

To do this, you will need to access the plugin settings again by navigating to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Table Ultimate.

Using the Override pages field, you can specify which default WordPress pages will show product tables. For instance, you can showcase a custom number of products per page on the default category pages of your WooCommerce site using product tables.

WooCommerce products per page preview

Bonus: Display product tables anywhere on your site

While you can use the previous step for replacing the default WooCommerce page layout with custom-looking product tables, you can also showcase them anywhere on your site using Gutenberg Blocks. Navigate to any page on your site or create a new page by navigating to Pages → Add New.

New page

Simply click on the “+” button or add a new Product Table Ultimate block. This will automatically showcase the custom product table we created earlier using the plugin’s settings on your custom WooCommerce page.

Custom products per page

Control how many products are displayed in your store!

Customizing the number of products displayed per page in WooCommerce is important for improving user experience, product visibility, and boosting sales. You can technically change the number of products per page in WooCommerce using your theme’s settings, but this will still usually limit you to using a grid format. You could also add a custom code snippet in the functions.php file, but this isn’t recommended if you aren’t very tech-savvy.

Instead, it’s much better to use a dedicated plugin like WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate to change the number of products per page on your online store. This allows you to fully customize the layout of your main shop pages using product tables or a table-style layout and let shoppers view multiple products on a single page. You can set how many products you want to display on your table and set advanced filtering to make it easier for customers to narrow down their options. You can also add add-to-cart buttons so that customers can quickly make purchases when shopping from your online store.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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Ready to start changing the number of products per page in WooCommerce? Get WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate today!

The post How to change the number of products per page in WooCommerce [2023] appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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The 8 best quick order form plugins for WooCommerce (2023) https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-quick-order/ https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-quick-order/#respond Mon, 12 Dec 2022 14:21:24 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=2634082 Check out our picks for the 8 best WooCommerce quick order plugins in 2023 and why you should have a quick order form.

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If you want to speed up the buying process for your customers, you should add a quick order form to your WooCommerce site.

A quick order form is a list of products displayed in your store that makes it easy for customers to compare products, choose the ones they’re interested in, and add all of them to their shopping cart in one go. This helps create a simple shopping experience and can help you increase the average order value.

The best way to do this on your online store is with a dedicated WooCommerce order form plugin.

In this article, we’ll cover the top 8 WooCommerce quick order form plugins on the market.

Why do you need a WooCommerce quick order form plugin?

Typically, in eCommerce stores, your customers will first visit your product pages and add products to their cart from there. This means, to add multiple products to their shopping cart, they will have to visit multiple pages before they can checkout with their order.

This default WooCommerce ordering process can be time-consuming and is not suitable for most types of WooCommerce sites for a couple of reasons.

Let’s say you have a large product catalogue. In this case, customers will have to extensively load more items or click through different pages to see all of your products.

Without a quick order form on your online store, customers who want to compare products that they’re interested in will have to flip back and forth between different product pages. For instance, if you’re an apparel store owner, your customers might want to compare all available jackets. This means they will have to go back and forth between all jacket product pages to see which one they want to buy.

In addition to this, customers who are interested in buying multiple products at once will have a hard time on your online store. For example, a wholesale buyer will have to filter through your entire store to find all the items they need.

Here’s how a WooCommerce quick order form can help you deliver a better shopping experience:

Reason #1: Showcase products in a list

A quick order form solves all these problems by showcasing all products in a list or table. You can add all products to a single order form or have different order forms for different product groups.

For example, you might want to display all products in the “Hoodies” category in one quick order form and all products in the “T-shirt” category in a separate quick order form.

Reason #2: Make it easy to compare products

A quick order form lets your customers compare products without having to visit multiple pages on your WordPress site.

This way, they can add multiple items to their cart directly from the order form and choose their desired quantities. It’s a great choice for catering to bulk buyers and wholesale buyers.

Reason #3: Make your website design more efficient

You can replace the default WooCommerce shop pages with a quick order form to make your eCommerce store more efficient and user-friendly.

This is particularly useful to mobile users who will be able to scroll down to explore your product catalogue.

The top 8 WooCommerce quick order form plugins

Here, we’ll go over the top 8 WooCommerce quick order form plugins so it’s easier for you to decide on the perfect plugin for your business.

#1. WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate is a professional WooCommerce quick order form plugin that has all the features you need to create product tables that serve as quick order forms for your customers.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate is designed for users with all levels of tech-savviness and offers an easy way to display quick order forms on your store’s main pages.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate settings

You can override the default WooCommerce shop or category pages with product tables and the plugin will automatically list all of your products in a quick order form.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate preview

This is a great feature to have if you want your customers to primarily order products via your quick order form. For instance, if you run a wholesale business or an online restaurant, you can list your entire product catalogue in a quick order form to make it easier for shoppers to view and purchase items without having to navigate multiple pages.

You also have full control over where you want to display a quick order form on your site using shortcodes or Gutenberg blocks. This can be a great way to display a quick order form only on specific pages on your WooCommerce site. Let’s say you only want to display a quick order form on the “Best deals” page of your WooCommerce site.

Best deals product table

Just add the product table anywhere on that page using Gutenberg blocks so customers can quickly go through all the “Best deals” when shopping from your online store.

Best deals preview

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate lets you create as many quick order forms as you like and customise each of them according to your unique requirements.

Multiple WooCommerce quick order tables

For instance, if you run an apparel store, you can create multiple tables for different categories. The plugin lets you list products by category, tag, or custom query. 

Multiple WooCommerce quick order tables preview

You can customise each product table differently and choose from a wide range of column options including product name, size, description, price, and category.

While displaying a quick order form is great for improving the shopping experience on your WooCommerce store, we also recommend setting up filters for your quick order forms so customers can easily find what they’re looking for, even if you have a long list of products.

Sorting and filtering options

You can let customers click on filterable terms to filter relevant products or display dropdown menus above or below the table for selecting filters.

Sorting and filtering table

This helps speed up the purchasing user flow on your WooCommerce site and makes it easier for anyone to quickly find the products they’re interested in and checkout.

In addition to this, WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate makes it easy for your customers to add multiple items to their cart by displaying a checkbox next to each product row.

Checkboxes table

This way, customers can select multiple items from the quick order form and add all of them at once to their shopping cart by clicking on the Add to cart button at the bottom.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate integrations

The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin integrates with other plugins to create an even more powerful shopping experience on your WooCommerce site:

  • WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin is designed to let you add product variations and all kinds of extra options to your products. This way, you can let shoppers choose all the extra options created with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin in the quick order form, all from a single page.
  • WooCommerce Members Only. The WooCommerce Members Only plugin offers an all-in-one solution for restricting specific products on your WooCommerce site. Using both plugins together, you can restrict certain products in a quick order form or create an “exclusive” quick order form that’s accessible by your members only. This is a great option if you’re looking to create a sense of exclusivity for your wholesale customers or have special pricing for registered members.
  • WooCommerce Fees and Discounts. WooCommerce Fees and Discount is a dedicated pricing plugin that makes it easy to offer customers discounts or charge extra fees. This integration is perfect if you want to offer discounts to bulk buyers or use quick order forms to display items on sale.

#2. Quick Order for WooCommerce

The Quick Order for WooCommerce plugin is a solid option for wholesale sites that want to offer their customers a quick way of purchasing products online.

Buyers can upload a CSV file with their order list and the plugin automatically adds the required items to the WooCommerce cart. Customers can add multiple products to a temporary shopping cart and, once they’re done, they can add all those items to their order with the click of a button.

While the Quick Order for WooCommerce plugin lets you display a quick order form anywhere on your site where Gutenberg is enabled, you cannot automatically override your default shop pages and will have to set up the quick order form manually.

#3. WooCommerce One Page Checkout

WooCommerce One Page Checkout is the official WooCommerce extension for displaying a quick order form.

It lets you add a one-page checkout on your shop’s product pages or create a quick order form by adding a shortcode and attributes to any page on your WooCommerce site. The best part about this plugin is that your customers can checkout on the same page, which makes the shopping experience faster for shoppers.

Although the WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin integrates with all WooCommerce extensions, this may not be very useful if other WooCommerce extensions aren’t to your liking.

#4. WooCommerce Product Table

WooCommerce Product Table offers a simple yet effective solution for showcasing quick order forms on your WooCommerce site using product tables.

The plugin lets you add unlimited products to your quick order forms and gives you full control over which specific products or categories to display in your WooCommerce quick order form. Using the intuitive drag-and-drop builder, it’s easy to customise your product tables.

Keep in mind that the pricing scheme is a little strange, as the lifetime license only offers one year of free support and updates.

#5. YITH Easy Order Page for WooCommerce

YITH Easy Order Page for WooCommerce is a professional quick order form plugin that makes the purchase process much simpler and easier.

Using the plugin, you can display products as grids or tables and choose the way your quick order forms look by customising the colours of every element in your order form or listing products in alphabetical order.

In addition to this, the plugin lets you display a sticky or floating cart widget on your quick order form. This way, shoppers on your WooCommerce site can open the cart on the same page and checkout without having to navigate to a different page.

#6. WooCommerce Quick Order

WooCommerce Quick Order is a robust plugin that’s designed to help speed up the shopping process on your online store.

This plugin works great for setting up a quick order table on your WooCommerce site. You can even set up advanced filtering for your table so customers can easily browse through your products and quickly find the products they’re interested in.

In addition to this, another great feature of the WooCommerce Quick Order plugin is that it lets you export your product table as a PDF, Excel, or CSV. This comes in handy when you want to send a copy of your inventory to your wholesale clients.

#7. Rapid Order Plugin

Rapid Order Plugin is a very simple solution for offering users a quick way to find and purchase products from your online store.

The plugin features infinite scrolling so you can add and showcase unlimited products on your quick order form. It also lets you showcase special decimal quantities and different units of measurement for specific products on your quick order form.

While it works for adding a simple-looking quick order form to your WooCommerce site, its functionality is limited overall. This is because it doesn’t integrate with any other plugins that allow for product add-ons or other features.

#8. Quick/Bulk Order Form for WooCommerce

Quick/Bulk Order Form for WooCommerce is a quick order form plugin that lets you quickly display a simple-looking quick order form on any of your WooCommerce pages.

You can include or exclude specific products or show products by specific categories on your quick order form. However, you don’t have the option to create tables based on other taxonomies, which might be limiting for some businesses.

Although the plugin works fine, it doesn’t look great. So, even though the plugin is free to use, you can lose money in the long run by putting off customers with an unappealing WooCommerce quick order form.

The best quick order form plugin? WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

Many plugins let you create a quick order form but none of them come close to what WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate offers.

The robust plugin lets you automatically create a quick order form on any of the default WooCommerce pages. This means you can replace the default pages with fully customisable quick order forms. You have the option to add as many quick order forms to your pages as required and speed up the overall shopping experience on your online store.

You can even let your customers filter through products and add multiple products to their cart at once. This makes it easier for your customers to add as many products as they like instantly to their cart at once without having to leave the page. As a result, it helps reduce cart abandonment and enhances the shopping experience on your WooCommerce site.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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Ready to display a WooCommerce quick order form on your online store? Get WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate today!

The post The 8 best quick order form plugins for WooCommerce (2023) appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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Guide to creating custom product tables in WooCommerce (2023) https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-custom-product-tables/ https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-custom-product-tables/#respond Fri, 15 Jul 2022 09:22:10 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=2176016 Find out how to create WooCommerce custom product tables to display products better in your ecommerce store.

The post Guide to creating custom product tables in WooCommerce (2023) appeared first on Plugin Republic.

WooCommerce custom product tables are a great way to showcase your products in an organised and easy-to-use format. This way, you make it easier for shoppers on your online store to find what they’re looking for quickly.

WooCommerce custom product tables work perfectly for all kinds of businesses, especially those that sell a lot of diverse items.

For example, wholesale stores that sell a wide range of products and product variations may find it easier to list multiple products on a single screen using product tables. Similarly, an online restaurant website can benefit from showcasing all food items in a custom product table designed like a menu, and apparel brands can list all their clothing products in a single custom product table like a catalog.

In simple words, WooCommerce custom product tables are designed to help you showcase your products better, regardless of the types or number of products you sell. In this post, we’re going to show you how to use a WooCommerce product table plugin to create custom product tables.

Why use WooCommerce custom product tables?

Custom product tables in WooCommerce allow you to display your store’s products in a table-style format. This makes it easier for customers to navigate through the entire product catalog and find what they’re looking for quickly.

It’s also a great way to let shoppers compare different products side-by-side. This way, they can add multiple products to their cart at once. For instance, wholesale buyers might want to compare two different products before they purchase one in large quantities.

WooCommerce custom product tables also work great for creating comparison tables. You can display related products in a custom product table and let customers decide on the best one. If you run an online clothing store, you can list all t-shirt products in a custom product table so shoppers can easily find all t-shirt options in a single place. This helps them quickly decide between the many available options and improves product visibility on your online store.

To better understand the need for WooCommerce custom product tables, let’s go over some examples of how you can use custom product tables for your store:

  • Wholesale orders. If you run an online wholesale store, you can list products in a custom product table according to a category, tag, or custom query. This helps wholesale buyers quickly find the products they were looking for and compare which products they want to add to their shopping cart.
  • Restaurant orders. Restaurants can display their menu on a custom product table. This helps customers quickly go through all the variable products and the add-on options so they can quickly customise and add a menu item to their shopping cart.
  • Order forms. WooCommerce custom product tables are perfect for ecommerce order forms. You can use them to create a form with fields for each product attribute and display it on your shop page or anywhere else on your site.

Creating custom product tables in WooCommerce

When creating a WooCommerce custom product table, you can choose to create one manually yourself using code. However, the process is tedious and requires you to have some coding knowledge, so you don’t end up breaking your online store. This is why we recommend using a plugin to create custom product tables in WooCommerce.

It’s important to choose a tool that’s easy to configure and lets you create custom, advanced product tables for your online store. This is especially important if you have a large variety of products since you’ll be regularly updating your product lists and inventory stock.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate is an all-in-one solution for creating custom product tables in WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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The plugin offers all the features you need to create custom product tables for your online store, and is easy to use even if you’re not very tech-savvy. You can create attractive-looking product tables that let your customers easily view and add multiple products from a single screen with a single click. This makes it especially useful for wholesale stores that receive bulk orders all the time.

The best part about the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin is that it’s very easy to use, even for non-coders or developers. The plugin works by displaying each product in a row and letting customers add multiple products to their cart from a single page. This also means you can display variable products and products with add-on fields using the plugin’s custom product tables, without needing to use shortcodes.

You also have the option to choose what columns you want to include in your table. For example, you can include custom fields like product thumbnails, product titles, SKUs, product descriptions, stock level attributes, product categories, product tags, product quantity, and the add-to-cart buttons. You can do all of this without using code or shortcodes.

In addition to this, you can also enable the ability to add multiple products at the same time by displaying a checkbox selector next to each product row. This way, users can quickly scan down each product row while selecting which products they want to add to their cart. Once they’ve selected the products, customers can click one button to add them all to their shopping cart in one go, without going to the single product page first. As a result, it makes it much easier to purchase products in bulk from your online store and helps improve the average order value.

How to create a WooCommerce custom product table using WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

Here, we’ll show you how you can create a WooCommerce custom product table using the all-in-one WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin.

For this tutorial, you’ll need a WordPress site with the WooCommerce plugin installed as well as some products added to it. You will also need the WooCommerce product table plugin. For this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate using WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate.

Step #1: Install and activate the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin

Start off by getting the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin and installing it on your WordPress site.

After you get the plugin, you will receive an email containing the download link for the plugin’s .zip file and the license key for activating the plugin. Download the plugin using the link and proceed to install it on your WooCommerce site by navigating to Plugins → Add New.

Select the plugin’s .zip file and click on the Install Now button. Make sure to activate the plugin on your site after it’s installed.

With the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin installed on your site, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Table Ultimate and click on the Licence link from the top.

Product Table Ultimate settings

Paste the license key given to you at the time of purchase in the Licence Key text field and click on the Activate this license button. Once you’re done, make sure to click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #2: Create a WooCommerce custom product table

With the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin installed on your WooCommerce site, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Table Ultimate and click on the General link.

WooCommerce custom product tables settings

Here, you can configure and create a custom product table to be displayed on the front end of your WooCommerce store. Using the Columns text field, you can add multiple columns that will be displayed for products on your custom product table. You can add comma-separated values and display as much information on your product table as you need to using custom fields.

You can also show a quantity selector on each product’s row using the Show quantities on add-to-cart column dropdown menu. The plugin also lets you select which products on your WooCommerce site will be displayed in product tables using the Product Source dropdown menu.

The Variations Display dropdown menu lets you select how product variations are displayed on the custom product table. You can also set the order in which products will be listed using the Order table by and the Order dropdown menu. If you want to offer customers the option to add multiple products to their shopping cart at once using select checkboxes, make sure the Enable add selected button and Enable add all button dropdown menus are set to Yes. Once you’re done, make sure to click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #3: Preview

The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin offers multiple ways to display custom product tables on your WooCommerce site. One option is to override the default shop pages to display custom product tables using the Override pages text field in the plugin’s settings.

Override pages option

For example, if you select Category pages, all products on category pages on your online store will be displayed in custom product tables.

Category page

You can also display custom product tables anywhere you like on your site using the Gutenberg editor. To do this, create a new page by navigating to Pages → Add New or go to an existing page’s edit screen.

Gutenberg editor

Add the Product Table Ultimate block using the “+” symbol. You can configure and customise your product table using the settings on the left. No need to enter complex shortcodes.

Select multiple products

Once you’re done make sure to click on the Update or Publish button to continue.


Creating custom product tables in WooCommerce is a great way to not only offer a more unique user experience but also make it easier for your customers to find exactly what they’re looking for.

Let’s quickly go over some useful tips for creating user-friendly custom product tables for your online store:

  • It’s always best to use filters instead of sort options wherever possible. This makes it easier for customers to find products quickly, so they don’t have to scroll through all the table elements again if they want to compare different product options.
  • If you sell physical products on your online store, make sure that your stock levels are accurately updated regularly, so customers don’t place orders for items that are out of stock.
  • You also want to make sure all product images are high quality, so they look good when displayed as thumbnails in your WooCommerce custom product table.

If you’re looking for a solution that supports all of these best practices for creating amazing custom product tables in WooCommerce, the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate is your best bet. It offers all the functionality you need to easily create advanced, custom product tables for your online store, without you having to touch a single line of code.

You can use it to display your products better using a table layout that makes it easier for customers to navigate through all your products and find what they’re looking for quickly. As a result, this leads to better conversions and improves sales for your business.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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Ready to quickly create custom product tables in WooCommerce? Get WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate today!

The post Guide to creating custom product tables in WooCommerce (2023) appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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6+ Best WooCommerce variation swatches and photos plugins (2023) https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-swatches/ https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-swatches/#respond Thu, 21 Apr 2022 11:18:24 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=1837487 Find out our top picks for the 5 best WooCommerce swatches, variation swatches, and photos - plugin for ecommerce stores.

The post 6+ Best WooCommerce variation swatches and photos plugins (2023) appeared first on Plugin Republic.

Displaying your products in a more detailed and attractive manner can seriously bring in those sales!

Having a large catalogue of products on your eCommerce store requires you to use product swatches and images. This way, you can display your products and product variations much better on your WooCommerce site, deliver an engaging shopping experience, and help your customers make informed purchase decisions.

In this article, we’ll explore the top five plugins for variation swatches and photos on WooCommerce.

Why use product swatches and photos for your WooCommerce product and variations?

Before we begin going through some of the best plugin options for displaying product swatches and photos, let’s take a step back to understand what WooCommerce swatches are.

Swatches are a way to showcase product details in a more attractive and comprehensive manner on your shop’s product pages. For a better understanding, you can take a look at Pottery Barn’s single product page.

Pottery Barn variation swatches

If you hover your mouse over different product variation options, you’ll see detailed images of each option. So if you’re interested in the red blanket, you’ll get a series of variation photos that can help you see how the blanket looks in real life. This helps enhance the shopping experience and makes it easier for customers to find the right product options quickly.

Another great example of product swatches and photos can be seen on Under Armour’s product page.

Under Aromour single product page

Customers can select the colour and view the product image for the specific colour or product option they select. This is a great way to showcase all product variations better and helps customers make informed purchase decisions.

Benefits of using product swatches in WooCommerce

Using product swatches and photos on your online store is a great way to make your online store look unique and help it stand out from the competition. Let’s talk about more of the benefits of using product swatches and images on your WooCommerce site:

  • Make your WooCommerce products more attractive. Using product swatches and images to display products and product variations options is a great way to encourage more sales. This is because customers will find it much easier to view what each product variation option looks like in real life. While it’s an effective way to boost sales on your WooCommerce site, it can also help make your WooCommerce products look more attractive on shop pages and archive pages.
  • Add extra details to your products. Adding extra details to your WooCommerce products is important, especially if you’re selling products that have specific technical details that the customers need to know about before adding the product to their cart. For instance, if you’re selling carpets and rugs, product swatches can be a great way to showcase what each fabric option looks and feels like. Similarly, you can also include product swatches for different carpet sizes and use images to tell customers the actual size measured in inches.
  • Make it easier for customers to differentiate between product variations. Using product swatches and photos on your WooCommerce site can also help extra product options or variations stand out on the product page. As a result, it makes it much easier for customers to differentiate between product variations as there are more visual elements associated with each product variation option.

The top 6+ plugins for variation swatches and photos on WooCommerce

Here, we’ll go over some of the best product variations and photos plugins available for WooCommerce sites.

#1. WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin offers an all-in-one solution for personalising the look and feel of your WooCommerce products.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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This plugin has everything you need to transform your WooCommerce site into a high-converting, professional storefront. The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate comes built-in with a suite of add-ons and advanced features that help you customise, personalise, and improve the shopping experience on your WooCommerce site.

Multiple types of swatches available

This plugin lets you add customisable image swatches, colour swatches, attribute swatches, and many more swatch types to your WooCommerce products. As a store owner, these are some of the things you should be on the lookout for when deciding on the right variation swatches and photos plugin for your WooCommerce site, such as features like a built-in photo editor to make quick adjustments to your product images. You also have a lot of flexibility in terms of how you can present your swatches, such as:

  • You can add them to radio buttons or checkboxes.
  • You can set a default option; for e.g. if you offer three t-shirt variations on a product page then you can include swatches for all of them and add a border on the most popular option.
  • You can assign a price to each swatch displayed on a product page. Let’s say you sell t-shirts and want to amend the pricing on how intricate the design is or the quality of the material. You can easily do this within the same product page!

See how this works in action by checking out this demo site featuring WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate set up for radio buttons and image swatches.

All in one plugin for WooCommerce swatches and custom fields

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is the most flexible plugin in this list as it offers a lot more than WooCommerce swatches. You can also add custom fields to products, such as checkboxes, custom pricing fields, file upload fields, or calculation fields. This way, customers can personalise your products themselves before adding them to their shopping cart. In addition to this, you can also use conditional logic to show or hide fields based on the value of other fields or depending on which variation the customer has selected.

Instead of using a separate plugin to add product swatches and images to variable product attributes on your WooCommerce site, you can use a single plugin to do everything. The plugin lets you easily create custom fields that display image swatches, which is an easier way to add product details.

WooCommerce swatches preview

Set global or product-specific rules

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate lets you set up all the rules you need to create an optimal purchase experience across all product pages.

Some rules will apply to all your products, or all products within a category. For example, let’s say you sell custom guitars and offer the same colour variations for all your models. In this case, you could set global image swatches that display these colour choices. As another example, let’s say you sell clothes online and offer t-shirts in XS, S, M, L, and XL. If you wanted to, you could use image swatches to only appear for the t-shirt category and they would showcase how the different sizes look.

Another great feature of the plugin is that you can apply conditional logic on the swatches. For example, let’s take the example above and say you offer t-shirt sizes as image swatches because you want to include information about the dimensions directly in the product image. A customer could choose a t-shirt in M, which would reveal a text field asking them whether they want to add up to 30 characters of text. If the same customer had chosen an XS t-shirt, you display a text field that’s limited to 20 characters because of the smaller printing area.


Pricing starts at $69 for the Basic package. However, you will need to subscribe to the Pro package which starts at $119 to access advanced features like image variation swatches and variable products. However, considering that the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin gives you access to many other custom fields alongside image swatches, we think that’s a great deal. With other plugins on this list, you may need to purchase multiple plugins to have the full breadth of features.

#2. WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos

WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos is a simple yet powerful plugin for displaying colour and images swatches for WooCommerce variable products.

The WooCommerce swatches plugin lets you add product colour swatches or image swatches and display them instead of the usual dropdown boxes for details on your WordPress site. Using colour and images swatches provides a much nicer way to display the variations of a product, showcase some of the available styles, or display products in extra colours better.

For instance, you can display a T-shirt product with images swatches that showcase each colour option the t-shirt is available in. This not only makes it easier for customers to make quick purchase decisions but also encourages them to add more product options to their cart as each option looks more appealing.

As a result, it can help enhance the shopping experience and makes your online store look and feel more professional.

Pricing – You can get the WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos for $99 per year.

#3. Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce is a robust WordPress plugin designed to help you showcase product options better using image and product swatches.

This lets you display professional-looking options for product variations on your WooCommerce store using product variation swatches. You can transform your product variation options to custom swatches such as radio button swatches, images, colours, and labels instead of using the generic-looking, default WooCommerce dropdowns.

This solution is better suited for users who are slightly comfortable with figuring out things on their own and work with WooCommerce product attributes extensively. This is because you first have to add product options using the old, tedious process before you can auto-convert them into product swatches and images using the plugin.

In addition to this, you can experiment with different product swatch variations in the quick view popup and display entire attribute swatches in the category, catalogue, store, archive pages, and shop pages on your WooCommerce site using the premium version of this plugin.

Pricing – While the Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin has a free version, you will need the Pro version, which starts at $49, to unlock the full potential of the plugin.

#4. YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations

The YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations plugin offers an intuitive and effective way to display all product options on your WooCommerce site in colour and photo swatches.

Using the robust plugin, you can replace the default WooCommerce product detail options with custom icons, images, and labels. You can add unlimited product variations and display all of them on a single page. This not only helps offer an enhanced shopping experience but also makes it easier for customers to differentiate between different product options.

Customers will be able to navigate all extra options for products without having to jump around multiple pages. As a result, you encourage more sales and improve product variations’ visibility on your ecommerce store.

Pricing – You can get the YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations plugin for $89.99 per year.

#5. Product Add-Ons

Product Add-Ons is an extra product option and product swatches plugin that lets you easily create a personalised shopping experience on your online store.

You can offer product customisation options that let customers add text and images before adding products to their shopping carts and also display product details better using images, colours, and swatches. Product details can be added globally or per product using the edit product page.

Pricing – You can get the Product Add-Ons plugin for $49 per year.

#6. ProductX

The ProductX WooCommerce builder plugin comes with various features – allowing you to create full WooCommerce websites in just a few clicks. 

One notable feature is product variation swatches – allowing you to show various swatches of your products based on different attributes. You can enable custom-size labels to show product size swatches in the way you want. You can show custom product size labels based on the attributes you set.

Pricing: The ProductX variation swatches feature comes bundled with the ProductX WooCommerce builder plugin. Pricing for a single-site license with 1-year support starts from $49. For a lifetime license of 1-site, pricing starts from $149.

#7. YaySwatches

YaySwatches lets you add image and color swatches to your WooCommerce products. You can customize the shape, size, border colour, and positioning of your swatches, and you can even include tooltips to add more info about product variations.

Another handy feature of the plugin is that you can use the swatches to mark product variations as sold out.

Pricing: You can get the plugin for a single site at $59 per year.

Pro-tips in choosing a WooCommerce swatches plugin

With so many different plugin options available, it can be hard to decide on the right option for your WooCommerce site. This is why it’s important to look out for a few features when choosing a WooCommerce swatches plugin for your eCommerce site.

As a store owner, these are some of the things you should be on the lookout for when deciding on the right variation swatches and photos plugin for your WooCommerce site:

  • Ease of use. The first thing you want to consider when choosing a plugin is how easy it is to set up. Depending on your level of tech-savviness and the amount of time you have, you need a plugin that’s easy and quick to first set up on your WooCommerce site. You also need to consider whether the plugin has good documentation and offers customer support or not. These factors come into play when you’re stuck with a plugin bug and you need an expert to help you quickly fix your site and get it back up and running in no time.
  • Comprehensiveness. You also need to consider whether the plugin you choose has all features built-in, especially the ones you need to personalise your online store. Ideally, you want to use a single plugin for the maximum amount of tasks, so it reduces the need for other plugins. You need to consider a plugin that at least offers product personalisation options through custom fields, customisable colour, variation photos, and other styles of WooCommerce swatches, and also offers additional features such as conditional logic, advanced pricing fields, and file upload or text boxes.
  • Better customer experience. Other than the experience on the back-end of your WooCommerce site, you need to see how well the plugin enhances the shopping experience for your customers on the front-end.

With that in mind, let’s have a final look at the 6 plugins we covered today before concluding with our winner:

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate ProWooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos Variation Swatches for WooCommerceYITH WooCommerce Color and Label VariationsProduct Add-OnsYaySwatches
FeaturesHas 16 add-on fields to choose from ranging from swatches to lots more; you can set up global rules and conditional logicIncludes standard colour and image swatches to replace the default drop-downIncludes color, button, radio, and image swatches. Also has useful features such as dual color variations and tooltipsDisplay product variations based on colour, label, and image attributes. You can add a colour picker on each variation7 add-on options for product pages including image variationsOnly includes image and color swatches, but you have quite a few customisation options
Pricing$116/year $99/year$49/year $89/year$49/year$59/year

Get started with a WooCommerce variation swatches plugin today!

Product variation swatches and images are a great way to showcase extra product options better and make them more appealing to customers. This is because product swatches and images help customers differentiate between different product options easily. As a result, they can make quick, informed purchase decisions and proceed to checkout.

However, you have limited product customisation options with default WooCommerce. This is why we recommend using an all-in-one product personalisation plugin such as the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. The plugin is the perfect option for creating a fully customisable shopping experience on your WooCommerce site, even if you’re not very tech-savvy. It offers all the features you need to create a professional, well-designed product store that rakes in more conversions.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

Ready to start adding customisable variation swatches and photos with a WooCommerce variation swatches plugin? Get WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate today!

The post 6+ Best WooCommerce variation swatches and photos plugins (2023) appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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Complete guide to setting up discount rules in WooCommerce for dynamic pricing https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-discount-rules/ https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-discount-rules/#respond Thu, 03 Feb 2022 11:45:42 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=1650294 Find out how to set and apply WooCommerce discount rules for your ecommerce store using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin.

The post Complete guide to setting up discount rules in WooCommerce for dynamic pricing appeared first on Plugin Republic.

Want to offer discounts for products bought in bulk? You’ll need to set up discount rules in WooCommerce.

Discount rules are an important part of any successful ecommerce store. They are used to offer discounts based on specific conditions such as product category, product tag, and product attributes. Using discount rules in WooCommerce, you can offer a wide range of different discounts and combine multiple discount rules to create complex discount offers.

However, the problem with this is that setting up discount rules in WooCommerce can be a little tricky, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the process. In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to set up WooCommerce discount rules for dynamic pricing.

Why set up discount rules on your WooCommerce site

Before we jump into setting up discount rules on your WooCommerce site, we need to clarify that discount rules and conditional discounts are not the same thing:

  • Conditional discounts are only offered if or when specific conditions are met.
  • Dynamic pricing could mean an extra fee or a price increase rather than a discount.

For instance, Uber has a surge pricing mechanism, which is a form of dynamic pricing: the fare of the ride is increased on the fly based on the number of available drivers and traffic rush. Customers have to the surge pricing effectively as an additional fee on their ride.

Applying conditional discounts is a great way to make your online store look more attractive. Site visitors will be more likely to keep browsing your online store and place their orders with a discount. As a result, it helps increase sales and promotes brand loyalty. You can convert first-time or one-time customers to repeat customers by offering conditional discounts on some or all products in your WooCommerce store.

In addition to this, conditional discounts help you increase the average order value of your online store by leveraging upsells and offering bulk discounts. For instance, if you offer a “Buy X get Y free” offer on some products of your online store, customers will be more likely to add at least two units of the product to their cart to get one free product, even if they hadn’t planned to do so in the first place.

Using conditional discounts helps you take your online store to the next level. You can offer exclusive members-only discounts to create a community of people who are interested in your product. This instills a sense of community around your online store and helps you build your email list with qualified leads.

Conditional discounts also help you make your online store much more accessible for all types of customers, especially wholesalers. Since wholesale customers buy products in bulk or larger quantities, you can incentivise them to purchase from your store by offering them bulk discounts. As a result, it helps increase the average order value and improves customer retention for your business.

You can boost revenue and decrease losses for your business by setting up dynamic pricing in WooCommerce. This way, you can offer different prices to different customers based on their buying behaviour, user role, or items in their cart.

Different types of discount rules you can set up in WooCommerce

There are many different types of discount rules you can set up on your WooCommerce site. Again, this comes down to the kind of online store you run and your business requirements.

For instance, wholesale stores can offer bulk discounts, while membership sites may want to offer exclusive products or user-role-based discounts instead.

Let’s go over some of the main discount rules you can offer in WooCommerce:

Quantity-based discounts

Quantity-based product discounts work great if you have a lot of products on your online store customers can purchase in varying quantities. For instance, customers on an online clothing store will need to purchase products in varying quantities. Similarly, if your online store sells office supplies, customers might need to purchase more or fewer amounts of products depending on their requirements. You can create a BOGO (buy one get one free) offer to increase the average order value.

User role-based discounts

User role-based discounts work great if you’re looking to sell products at different prices depending on the customer’s user role.

For instance, wholesale customers can purchase a “T-shirt” product for $10, while regular customers have to pay the fixed price i.e. $12 for the same. User role-based discounts are typically used for selling items in bulk or wholesale. This is much more seamless than offering coupons.

Payment gateway fees and discounts

Payment gateway fees and discounts are ideal if you give your customers more flexibility over how they pay for their purchases by offering them more than one payment method at checkout.

For instance, you can offer local payment methods or processors that are more convenient for your local customer base. This way, you can offer multiple payment gateways under one fee and also choose to give your customers cashback on specific payment methods such as Amazon Pay or Apple Pay. This is an easy way to set up WooCommerce dynamic pricing.

Setting up WooCommerce discount rules

WooCommerce, out of the box, doesn’t offer the option to set up and apply discount rules. It only lets you create coupon codes. This is why we recommend using a plugin built specifically to help you with WooCommerce discount rules, WooCommerce Fees and Discounts.

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

Create powerful pricing incentives quickly and easily

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WooCommerce Fees and Discounts is a powerful and easy-to-use plugin that allows you to apply different discounts for products depending on product quantity, user role, or payment gateway. You can create WooCommerce discount rules and apply them globally by product category or specific products on your online store, including product variations.

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin offers an all-in-one solution for applying discounts or fees to your WooCommerce store. You can offer bulk pricing discounts or dynamic pricing through fees or discounts, choose to exclude the tax for specific user roles, create user role pricing, and offer payment gateway specific pricing. The plugin is a “one-off” solution for creating WooCommerce dynamic pricing rules in your ecommerce store, even if you’re not experienced with code.

How to set discount rules in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin

Here, we’ll show you how to set up WooCommerce discount rules using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin.

For this, make sure you have the latest version of WordPress installed along with the WooCommerce plugin set up and ready to go. You will also need some WooCommerce products added to your site so we can set up discount rules for them.

Step #1. Download and install the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin

Start by getting the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin and install it on your WooCommerce site.

You will receive a purchase confirmation email soon after you purchase the plugin. Click on the download link from the email to download the plugin and navigate to Plugins → Add New from the WordPress admin panel.

Upload the zip file you just downloaded and click on the Activate plugin button to enable the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin on your WordPress site.

Once the plugin is successfully installed on your site, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Fees and Discounts and click on the Licence link from the top.

Fees and Discounts license key

Enter the licence key provided to you at the time of purchase and click on the Activate this licence button to continue.

Step #2. Configure plugin settings

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin lets you create different bulk pricing rules for simple and variable products based on various conditions.

Now with the plugin installed on your WordPress site, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings and you will see a new Fees and Discounts tab.

Enable Fees and Discounts

Tick the checkbox next to Enable Dynamic Pricing and Enable User Role Pricing. Click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #3. Set up discount rules

Using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin, you can set up various discount types including:

Bulk pricing rules

Click on the Dynamic Pricing link to create bulk pricing rules or quantity discounts for your WooCommerce site.

Select where to display the pricing table on the front-end or disable it completely using the Pricing table dropdown menu. Click on the Add Rule button to create a new pricing rule and select Bulk Pricing from the Offer Type dropdown menu.

Create WooCommerce discount rules

Offering bulk pricing is a great way to encourage customers to purchase at your online store. Enter a catchy label for your bulk pricing rule and choose which products to apply the pricing rule to using the Applies to dropdown menu. You can select All Items, Specific Products, or Specific Categories. This lets you choose the products you want to apply discounts to while the remaining products have a fixed price.

You can also use the Roles text field to only apply the pricing rule for specific user roles on your WooCommerce site. Using the Tiers section, you can create tiered pricing levels. For instance, you can offer “Up to 10% discount” on a specific product and give users a discount based on the cart items.

You can add multiple price tiers using the Add New Tier button. Enter the number of products the customer has to purchase to qualify for the discount using the Min quality text field and enter the maximum number of products in the Max quantity field. You can either offer a percentage-based discount or offer a fixed amount discount using the Adjustment dropdown menu. Click on the Save changes button to continue.

Discount rules WooCommerce

Customers will see the product price change dynamically as they add more products to their cart. This encourages users to spend more than they had planned to so they can get the maximum discount. You can use this to create a BOGO offer for customers to encourage customers to buy a certain number of items per sale.

Order-based pricing rules

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin also lets you create order-based pricing rules on your online store. Same as before, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Fees and Discounts and click on the Dynamic Pricing link.

Order total discounts

Create a new rule by clicking on the Add Rule button and setting the Offer type to Order Total. This way, you can offer customers price discounts based on how much they spend on your WooCommerce store.

For instance, you can offer wholesale customers or subscribers various price discount tiers based on cart subtotal. A cart discount helps increase the average order value and generate more revenue per sale.

After entering a label for your discount rule that appears on the single product page, select the user role you want to offer the discount to or leave it empty to apply to all user roles on your WooCommerce site. Click on the Add New Tier button and set the minimum amount the customer has to spend before getting the discount using the Min total text field. Using the Adjustment dropdown menu, select whether you want to offer a Percentage Discount or a Fixed discount.

Once you’re done, click on the Save changes button to continue.

Discount offer preview front-end

Customers will get a 20% discount on their order if their purchase amount is more than £150.

User-role based pricing rules

You can also create pricing rules based on the user role of a customer. This way, you can offer special offers or exclusive discounts for specific user roles on your WordPress site.

Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Fees and Discounts and click on the User Role Pricing link.

User role pricing

Here, you can view all user roles available on your WooCommerce site along with two columns: Adjustment and Amount. Using the Adjustment dropdown menu, you can offer user roles on your site including Percentage Discount, Fixed Discount, or charge them extra fees. Then set the amount of the discount or fees using the Amount text field right next to it.

You can also choose to display role-based prices for variations using the Role Price Fields section at the button. Once you’re done, click on the Save changes button to continue.

Specific user roles on your website will be able to purchase products at a discounted rate while other, regular customers will be shown the full product price.


Setting up WooCommerce discount rules is a great way to increase sales and generate more revenue for your business. It’s far more seamless than a coupon system where customers need to enter the coupon code at checkout. Using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin, you can set up bulk pricing rules, create order-based discount rules, or offer user role-based discounts on your online store.

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin is perfect for anyone looking to set up discount rules on their online store, even store owners who have no prior experience in coding.

WooCommerce Fess and Discounts is perfect because the plugin out of the box offers an intuitive experience and lets you quickly set up multiple discount rules and display professional-looking pricing tables on the front end of your WooCommerce site. It’s a complete fees and discounts plugin solution, making it the perfect option for growing WooCommerce stores.

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

Create powerful pricing incentives quickly and easily

Find Out More

Ready to start setting up WooCommerce discount rules? Get WooCommerce Fees and Discounts today!

The post Complete guide to setting up discount rules in WooCommerce for dynamic pricing appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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Creating Custom Order Fields in WooCommerce: A Guide https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-custom-order-fields/ https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-custom-order-fields/#respond Mon, 15 Nov 2021 09:44:00 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=1435047 Find out how to create WooCommerce custom order fields to add more value to your products and increase average order value.

The post Creating Custom Order Fields in WooCommerce: A Guide appeared first on Plugin Republic.

Want to make it easy for yourself to accept custom orders from customers?

It’s especially useful if you sell customisable products. Doing so lets you offer a unique shopping experience on your WooCommerce store and can potentially increase your average order value.

Creating custom order fields on your WooCommerce site is a great place to start. You can set them up however you want to accept custom orders and special order requests from customers.

The only problem is that WooCommerce, by default, doesn’t have built-in functionality that lets you do this. However, you can create and add custom order fields on your WooCommerce site using a plugin.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add custom order fields in WooCommerce and, in turn, customise the checkout fields on your WooCommerce store.

The best custom order fields plugins for WooCommerce

A WooCommerce custom order fields plugin lets you create custom order fields on your online store. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the best, user-friendly plugins that let you set up custom order fields on your WooCommerce store:

#1. WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin offers a robust solution for letting users personalise products before adding them to their shopping cart. This helps you enhance the shopping experience on your WooCommerce store and increase the average order value.

WooCommerce custom order fields preview 

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin offers many features out of the box for enhancing products on your WooCommerce store. You can create up to 16 different custom field types, assign prices for each custom order field, apply conditional logic, and let your customers upload files. It also lets you add fields to specific products only or apply global fields to multiple products on your online store at once.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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You can get the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin for $69 for the Basic package for a yearly subscription and $169 for lifetime access. You can also subscribe to the Pro plan which starts at $119 yearly and $279 for a one-time subscription.

#2. Advanced Custom Fields

The Advanced Custom Fields plugin, used by over 2 million websites, offers an all-in-one tool for creating advanced custom fields.

Advanced Custom Fields is mostly used for fields on the back-end by developers whereas WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is for custom fields on the front-end of your website. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is fully compatible with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. By using both plugins, you can have WooCommerce admin custom order fields while making your products customisable.

The Advanced Custom Fields plugin is designed with WordPress developers in mind and helps make it easier to manage WooCommerce sites on the back-end. It offers powerful PHP-based Advanced Custom Fields Blocks that let you create customisable custom fields on your online store.

Advanced Custom Fields PRO’s entry-level plan, the Personal plan, starts at $49 per year. It includes all the PRO features and offers unlimited updates for one website.

#3. Flexible Checkout Fields

The Flexible Checkout Fields plugin offers a simple way of editing WooCommerce checkout fields on your online store. It’s important to note that Flexible Checkout Fields does not let you add custom order fields – you can only edit the existing WooCommerce checkout fields.

Using the Flexible Checkout Fields Pro WooCommerce plugin, you can edit, add, or remove checkout fields from your online store. It offers a drag-and-drop field editor that lets you rearrange and reorder any default WooCommerce fields or any custom ones you add.

Flexible Checkout Fields offers a free Basic plan for people who want to try out the plugin without paying the full price. However, if you want to go for the PRO version, the Professional plan starts at $59 for a single site.

Why use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate to create custom order fields?

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin is one of the few plugins that offer extensive functionality out of the box. It’s fully compatible with most other WordPress plugins.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate makes it easy to create custom order fields on your WooCommerce store. You can create many different custom order fields and insert them directly onto your single product pages. These include:

  • Checkboxes
  • Radio buttons
  • Dropdowns
  • Text fields
  • Information fields
  • Colour picker fields
  • Date selector fields
  • Calculation fields

This way, you can quickly add custom add-on fields to your WooCommerce products, even if you’re a non-coder, beginner, or someone who has basic familiarity with WordPress.

The best part about the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin is that it offers an easy way of adding custom fields to multiple products at once. This means that you can create custom fields that apply to all products, products you specify, or all products within a certain category or taxonomy.

You can also set conditions based on custom input fields. This way, users will see the correct information based on the selections they make.

Using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to create custom order fields on your WooCommerce site is a great way to sell customised products. This encourages new site visitors to buy from you and increases the average order value on your WooCommerce store. It’s an effective way to add more value to existing WooCommerce products on your online store.

How to set up custom order fields in WooCommerce using WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Here, we’ll show you how you can set up custom order fields in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. Before we begin, make sure you have a WordPress site with WooCommerce installed and set up.

Step #1. Install and Activate the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin

The first thing you need to do is get the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin and install it on your WooCommerce site.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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Once you buy the plugin, you’ll receive an email containing the license key and the download link for the plugin. After downloading the plugin, navigate to Plugins → Add New from the WordPress admin panel and upload the plugin to your WooCommerce site.

Click the Activate button to enable the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin on your site. Next, go to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Add-Ons and click on the Licence tab and enter your license key in the text field to enable the plugin. Once you’re done, click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #2. Personalise your WooCommerce products

The next step is to add new fields to WooCommerce products. This way, customers will be able to customise the product before adding it to their cart.

Start by navigating to the product’s Edit page. Scroll down to the Product data section and click on the Product Add-Ons tab.

Create a new custom order field

Click on the Add Group button and give your field group a name. You can add multiple fields to the field group and create multiple field groups for your WooCommerce products.

Click on the Add Field button to create a new custom order field and start configuring the field settings. You can select from different field types using the dropdown menu below Field Type, enter a field name, and, if needed, enter a Field Price. This will increase the total price of the product.

Custom order fields preview

Depending on the Field Type you use, you can configure different field options and set a price for each option. You can also tick the checkbox next to Required Field?. This will require customers to use that custom field before they can add the product to their cart. This is particularly useful if you want customers to pick a material or colour.

Step #3. Add a WooCommerce custom text field

You can also display a custom text field for your WooCommerce products and set its parameters. Click on the Add Field button, select the Text field option from the Field Type dropdown menu, and enter a field name. This will let users enter any text for their order.

Setting up a text field

You can also set the maximum number of characters users can enter using the Max Chars text field. After adding a Field Description, click on the Update button to save changes on the front-end of your WooCommerce store.

Preview of the custom order text field

Following our example, users can enter the custom field value to have it printed onto the packaging once the order is placed.

You can also use it to give customers a place to enter order notes.

Step #4. Display custom fields in the cart and order details section

Once the customer enters data into the custom order fields on the single product page and adds the product to their cart, the custom order fields will automatically display along with the product name and total price.

Here’s how that looks on the front-end of your WooCommerce store:

Custom order fields on the cart page

Step #5. Display additional information fields for WooCommerce products

Using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, there are many ways to display additional information fields for your products. This can be done by using conditional logic to restrict information fields unless the user selects a specific order field.

Show additional information

For our example, let’s say we want to display the nutritional value of each serving size as soon as the customer selects one. To do this, we can simply create additional information fields for our product. Click on the Add Field button and select Information from the Field Type. Give the information field a name and set the labels as required.

Once you’re done, click the Add condition button. We’ve set it as follows:

  1. Show this field if All rules match
  2. Size [#1174] is Standard

Don’t forget to press the Update button to save changes on the front-end of your WooCommerce store.

Step #6. Add custom fields to the checkout page 

Custom order fields are automatically added to the checkout page once the customer finishes personalizing their product. This makes it easy for customers to review their order information before placing their order.

WooCommerce checkout with custom order fields

Note that the fields at checkout are not editable with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. You can however view the WooCommerce admin custom order fields on the back-end.

What kind of store can use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin?

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin can be used by most WooCommerce stores that sell custom products. The plugin can be used on any WooCommerce store where you need to add some custom product add-ons or custom order fields.

Let’s quickly take a look at some of the different types of WooCommerce stores that can use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to offer custom order fields for products:

  • Jewelry stores. Jewelry stores can use custom order fields to sell personalised jewelry. You can let users enter custom text or initials that can be engraved into the jewelry item or let them decide what material they want their jewelry made from.
  • Florists. Online flower shops can use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to let customers select the booking date or customise a flower bouquet by adding or removing different flowers.
  • Gift shops. Gift shops can offer gift wrapping or let users add gift cards to their orders. Customers can select the product add-ons they want using custom order fields on your WooCommerce site. You can also let them add custom messages or greetings to their card using a text field.
  • Clothing and apparel stores. Clothing and apparel stores can let customers pick from different colours, sizes, fittings, and much more using custom order fields on the order page.
  • Print shops. Prints shops can let their customers upload their images for printing using a custom order field. The Upload custom field lets users upload images or graphics they want to get printed.
  • Customisable greeting cards. Online stores that sell customisable greeting cards can offer additional customisation options using custom order fields. For example, they can choose to have the message handwritten on the card or choose the font in which they want it to be printed.
  • Electronics and computer stores. Electronics and computer stores can display technical information about computer parts using custom order fields. Once the user selects the part, the additional information will be displayed on the front-end.


Creating custom order fields in WooCommerce can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the right tools.

Using a WooCommerce custom order fields plugin like WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is the easiest way to create custom order fields in WooCommerce and add more value to your products.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is incredibly flexible and offers unlimited customisation options for your WooCommerce products. You can use it to encourage more people to buy from your online store and effectively increase your store’s average order value.

Ready to start creating custom order fields on your online store? Get WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate today!

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Restricting Content on WooCommerce using Memberships: A Complete Guide https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-membership-restrict-content/ https://pluginrepublic.com/woocommerce-membership-restrict-content/#comments Fri, 12 Nov 2021 09:35:00 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=1435036 Find out how to restrict content in WooCommerce using memberships the easy way with the WooCommerce Members Only plugin.

The post Restricting Content on WooCommerce using Memberships: A Complete Guide appeared first on Plugin Republic.

Looking for a way to set up a side income through members-only content on your website?

Monetising your website through restricted or exclusive content has great potential. Exclusive products add more value to your membership plans and encourage people to sign up to access the exclusive content.

Content restriction is used by businesses, including affiliate marketers, galleries, agencies, freelancers, and life coaches, to monetise their membership sites.. In addition to this, schools and corporate companies also restrict content to ensure internal content or data is accessed only by authorised users.

This tutorial will show you how to restrict content in WooCommerce – the most widely used ecommerce platform – using the WooCommerce Members Only plugin for WordPress.

How to create a membership site by restricting content

Creating a membership site manually through code can get complicated. Instead, you can use a WordPress membership plugin to set up your membership site.

There are many WordPress membership plugins out there that are easy to use and perfect for setting-up members-only areas on your website.

Let’s quickly take a look at some of the best options available to you:

#1. WooCommerce Members Only

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin offers an all-in-one, scalable solution for building professional membership sites, clubs and societies, wholesale stores, and age-restricted sites on any existing WordPress site.

It’s our #1 choice for protecting content on WooCommerce-powered sites. WooCommerce Members Only lets you automatically create a password page and form when you restrict content using a password. You can later give those passwords to an individual or use unique passwords to let different groups of users access your content.

WooCommerce Members Only

Protect your content and sell members-only products

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The WooCommerce Members Only plugin also lets you restrict content based on the user role or login status, not just passwords. It even lets you restrict specific WooCommerce products by user ID. This gives you full control over how WooCommerce products appear in your store.

You can also direct users to a specific page on your WooCommerce site when they log in. For instance, you can redirect users to the My Account page as soon as they log in.

Similarly, you can choose where to redirect users if they try to access unauthorised content on your WooCommerce store. This way, you can protect your content and encourage customers to subscribe to your membership program to access exclusive content.

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin also lets you hide widgets and menu items from users who aren’t permitted to view your content. In addition to this, it gives you the option to hide private posts, products, and categories from non-members or keep them visible on the front-end but make them inaccessible.

#2. WooCommerce Memberships

WooCommerce Memberships offer robust membership functionality for your WooCommerce site. It lets you create membership plans and assign products to the plan. This way, you can make multiple products available through the same membership plan.

In addition to this, the WooCommerce Memberships plugin also lets you sell memberships as a product on your WooCommerce site. For this, you’ll need to create a dedicated WooCommerce product for your membership plan.

#3. Restrict Content

Restrict Content is a free WordPress content restriction plugin that lets you restrict content on your membership site. This is best suited to users that are relatively new and want to test some basic functions.

Restrict Content lets you restrict content on your site so that only logged-in users can access it. It also lets you restrict entire pages, posts, and custom post types on your WooCommerce site. In addition to this, you can also restrict content partially using shortcodes. This involves surrounding the content you want to restrict with a shortcode. However, it doesn’t offer the suite of features other WooCommerce restrict content plugins do.

Why should you use WooCommerce Members Only to restrict content in WooCommerce?

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin offers a complete suite of features out of the box. This means that you don’t need to use third-party plugins to add functionality to your site.

Here’s what you can expect to get from the WooCommerce Members Only plugin:

Flexible and customisable

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin gives you full control over who has access to your content. It lets you restrict content and customise your WooCommerce products according to your brand requirements.

You can restrict content on your WooCommerce site either by password, user role, or logged-in status. This way, you can offer exclusive or members-only content on your ecommerce site.

Set extensive password options

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin lets you password-protect content on your WooCommerce site. It automatically creates a password form and login page when you set the restriction method to Password.

You can set one or more global passwords that you can hand out to your members. In addition to this, you can also create different passwords for each product, post, or post category on your online store. This way, you can offer exclusive products on your WooCommerce site that only selected people can access.

Customise user role options

You can create custom user roles and specify one or more user roles at a global level on your WooCommerce website. This way, you can allow different user roles to access different products or posts.

Additionally, the WooCommerce Members Only plugin lets you restrict (or enable) payment gateways (like PayPal or Stripe) and shipping methods by user role. You can also set expirations for your memberships.

What else can you do with the WooCommerce Members Only plugin?

Different businesses need to collect different information from members at registration. With WooCommerce Members Only, you can offer members on your site custom registration options.

You can also create user-specific products on your WooCommerce site by restricting access to specific products for specific user IDs. This way, only users with the permitted user ID will be able to access the hidden products or content.

The best part about the WooCommerce Members Only plugin is that it comes built-in with a robust user role editor that’s easy to use. You can create new user roles, duplicate existing ones, and edit user role capabilities. This is great if you’re protecting your content based on user roles.

How to restrict content in WooCommerce using WooCommerce Members Only

Here, we’ll show you how to restrict content in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Members Only plugin.

Step #1. Download and install the WooCommerce Members Only plugin

The first thing you need to do is get the WooCommerce Members Only plugin and install it on your WooCommerce site.

Here’s how:

  1. Purchase a copy of the WooCommerce Members Only plugin. You will receive an email containing a link to the zip file and the license key.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the zip file, navigate to Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin to upload the WooCommerce Members Only plugin to your WooCommerce site.
  3. Click the Install Now button and then click the Activate Plugin button.
  4. Now that the plugin is installed and activated on your WooCommerce site, you need to enter the license key provided in the email at the time of purchase.
  5. Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Members Only to access the plugin’s settings. Click on the License section from the top and enter your key in the text field.
  6. Click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #2. Create your membership plan or product

The next step is to create the membership plan or product you want to sell. You can offer free membership trial products (a 7-day trial period) as a way to incentivise customers to subscribe to your premium membership products.

To do this:

Create a membership plan
  1. Navigate to Products → Add New from the WordPress admin dashboard to create a new membership product.
  2. Enter a name or title for your membership product and set its price. You can also write a short description.
  3. If you want to create multiple membership levels, you can simply add multiple membership products to your WooCommerce site. For instance, you can create three membership levels on your site: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. You can also create a free demo membership plan or product.
  4. Select the user role the customer should have after purchasing the product.
  5. Click the Publish button to save your WooCommerce membership product.

Step #3. Decide who can access your content

It’s important to decide who can access your content, especially if you’re offering a multi-level membership plan.

With the WooCommerce Members Only plugin, you can automatically assign user roles to people when purchasing your membership product. You can also use it to only allow logged-in users access to your content or restrict content based on user roles on your WooCommerce site.

Here’s how you can restrict access to your content using the WooCommerce Members Only plugin:

Grant access to restricted content
  1. Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Members Only to access the plugin’s settings.
  2. Set the Restriction method to User Roles and enter the user roles you want to allow access to in the Permitted User Roles text field.
  3. This will grant access to only logged-in users. They’ll be able to see the price of the membership product and add it to their shopping cart.
  4. Click the Save changes button to continue.

Step #4. Hide parts of your membership site

Now that we’ve created our WooCommerce membership products and restricted them to members-only, we can work on enhancing the user experience.

The first thing you want to do is hide membership products from existing subscribers. This way, only active members will be able to access the products. Here’s how you can do this using the WooCommerce Members Only plugin:

Hide membership site areas
  1. Go to the membership product’s Edit page and scroll down to the Product data section.
  2. Click on the Members Only tab and enter the users you want to hide the product from in the text field next to Hide From User Roles. For instance, we want to hide the Bronze Membership product from all Silver Members. Similarly, you might want to hide the Silver Membership product from all Gold Members.
  3. You also want to assign the Silver Member user role to anyone who purchases the Bronze Membership Plan. Enter the user role in the Assign user roles text field.
  4. Click the Update button to save changes to each membership product.

Here’s what your membership product will look like on your WooCommerce site. Only authorised users will be able to view the price, add the membership product to their cart from the member’s area, and proceed to checkout.

Membership plans for authorised users

On the flip side, non-members will be prompted to log in to see the product price and add it to their cart:

WooCommerce membership restrict content preview


Restricting content on WooCommerce using memberships can be challenging, especially with default WordPress functionality. Ideally, you want to use a WordPress plugin that lets you restrict content on your WooCommerce site and grant membership access to authorised users only.

WooCommerce Members Only

Protect your content and sell members-only products

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The WooCommerce Members Only plugin offers the easiest way to restrict content on your WooCommerce membership site. It lets you restrict access to content based on user roles, passwords, or logged-in status.

Ready to start restricting content on WooCommerce using memberships? Get WooCommerce Members Only today!

The post Restricting Content on WooCommerce using Memberships: A Complete Guide appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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How to move domain without losing SEO or subscription payments https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-move-domain-without-losing-seo-or-subscription-payments/ https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-move-domain-without-losing-seo-or-subscription-payments/#respond Wed, 27 Feb 2019 10:08:02 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=48687 Retain your search rankings and recurring payments

The post How to move domain without losing SEO or subscription payments appeared first on Plugin Republic.

I recently rebranded this website, moving from one domain to a new domain. In doing so, I had three major concerns:

  1. I’d lose all the SEO value I’d built up over the years for the previous domain – and therefore all the traffic I get from search
  2. I’d no longer be able to collect recurring payments for plugins purchased from the site on the old domain
  3. Users would not be able to get automatic updates for new versions of products

This is a step-by-step account of everything I did to ensure that my worst fears weren’t realised.

Why move a site from one domain to another?

In my case, I was rebranding my business from WordPress themes and plugins to one that was focused on just plugins. For this reason, it didn’t make sense to use the old name (Catapult Themes) or the old domain name (catapultthemes.com). So I felt that a move to a new domain was unavoidable.

Essential reading before you make the leap

Maintaining your position in search results

Initially, I wasn’t certain whether it was even possible to move a domain and keep all the SERPs. As it turned out, Google have a process for exactly this. The change of address tool allows you to notify Google through the Search Console that you’re moving your site from one domain to another. Google will help you manage this transition.

I also recommend some further background reading on some of the actions you’ll need to take to ensure that you don’t lose any search engine rankings:

Migrating an Easy Digital Downloads store to a new domain

I use Easy Digital Downloads to sell my products. Customers have a choice of two payment methods: either credit or debit card using the Stripe gateway or through PayPal.

EDD Recurring Payments

In addition, I use the EDD Recurring Payments plugin to take subscription payments. This means that customers pay an annual fee to keep using my plugins.

When I decided that I wanted to move to a new domain, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to take any recurring payments that had been initiated on the old site. Obviously, I don’t want to lose this income.

Software Licensing

To compound matters, I also use the Software Licensing extension to manage users’ licence keys and, crucially, to provide users with automatic updates. I didn’t want any user who had purchased a product from the old site to find they could no longer receive automatic updates.

Covering all these concerns, there is a useful article on the Easy Digital Downloads support on migrating an EDD store to a new domain. This covers how to update your payment gateway’s settings, what to do if you’re using the Recurring Payments extension, and how to manage licences with the Software Licensing plugin.

Moving your domain without losing SEO

I’ve outlined below the steps I took to move my site from one domain to another. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of planning this in advance.

It’s worth reading through these steps before you start any migration, particularly as you’ll need to have some plugins downloaded and ready.

Before migration

This is the process I used to move my site from one domain to a new domain.

Create a new theme

I was rebranding, not just changing name, so I exported my site (see below) then installed it locally. This way, I was able to take my time developing the new theme and testing out any new functionality that I wanted.

Make a list

I kept a record of every change I made on my local version so that I’d be able to implement them on the new site as quickly and efficiently as possible.

When you’re ready with your new theme, it’s time to think about the migration. I planned mine for a Saturday morning because there are fewer visitors to the site then – and it would give me all weekend to fix any problems, should they arise.

The migration process

Once you’re totally prepared to make the move, then it’s time for the migration process itself.

Put the old site into maintenance mode

I wanted to ensure that I was going to export an exact snapshot of the old site. I anticipated the migration taking around an hour or so and I didn’t want any customers coming along and purchasing a plugin from the old site before I’d completed the migration. So I used the Coming Soon plugin to put the site into maintenance mode.

Export the old site

Once the site was in maintenance mode, I used the WP All In One Migration plugin to create an export file. There are several plugins you could use for this, including WP Migrate DB Pro and Duplicator; however, I have found the All In One plugin to be the simplest and least risky.

It’s likely that you’ll need an extension for All In One to account for the size of your export file. I strongly recommend checking this out before you start the migration.

I also recommend doing a dry run for your export / import. You can do this without putting your site into maintenance mode because it’s only a test run. But it will help enormously in finding any configuration issues before you do the real thing.

Import the site to the new domain

Ensure that you’ve installed WordPress, the All In One plugin and the Coming Soon plugin on your new domain. Import your All In One file.

Once imported, you have an exact replica of your old site, now on your new domain. Use the Coming Soon plugin to put the new site into maintenance mode.

Upload your new theme

Once you’ve imported the old version of the site, you can do all your updates to the theme. Because I’d worked on the new theme locally, I had it ready to go along with a list of all the configuration changes I needed to make once it was activated on the new site.

Install any plugins

There were a couple of additional plugins that I needed to install on the new site. Now is the time to do that.

Update payment gateway settings


Using Stripe with EDD, I needed to:


For PayPal:

After the migration

With the migration complete, you can do some testing on the front end to ensure that everything looks and works as expected. If you’re happy, then you can move to the next phase.

Setting 301 redirects

This is a biggie. A 301 redirect will automatically send anyone from your old site to your new site. It’s also a permanent redirection, meaning you can’t take it back.

Remember that once you implement a 301 on your old site, you won’t be able to access the back-end of your old site.

There are a couple of different methods to set your 301 redirect:

  • On the server: if you’re using cPanel, check out this article on setting a 301 redirect.
  • Through your .htaccess file: I used the following conditions in the .htaccess file on the old site to redirect users to the new site:
View this code snippet on GitHub.

Note that, in my case, I was retaining the same permalink structure so I used a ‘wildcard’ redirection. This means that if a user tries to access olddomain.com/this-page they’ll be redirected to newdomain.com/this-page.

A wildcard redirect is the simplest way to do this.

Take the new site out of maintenance mode

With your new site in place and the redirections set up, it’s time to launch. Take the new site out of maintenance mode. Now, anyone going to your old site will get redirected to the corresponding page on your new site.

Using Google’s change of address tool

The biggest step in maintaining your SEO is to tell Google what you’ve done. You do this through their change of address tool. Follow these steps after you’ve created the redirects and you’ve launched your new site:

  • Create a new Google Search Console account for your new site
  • Verify your new site – this will ensure that Google knows about your site and knows that it’s yours
  • Go to the Google Search Console account for your old site
  • Use the change of address tool to specify the address of the new tool
  • Go to the Google Search Console account for your new site
  • Submit a sitemap (if you’re using a plugin like Yoast, this is pretty simple)

How long does a Google change of address take?

Once you’ve notified Google that your site is moving, it will take several days to over a week to fully update its index. Some pages are re-indexed quicker than others.

As far as I could see, there wasn’t a noticeable reduction in traffic or search position for any of my pages. I regularly checked certain search terms to see which site appeared in the results. Sometimes it was still the old site (which was fine because any user was just redirected to the new site anyway); sometimes it was the new site. After about a week, it looked like all the pages had been re-indexed.

After you’ve moved domain

After migrating to a new domain and notifying Google of the change of address, I took some further actions.

I recommend installing a plugin like Broken Link Checker. Use this to check whether any internal or external links on your site are broken.

Even though all incoming links will be redirected to your new site, I think it’s worth contacting external sites that link to you and asking them to update their links and references to your site name.

Monitor 404s

Use Search Console to monitor any 404s. This is a good indicator of any broken incoming links. When you find one, either contact the owner of the site sending the broken link or install a redirection plugin.

Keep the old domain

Don’t be tempted to let the old domain name lapse. You need it to ensure that all your old links still get redirected to your new site. So when the time comes, you’ll need to keep renewing the domain indefinitely.

Update your Google Analytics account

You can also update your Analytics account by changing the property name and address. This way you can continue to track search traffic on the same account, allowing you to easily see any differences since the migration.

Moving your site from one domain to another

This process is pretty involved and takes a lot of advance planning. The migration process itself should be fairly painless but, I think, it’s important to keep monitoring your site after the migration to ensure you’re not losing out on any traffic.

There’s a more in-depth article on moving domain on Kinsta’s blog which is worth checking out if you’re looking to go into more detail on some of the specifics.

Otherwise, if you’ve found this article useful, please take a look at some of the WordPress plugins I offer on this site.

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How to add an input field to WooCommerce cart items https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-add-an-input-field-to-woocommerce-cart-items/ https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-add-an-input-field-to-woocommerce-cart-items/#comments Tue, 19 Feb 2019 16:05:54 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=47096 Let users update input fields in the cart

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This is a simple method to add a text input field to each WooCommerce cart item. Customers can enter text into the field which will be saved as meta data to the cart item – so you will receive it with the order.

Add a textarea field to a WooCommerce cart item

First, we just need to add the textarea field. We use the woocommerce_after_cart_item_name hook so our textarea will appear after the product name.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

You can see below how it’ll look in the cart (using the Storefront theme).

WooCommerce cart item textarea

At the moment, the user will be able to enter text into the field but the text won’t save. We are going to use some AJAX to save the text.

The code above not only adds the textarea to the cart item, it also enqueues a JavaScript file ready for our AJAX.

It’s assumed that you’re using the code on this page to create a new plugin. If so, you should create a new JS file with the code below and place the file in the root directory of your plugin.

However, if you’ve added the PHP above to your theme functions.php or as a snippet on your site, you’ll need to change the location of the JS file by updating line 21 of the snippet above to identify the location of the JS file.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Now, when the user types anything, the contents of the text field get sent back to the server ready to be saved as meta data to the cart item.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

The prefix_update_cart_notes function does a security check using the WooCommerce cart nonce then saves the content of the textarea as meta data in the cart item. You can check out this article for more information about updating cart meta for items that have already been added to the cart.

Add the custom text to the order meta

Finally, we want to pass our meta data to the order so that we can use it after the customer has checked out. The prefix_checkout_create_order_line_item function takes care of that, iterating through each item and saving notes when it finds them.

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Create a popular posts shortcode in WordPress https://pluginrepublic.com/create-a-popular-posts-shortcode-in-wordpress/ https://pluginrepublic.com/create-a-popular-posts-shortcode-in-wordpress/#respond Sun, 30 Sep 2018 13:01:43 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=20811 Display the most popular posts on your site by comment count

The post Create a popular posts shortcode in WordPress appeared first on Plugin Republic.

This is a useful way to display popular posts on your blog to encourage users to read more articles rather than just bounce away.

The purpose of this shortcode is to display the three most popular posts on your blog. Popularity in this case is measured by the number of comments. I felt that comments were a better indicator of engagement than simple page views.

Note that the query gets the four most popular posts – just in case the current post is popular.

Rather than running the query every time the page loads, the query results are stored in a transient which is updated weekly. The code is being used on this site as part of the Showcase theme so some of the class names are specific to that theme.

The shortcode outputs the featured image, title and a link to the article. It shouldn’t take too much work to add the excerpt or any other content that you might want.

Here’s the code in its entirety:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

And just take a look below to see it in action:

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