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WooCommerce lets you add your own custom cart item data. This article is your ultimate guide to two filters – woocommerce_add_cart_item_data and woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation – and how you can use them to validate custom fields and then add the data to the cart and the order.

How to add WooCommerce custom cart item data

I’m going to walk through two methods for adding WooCommerce custom cart item meta:

We’ll create an example scenario and you can view a working demo product.

But first, let’s check out method one – adding cart item data with a plugin.

Method 1: Add WooCommerce custom cart item data using a plugin

There are a couple of big reasons why you might prefer to use a plugin to add custom meta data:

  • Maybe you’re not a developer, and you’re not comfortable working with code
  • Even if you are a developer, you could be short of time – so using a ready-made plugin makes sense
  • Whether you are a developer or not, a plugin will contain multiple features that you won’t have time to create

I’m going to step through adding a custom text field to a product using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

We’ll look at how you extend this plugins functionality with some powerful extra features, like:

We’ll look at all the extra features that are available with the text field, but remember that the plugin has at least another 15 field types, plus multiple other features! Find out more about the Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin here, or read on for steps to add a text field.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

Adding a text field using a plugin

Let’s assume you’ve got the Product Add-Ons plugin installed and set up. If you need some guidance on getting started, you can check out the documentation.

Add your custom field by editing your product, then clicking Product Add-Ons in the Product data section.

WooCommerce Product Add Ons Ultimate panel

Click Add Group then Add Field and set your parameters like the image below:

That’s it. In less than a minute, you can achieve exactly the same result as all the code in the latter part of this article. Plus, you save a lot of time and effort that might’ve otherwise gone into coding and troubleshooting.

But it doesn’t stop there. Let’s look at some of the additional features you get from the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

Text field extra options

Please note that many of these extra settings are available to other field types as well. We’re just concentrating on the text field as part of this article.

You can see a demo product with many of the features below here.

Adding a price to custom meta data

One of the biggest things you might want to do is to assign a price to your custom meta data field. So if the customer enters their name, an extra cost will get added to the product price.

To do this – just enter the additional price in the ‘Field Price’ field. This will get added to the product price when the user enters a value in the field.

Field price

Defining a minimum or maximum number of characters in a text field

If you would like to set a minimum and/or maximum number of characters that the user can enter in the field, just add values to the ‘Min Chars’ and ‘Max Chars’ fields.

The user will be prevented from entering too many characters and the product will fail validation when the user clicks Add to Cart.

Add minimum or maximum number of characters to text field

Charging a price per character in WooCommerce

Depending on your print or engraving costs, you might want to charge a price per character for your custom field. Select the ‘Price Per Character’ checkbox to multiply the number of characters by the field price.

WooCommerce text field price per character

Charging per character but allowing some free characters

If you’ve got the ‘Price Per Character’ field enabled, you might want to let your customers enter some free characters before you start charging them. Just enter a figure in the ‘Free Chars’ field.

Alphanumeric characters

There are a couple of options for the use of alphanumeric characters. If you wish, you can restrict the input to alphanumeric characters only. Secondly, you could allow non-alphanumeric characters (like spaces or punctuation) but only charge for alphanumeric.

Charging custom meta data as a fixed fee

By default, the field price that you set will get charged for each item that the user adds to the cart. So if they add a quantity of 5 items, the price for the custom field will get multiplied by 5.

But if you prefer to only charge a fee once, select the ‘Flat Rate’ checkbox.

Charging a percentage of product price

If you would like to charge for your custom meta data as a percentage of the product price, check the ‘Percentage?’ field. Then the value you’ve entered in the ‘Field Price’ will be used as the percentage value.

Setting a default value for custom meta data in WooCommerce

You can choose to set a default for your custom meta field so that the field will already contain a value. Just enter the value in the ‘Default’ field.

Displaying custom meta data using conditional logic

You might want to make the custom data field available to your users only under certain circumstances. You can do this using conditional logic, and we’ve provided a guide on how to set up conditional logic for custom fields.

Bonus: Create a custom product bundle

Lastly, you might want to create a grouped product bundle to sell more products! Your bundle could be a kit, build-your-own-box, gift hamper, or even a subscription. You can easily create a custom product bundle by creating a product (as you normally would in WooCommerce) and then using Product Addons to create a group, set a total price, add “child products” (which are essentially your composite products), add a discount, and display the bundle as you’d like.

Find the detailed steps in our guide here: how to create WooCommerce product bundles.

Related Tutorial
Find out more about extra product options in WooCommerce.

Method 2: Adding and validating cart item data using the code woocommerce_add_ cart_item_data and woocommerce_add_ to_cart_validation

In this section, we’ll look at adding custom fields to WooCommerce products without a plugin.

We’ll concentrate on adding meta data from a single field, all the way from the product page to the new order email.

In total, we’ll cover the following:

Add a custom field to the product page

Let’s say that we are running an online printing business and we’re offering customers the chance to have their name printed on one of our posters.

WooCommerce add custom cart item data using woocommerce_add_cart_item_data

To achieve this, we’ll need to add a text field on the product page where the user will be able to enter their name.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Note that we are inserting our field using an action – woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button. As you might guess from its name, this action is triggered just before the ‘Add to Cart’ button is displayed on the product page.

If you’re wondering what this means, here’s a brief explanation of actions and filters in WordPress.

Understanding hooks, actions and filters

Hooks are WordPress’s way of allowing you, the developer, to insert your own code into WordPress code. WooCommerce contains hundreds of places that you can hook into, making it a really flexible plugin to extend with custom functionality.

There are two types of hook: actions and filters. Actions are convenient ways to add functionality; filters are a way of modifying content.

We’ll look at both types of hook during this article but, for now, it’s enough to know that hooks are a way of inserting your own functionality into a plugin like WooCommerce or to WordPress itself.

The woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button action

Take a look at the WooCommerce template file for a simple product:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

If you look at line 33, you can see the woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button, just before the code to display the quantity field and the Add to Cart button.

Add a custom field after the Add to Cart button

If we wanted to change our field’s position so that it appears after the Add to Cart button, we can replace the woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button action with woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button.

Note that both these hooks appear within the <form> element. This is important for us when we’re adding the custom field value to the cart object.

Validating the custom field data

So far so good, hopefully. Now let’s look at what happens when the customer clicks the Add to Cart button.

When the users clicks Add to Cart, the data from the product form is submitted to the server. This data would normally include things like the product ID and the quantity but, because we’ve added our field, it will also submit the field’s value as custom data.

All this data is passed through a couple of WooCommerce hooks, which allows us to check our field’s content, then add it to the order.

Validating custom field data with woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation

Let’s say that we require the customer to enter their name in the custom field – otherwise they won’t be able to add the product to the cart.

We can enforce this by using validation – that is, we check the value of the custom field when the product is added to the cart. If it’s empty, then we fail validation. We do this using the woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation hook.

Earlier on, we talked about two types of hook – filters and actions. The woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation hook is a filter: it’s passed a parameter, which we can modify if we want, before that parameter is passed back.

In the case of woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation, the parameter is called $passed, and it can be either true or false. If it’s passed back as true, then the product will be added to the cart and we can move on to the next step. But if it’s passed back as false, the product won’t be added to the cart and we can display an error message.

Here’s our validation function:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Okay, there are a few things to note here:

woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation parameters

We are passing 4 parameters in total to our custom validation function:

  • $passed – this is a boolean (true/false) value which is used to decide whether the product has passed validation or not
  • $product_id – the ID of the product
  • $quantity – this is the quantity
  • $variation_id – this parameter will only have a value if we’re on a variable product

Using the $_POST object in validation

When the Add to Cart button is submitted, all the form data is sent to the server and collected by the $_POST object.

This means that we can look in the $_POST object for our custom field value. So, the function checks to see if the field called pr-field is empty. If it is, we change the value of $passed to false.

Adding a notice when validation fails

If the custom field is empty and validation is going to fail, we should probably add a nice message to the user telling them what’s wrong. We can do that using the wc_add_notice function.

The first parameter is the error message that will display; the second parameter is the type of message.

Returning the $passed parameter

Finally, because woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation is a filter, we need to return the $passed parameter. If validation has passed, the value of $passed won’t have changed. But if validation has failed because the user didn’t enter their name, then the value of $passed will be false.

WooCommerce product failed validation using woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation

Adding the custom field data in WooCommerce

Now we’re getting down to the main business – how to add the WooCommerce custom cart meta data.

If the product has passed validation, we want to add the custom field data to the cart meta data. Once it’s in the cart meta data, we can then use it at checkout and in the order once it’s placed.

The woocommerce_add_cart_item_data filter

We’re using woocommerce_add_cart_item_data, another filter, to add the custom cart item data. Take a look at the following function:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

This time, the woocommerce_add_cart_item_data passes $cart_item_data, which is an array of data for each item in the cart. We can add our data to this array then pass it back to WooCommerce.

Notice again that we’re using the $_POST object to collect our custom data. We also use sanitize_text_field to sanitise the user input. We add our sanitised data to the $cart_item_data array. We’re going to be able to use that later.

Purchasing the same product multiple times

What happens if your customer wants to buy two items – one with their name, the other with a friend’s name?

WooCommerce will realise that the custom data is different in each case and will create separate line items in the cart.

On the other hand, if your customer adds the same product with the same custom text twice, WooCommerce will display them as a single line item with a quantity of 2.

Display the custom WooCommerce meta data in the cart

With our custom meta data successfully stored in the $cart_item_data object, we can display it in the cart.

Custom WooCommerce meta data in the cart

The woocommerce_get_item_data filter

To display the custom data in the cart, we’re going to use another filter, this time the woocommerce_get_item_data filter. You can see it in the following function:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Here we see a parameter, $item_data, where we store data for each line item in the cart. The second parameter is $cart_item_data, where we’ve already stored our custom field value.

So all we need to do is transfer the custom field value from the $cart_item_data array to the $item_data array. We format it slightly differently, assigning the label we want to use in the cart to the ‘key’ element. Then the value of the field itself is assigned to the ‘value’ element.

Updating existing cart meta

The above works perfectly when the customer is adding a new product to the cart. But what about updating custom meta data for an item that is already in the cart? To do that, you need to take a look at this article on updating existing WooCommerce cart meta data.

Add the custom cart meta data to the WooCommerce order

Custom meta data is only really going to be useful for us if we can retrieve it from the order.

To help us with this, we use an action called woocommerce_checkout_create_order_line_item which allows us to update line items as they’re saved to the order.

Note that this is an action, not a filter, as it doesn’t return a value.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Again, this allows you to set a label – the first parameter passed to add_meta_data – then add the value of the custom field. The $values parameter is product data from the cart. We check that to see if our custom field has been set and, if it has, we pass the value to the $item array to be saved in the order meta.

Viewing custom meta data on the order review page

You can see how this is displayed on the order review page after the user has checked out.

WooCommerce custom meta data order received page

Viewing custom meta data in the order admin page

The function above also ensures that the custom meta data is displayed on the order page in the admin.

Custom meta data in WooCommerce order screen admin

Adding WooCommerce custom meta data to emails

Finally, you will probably want to add your custom meta data to the emails that get sent to you as the admin receiving the order, and to the customer as a record of their order.

To do this, we filter the name of the product as it appears in the line items in the email. We add our custom field values:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

There are two parameters – the first is the HTML for the product name, the second is the data for the line item. We check the line data for our custom field and, if it exists, we append it to the product name.

Admin order email
Customer email

In that way, you’ve easily added your custom field data to the email.

Programmatically adding custom meta data to the cart in WooCommerce – recap

Okay, hopefully you’ve now got everything you need to know about how to add custom data to the WooCommerce cart.

I’m now going to show you a way that you can get all this done in only a few seconds.

Adding WooCommerce custom cart item data – final thoughts

Hopefully this article has been comprehensive enough to give you everything you need to know about adding custom cart item data in WooCommerce.

We looked at how to do it programmatically; and we looked at how to do it with a plugin, plus some of the advantages of doing it this.

Take a look at the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin for more information about everything you can do with this plugin.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

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Prevent widget from displaying programmatically Thu, 13 Dec 2018 17:13:35 +0000 Choose who can see which widgets

The post Prevent widget from displaying programmatically appeared first on Plugin Republic.

While developing the WooCommerce Members Only plugin, I wanted a way to ensure that widgets were only available for certain users. You can do this using the widget_display_callback filter – just return false to prevent the widget content from being rendered.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

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How to update existing WooCommerce cart meta data Thu, 06 Dec 2018 12:08:11 +0000 Change the meta data for items that have already been added to the cart

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Here’s the situtation: you’d like to update the meta data for items that have already been added to the cart. Updating meta data before or as an item is added to the cart is simple, you’d use the woocommerce_add_cart_item_data filter. But to update items that are already in the cart is trickier. Here’s how:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

First, you get the contents of the cart then you iterate through each item. Amend or add the meta data as required, then update the cart item using the cart item key.

When you’ve finished, you need to reset the WooCommerce session with the updated data.

That’s it.

If you’d like to know more about adding custom item meta data to the WooCommerce cart, check out this article.

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How to get products associated with a subscription in WooCommerce Mon, 05 Nov 2018 10:03:32 +0000 A short snippet to get the product object from a WooCommerce subscription object

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This is the scenario: you’ve got a WooCommerce subscription and you’d like to find what products comprise the subscription. You can use the following piece of code:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

If you need to, you can use a different hook – you just need one that will pass the subscription object or ID.

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Querying WooCommerce orders Tue, 09 Oct 2018 14:42:22 +0000 How to get order, product and customer details from a WooCommerce order

The post Querying WooCommerce orders appeared first on Plugin Republic.

I recently discovered WC_Order_Query, which is essentially WooCommerce’s version of WP_Query but specifically for orders.

Here’s an example of how to query completed orders by date:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

It follows a similar structure to WP_Query. Note that I’ve just requested the IDs, in order to make the query a lot lighter, and the very neat and easy way to query between dates. There is a fuller list of parameters on the WooCommerce Github wiki page.

Get customer details from a WooCommerce order

Once you’ve got your order, you probably want to extract some data. Using the order number, create an $order object, then use get_user_id to obtain the customer’s user ID:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Get billing details from WooCommerce order

If you want to grab useful information like the customer’s email, phone number, name, address, etc, you can do it just using the $order object:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

As you can see, WooCommerce has a load of simple methods to return useful customer information.


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Create a popular posts shortcode in WordPress Sun, 30 Sep 2018 13:01:43 +0000 Display the most popular posts on your site by comment count

The post Create a popular posts shortcode in WordPress appeared first on Plugin Republic.

This is a useful way to display popular posts on your blog to encourage users to read more articles rather than just bounce away.

The purpose of this shortcode is to display the three most popular posts on your blog. Popularity in this case is measured by the number of comments. I felt that comments were a better indicator of engagement than simple page views.

Note that the query gets the four most popular posts – just in case the current post is popular.

Rather than running the query every time the page loads, the query results are stored in a transient which is updated weekly. The code is being used on this site as part of the Showcase theme so some of the class names are specific to that theme.

The shortcode outputs the featured image, title and a link to the article. It shouldn’t take too much work to add the excerpt or any other content that you might want.

Here’s the code in its entirety:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

And just take a look below to see it in action:

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How to change position of ‘Add to Wishlist’ button in WooCommerce Wishlists Tue, 11 Sep 2018 12:11:53 +0000 Move the button anywhere in the single product template

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If you’re using WooCommerce Wishlists, you might want to change the position of the ‘Add to Wishlist’ button in the single product template.

To do this, you just use the woocommerce_wishlists_template_location filter:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Just substitute whichever hook you want to call the button on.

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Override WooCommerce template from your plugin Wed, 08 Aug 2018 14:14:32 +0000 How to include a WooCommerce template file in your plugin

The post Override WooCommerce template from your plugin appeared first on Plugin Republic.

While doing some custom work for a client, I found that I needed to override a WooCommerce template from within a plugin. The client wanted to add some additional columns to the cart table and, as the WooCommerce cart.php template is not as hookable as most of the rest of WooCommerce, the only option was to override the template.

The normal way to do this is to include your new template file in the child theme. Usually this would be absolutely fine but in this instance the client wasn’t using a child theme and switching to one would have meant laboriously updating the theme settings. So the alternative was to include a version of cart.php within the plugin I was developing.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

All we do is use the woocommerce_locate_template filter, check the name of the template – in this case cart.php – and replace the template path with a path to our own file.

Note that this code uses plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) to generate the path to the file, so you’ll need to fire this function from the plugin’s root directory.

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How to add a custom field to a WooCommerce Subscriptions variation product Sun, 10 Jun 2018 14:30:10 +0000 Adding and saving custom fields in variable subscription products

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There may come a time in your life when you’re working with WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions and you realise that you need to add a custom field to a variable subscription product. You can do this two ways – the easy way with a plugin, the harder way with some custom code. I’ll show both methods.

By the way, you can also take a look at this article on adding custom fields to WooCommerce variations.

Add custom fields to WooCommerce subscriptions with a plugin

All you need for this method is the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. This will allow you to add all kinds of custom field to your subscription product, including:

  • Checkboxes
  • Checkbox groups
  • Child products
  • Custom prices (name your own price)
  • Date pickers
  • File uploads
  • Image swatches
  • Number fields
  • Radio buttons
  • Text fields
  • Textareas

Check out the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin for more information.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

Add a custom field to a subscription product programmatically

We are going to add a custom text field to a variable subscription product and save it. The code below is everything you need.

View this code snippet on GitHub.

Displaying the custom field

The function prefix_display_fields will output the field. Note that the $loop parameter is used to keep track of which variation is being displayed. The function is hooked to the woocommerce_variable_subscription_pricing action.

Saving the custom field value

Having output the field, we now want to save any values entered. The prefix_save_product_variation function accomplishes this by hooking to the woocommerce_save_product_variation action. Note that the $index parameter is used here to identify which variation is being saved.

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Redirect WooCommerce log-in form Tue, 15 May 2018 17:25:21 +0000 How to set conditional redirects from your WooCommerce log-in form

The post Redirect WooCommerce log-in form appeared first on Plugin Republic.

I started researching how to redirect the user after they log in through the WooCommerce log-in form after I’d embedded the woocommerce_my_account shortcode in a project and users were being directed off to the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php url. Clearly this wasn’t good.

Anyhow, you can filter the page to redirect users off like this:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

So that redirects users to the home page after logging in. You could send them to any page you liked – here is how to get some useful WooCommerce page urls, including the Shop, Cart and Checkout page urls:

If you want to know how to ensure you don’t hit the admin-ajax.php page, you can do this:

View this code snippet on GitHub.

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