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I have a personal dislike for list posts – you know the kind of thing, just cut-and-pasted round-ups of the ’20 top this’ or the ’10 top that’. They’re easily compiled articles that (as far as I can see) have very little value for the reader. However, I feel that this post is somewhat different.

The findings here are all based on hard facts. Over the last few months, I’ve collected extensive data on over 40,000 websites. All the websites have been active this year (they’re not just dead and abandoned sites from way back) and the analysis has been interesting in several respects.

In this post, I can reveal:

  • The 20 most popular active plugins
  • The 20 most popular active WordPress themes

Note that the stats here are not for the most frequently downloaded plugins or themes, and they’re not based on any data supplied by the theme or plugin directories. All the figures here are representative of products actually in use on websites. There’s more information on how this data was collected at the bottom of the post. But first, here’s a list.

Based on data gathered between 1 March 2017 and 7 December 2017 on just over 42,600 websites, the 20 most popular plugins active on WordPress sites are:

Plugin No. sites % sites
Contact Form 7 19924 46.77
Yoast SEO 19246 45.18
Akismet 11561 27.14
Revolution Slider 7765 18.23
WooCommerce 7189 16.87
Jetpack 7104 16.67
Visual Composer 7053 16.56
WordFence 6113 14.35
Wordpress Importer 6024 14.14
Tinymce Advanced 5227 12.27
Monster Insights 5081 11.93
Duplicate Post 4568 10.72
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP 4356 10.22
WP Super Cache 4198 9.85
Updraft Plus 4137 9.71
All In One SEO Pack 4106 9.64
WP Smushit 3495 8.2
Regenerate Thumbnails 3479 8.17
Google Sitemap Generator 3364 7.9
Limit Login Attempts 3266 7.67

Top 20 active plugins 2017

Some thoughts on this list

Contact Form 7 appears on nearly 50% of all WordPress sites

Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7’s popularity seems staggering at first – however, there are a number of reasons to account for it:

  • CF7 was first released 10 years ago (when WordPress was on version 2.2)
  • It’s been actively developed and supported since then (by Takayuki Miyoshi)
  • It’s a popular plugin with theme developers: many themes, including some of the big hitters on Theme Forest, recommend CF7

According to the plugin directory, CF7 has been downloaded over 66 million times. Wow.

Least surprising fact

Probably the least surprising fact here is that there’s a high proportion of SEO and analytic plugins. It’s to be expected. Yoast is the most popular SEO plugin, but Monster Insights, All In One SEO, GADWP, and Google Sitemap Generator all appear in the top 20. That’s a lot of people doing a lot of SEO.

People care more about SEO than security

Five of the top 20 plugins are SEO or analytic based. Only two, WordFence and Limit Login Attempts, are concerned with keeping your installation secure. Hmm.

Most popular caching plugin

WP Super Cache is the only caching plugin on the list. It’s no particular surprise that it’s the most popular, given that WP Super Cache is an Automattic plugin and is visible on the Featured plugins page of every WordPress installation. This gives it a huge advantage over its competition.

The most popular commercial plugins

If you’ve ever looked at a theme on Theme Forest, then you won’t be surprised by this list’s finding that Revolution Slider and Visual Composer are the most popular commercial plugins. They come bundled with a huge number of Theme Forest themes.

WooCommerce is the fifth most popular plugin

WooCommerce’s popularity means that over 16% of WordPress sites have ecommerce functionality.

Biggest surprise?

For me, the biggest surprise on this list is Duplicate Post. It just goes to show the value of small scale utility plugins that do one job well.

Duplicate post plugin

Based on the same data as above, the 20 most popular WordPress themes are:

Theme No. sites % sites
Divi 1955 4.65%
Twenty Seventeen 1274 3.03%
Avada 905 2.15%
Enfold 447 1.06%
Betheme 394 0.94%
Newspaper 330 0.79%
Avada Child 327 0.78%
Sydney 321 0.76%
Twenty Sixteen 299 0.71%
Storefront 271 0.64%
Customizr 257 0.61%
Twenty Fifteen 238 0.57%
Bridge 228 0.54%
Divi Child 226 0.54%
GeneratePress 226 0.54%
ColorMag 223 0.53%
The7 198 0.47%
Zerif Lite 190 0.45%
Salient 185 0.44%
Canvas 183 0.44%

Top 20 WordPress themes 2017

Thoughts on the theme list

  • The list is dominated by multipurpose, all-singing, all-dancing themes like Divi, Avada, Total
  • By my reckoning, there’s roughly a 50/50 split between Theme Forest themes and free themes from the WordPress themes directory
  • The standout exception to the 50/50 split is Divi, the most popular WordPress theme and, as far as I can tell, the only theme in this list that is available direct from its developers, not from a directory or marketplace
  • After the first three or four themes, the field levels out quickly – there’s a long long tail to this list
  • Sydney is the most popular WordPress theme available on the WordPress theme directory (excluding Twenty Seventeen and other default WordPress themes).Sydney WordPress theme
  • Zerif Lite comes in at 18th – a respectable position given its issues this yearZerif Lite theme

What does all this mean?

Erm, well, that’s a good question.

For one thing, the lists prove the dominance of the giant multipurpose themes. Personally, I’d like to see an end to their popularity – though I don’t expect this any time soon.

I think the popularity of page builders in both lists shows a certain disregard for WordPress standards and/or a dissatisfaction with WordPress capabilities.

What affect will Gutenberg will have on the WordPress economy over the next couple of years? Not much, I think, where the big themes are concerned. They have their own page builders and I think will probably be immune from Gutenberg for a while, unless a killer theme based around Gutenberg emerges.

It will be interesting to see if and how Automattic plans to give its own products greater prominence in plugin and theme directories and the effects this will have on smaller theme and plugin shops. You should read this article for more discussion on the impact of Gutenberg on the WP economy.

I plan to do another of these posts in around 6 months time. It will be interesting to see if any trends start to emerge.

How was this data collected?

This data is captured through Wisdom from sites that have one or more of my plugins installed.

By far the most used of the plugins is Cookie Consent, which accounts for over 30,000 of the tracked sites. This might mean that results are skewed towards European sites: Cookie Consent adds one of those notification bars telling visitors that your site uses cookies and therefore tends to be used by sites based in EU countries. Although there might be some regional differences, I suspect that being a bit Euro-centric isn’t really affecting these results too much and that this sample is fairly representative of WordPress sites worldwide.

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How to filter custom post type by meta field https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-filter-custom-post-type-by-meta-field/ https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-filter-custom-post-type-by-meta-field/#comments Sun, 06 Aug 2017 15:53:26 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=2692 Adding a dropdown list to filter the admin columns view

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By default, WordPress allows you to filter posts and pages by a couple of different parameters: namely, by publication and by category. Let’s say though that you’ve added a new meta field to your post or you’ve even created a whole new post type with all kinds of new meta fields. It would be nice to be able to filter your post type by one or more of those meta fields.

Standard filters on posts

What is a meta field?

Yes, good question. A meta field is a piece of custom data in addition to the main post content. For example, you’ve got a custom post type called ‘Book’ and you’ve created a meta field called ‘Genre’ where you can define each book’s genre.

I am assuming that you already know how to add meta boxes and meta fields to your content. If not, there’s some more information at https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_meta_box/ and you don’t have to look very far for a number of different libraries and tools that will allow you to create the necessary code quickly and easily.

In my Wisdom plugin, I use a lot of different meta fields to store data about tracked websites. Wisdom is a plugin for plugin developers – you add a code snippet to your plugin and it will send back data about every site that uses that plugin. Every site is saved as a custom post type and typical meta fields include the plugin slug, the site name where the plugin is being used, the status of the plugin, and so on.

As data started to build up for the plugins I was tracking, I found I needed a way to filter the list of tracked sites according to what plugins were installed: for example, if I just wanted to view sites that had the Discussion Board Pro plugin installed.

Adding a custom filter dropdown

The first step in creating the custom filter is to build a new select field, or dropdown box, that contains all the possible values for the meta field. This is done via the restrict_manage_posts filter:

 * Filter slugs
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @return void
function wisdom_filter_tracked_plugins() {
  global $typenow;
  global $wp_query;
    if ( $typenow == 'tracked-plugin' ) { // Your custom post type slug
      $plugins = array( 'uk-cookie-consent', 'wp-discussion-board', 'discussion-board-pro' ); // Options for the filter select field
      $current_plugin = '';
      if( isset( $_GET['slug'] ) ) {
        $current_plugin = $_GET['slug']; // Check if option has been selected
      } ?>
      <select name="slug" id="slug">
        <option value="all" <?php selected( 'all', $current_plugin ); ?>><?php _e( 'All', 'wisdom-plugin' ); ?></option>
        <?php foreach( $plugins as $key=>$value ) { ?>
          <option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>" <?php selected( $key, $current_plugin ); ?>><?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?></option>
        <?php } ?>
  <?php }
add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', 'wisdom_filter_tracked_plugins' );

There are some important things to note in this code:

  • Firstly, note that the slug for my custom post type is tracked-plugin. You’ll need to update this to match the slug for your custom post type.
  • The $plugins array is where I’m putting the values that will appear in the dropdown filter. I’ve created the $plugins array artificially – by manually populating it with the slugs of some of the plugins I’m tracking. If you are modifying this code for your own use, you’ll have to create your own array with the values of the meta field you want to filter. The best way to do this might be to run a custom query on the meta field to grab all the possible values then populate the array.
  • We check for the slug parameter in the URL. Again, you’ll need to change this parameter to one that matches the name of your meta field.
  • We create a select field with a name that matches the $_GET parameter we checked, in this case slug.
  • The first option is ‘all’, which means no filtering takes place and all posts are returned
  • Then we iterate through the $plugins array to create an option for each of the values in $plugins. We use the selected method to check if the option matches the $current_plugin parameter so that the correct option is displayed in the dropdown after the page reloads

The result should look something like this:

Updating the query

The second stage of the process uses the parse_query filter to update the query:

 * Update query
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @return void
function wisdom_sort_plugins_by_slug( $query ) {
  global $pagenow;
  // Get the post type
  $post_type = isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ? $_GET['post_type'] : '';
  if ( is_admin() && $pagenow=='edit.php' && $post_type == 'tracked-plugin' && isset( $_GET['slug'] ) && $_GET['slug'] !='all' ) {
    $query->query_vars['meta_key'] = 'wisdom_plugin_slug';
    $query->query_vars['meta_value'] = $_GET['slug'];
    $query->query_vars['meta_compare'] = '=';
add_filter( 'parse_query', 'wisdom_sort_plugins_by_slug' );

This function contains quite a long conditional statement that checks the following:

  • Are we in an admin page
  • Is the current page edit.php
  • Is the post type correct, i.e. tracked-plugin
  • Has the slug parameter been set

If all these conditions are met, it modifies the query using a meta query. The parameters are:

  • meta_key – this should be the name of the meta field you are filtering on
  • meta_value – this is the value you’re going to use in the filter. This should match the name of your select field.
  • meta_compare – only return results that equal the specified meta_value

For more information about meta queries, you can take a look at this article.

Now, with the two functions added and up and running, you can filter on your meta field:

Final thoughts

Hopefully, this should be a pretty simple way to add a new filter dropdown to your custom post type. Remember, it only really makes sense to do this if your meta field has a relatively small number of possible values.

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How to handle large queries in WordPress https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-handle-large-queries-in-wordpress/ https://pluginrepublic.com/how-to-handle-large-queries-in-wordpress/#comments Sun, 30 Jul 2017 08:16:10 +0000 https://pluginrepublic.com/?p=2639 Using AJAX to run WP_Query in batches

The post How to handle large queries in WordPress appeared first on Plugin Republic.

Do you sometimes want to see your code fail? Sometimes I write a piece of code and think: it would be much interesting now if this broke, so then I’d have to dig down and find out why.

I made an update to Wisdom recently to improve the performance of the reporting. As I’ve been gathering data with the plugin for several months now, the queries are getting far too big. Running a query which includes over 20,000 posts is likely to cause issues with most servers so I started looking for more efficient ways of doing things.

I’d done some research on batch processing WordPress queries and how best to cache or store the results. But before trying anything out, I tried something quick and easy, which I thought might work. Strangely though, as it was loading I found myself hoping that it wouldn’t work. I wanted it to fail. Why?

The answer is that I like tinkering with stuff. For some weird reason, I was actually looking forward to playing around with batch processing so I would be disappointed if my quick and easy method was successful. Watching the spinner on the reload button rotate while the query was running, I knew that if it succeeded I could spend the day doing something fruitful and worthwhile.

Fortunately, it failed. Unfortunately, I spent longer than just the rest of the day devising a method that worked.

One solution for working with large queries

The title of this post tends to imply that it provides all the answers, a definitive how-to guide to working with massive queries in WordPress. It’s certainly not that. I think you could equally add a question mark to the end of the title. What I’ve written up here is only one way to work with large query results – there are alternative methods, I’m sure, and probably better ones.

The method I settled on uses AJAX to break the query up into more manageable parts, say querying 1000 posts at a time instead of all 25,000. I found this article by Pippin Williamson on batch processing export data, which was extremely useful and I based my initial code on it. I extended and modified it in a couple of ways, finding ways to slim down the query and using transients to store data. I also looked at Thomas Griffin’s article on handling and retrieving data.

The standard WP_Query

In almost all normal situations, a query like the following is going to work fine. This is the kind of query you’d use to display custom post types on a page or in a widget:

$args = array(
  'post_type'  => 'my-post-type',
  'posts_per_page'  => 10,
$new_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $new_query->have_posts() ) {
  while( $new_query->have_posts() ) :
    // Do things here with the query

In almost all cases, that query is going to be ideal for what you need. However, I wanted to be able to query tens of thousands of posts – data on all the sites being tracked by Wisdom – in order to transform that data into reports. And I found that at that size of query I was starting to see out of memory issues.

Only return post IDs

The first change I made was to use the return fields parameter in the basic query:

$args = array( 
  'post_type' => 'tracked-plugin',
  'posts_per_page' => -1,
  'fields' => 'ids',
  'post_status' => 'publish'

Note the 'fields' => 'ids' parameter? This hugely reduces the size of data returned by the query, by only returning the IDs of the posts and not the rest of the post data. Immediately, this meant that queries were no longer timing out, now they were completing successfully. The only problem was that they didn’t contain any of the data I wanted.

What data did I need?

I mentioned that this was part of an update to Wisdom, which is a plugin that allows plugin developers to track how their plugins are being used. It returns data on each plugin user’s site and environment, lets you see what options have been set in your plugin and what other plugins are being used. It presents this data in charts.

All the data is saved in post meta fields: each site that is tracked is saved as post. Hence the high number of posts to query.

Returning just the post IDs had reduced the size of the query but it had also stripped out all the meta field data that I needed for the reports.

Using AJAX with WP_Query

This is where the batch processing comes in. I modified the form that specifies each report’s parameters:

Instead of just a simple GET form, I used jQuery to pass the parameters off to a function in PHP:

( function( $ ) {
  $('body').on( 'submit', '.wisdom-ajax-params', function(e) {
    $('.wisdom-run-query').prop( 'disabled', true );
    var params = $(this).serialize();
    $('.wisdom-batch-progress').append( '<div class="spinner is-active"></div>' );
    // start the process
    self.process_offset( 0, params, self );

  process_offset = function( offset, params, self ) {
      type: 'POST',
      url: ajaxurl,
      data: {
        params: params,
        action: 'wisdom_do_batch_query',
        offset: offset,
      dataType: "json",
      success: function( response ) {
        if( 'done' == response.offset ) {
          window.location = response.url;
        } else {
          self.process_offset( parseInt( response.offset ), params, self );
}( jQuery ) );

So, when you submit the form, jQuery collects the form parameters, e.g. dates, specific plugins, the report types, using $(this).serialize() then passes those parameters to the process_offset function. This in turn passes the parameters to the PHP function, wisdom_do_batch_query. It also sends an offset value, starting at 0.

The PHP function that receives this data can then start to run its smaller batch queries. The code I’ve reproduced below is a much shorter version of the code I ended up with, just as an example of how it’s done:

function wisdom_do_batch_query() {
  $offset = absint( $_POST['offset'] );
  parse_str( $_POST['params'], $params );
  $params = (array) $params;
  $increment = 1000; // You can set your increment value here
  if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $params['wisdom_batch_query'], 'wisdom_batch_query' ) ) {
    die(); // You'll need to ensure you've set a nonce in your form
  $transient = esc_attr( $params['transient'] );
  $plugin_data = array();
  // Record all data in big array
  if( $offset == 0 ) {
    // This is our first pass
    // Save some useful data for the query
    $plugin_data['plugin_ids'] = wisdom_get_query_ids( $params );
    $plugin_data['total_plugins'] = count( $plugin_data['plugin_ids'] );
    // Ensure any existing transient is deleted
    delete_transient( $transient );
  } else {
    // We save the data to this transient in blocks, then pick it back up again at the start of a new batch
    $plugin_data = get_transient( $transient );
    // Set timestamp $plugin_data['last_run'] = time();
  $url = '';
  if( $offset > $plugin_data['total_plugins'] ) {
    $offset = 'done';
    $args = array(
      'post_type' => 'tracked-plugin',
      'page' => $params['page'], // Set other params here as needed
    $url = add_query_arg( $args, admin_url( 'edit.php' ) );
  } else {
    // Query the tracked-plugins
    $args = array(
      'post_type' => 'tracked-plugin',
      'posts_per_page' => $increment,
      'offset' => $offset,
      'fields' => 'ids',
      'no_found_rows' => true,
      'post__in' => $plugin_data['plugin_ids']
    $plugins = get_posts( $args );
    foreach( $plugins as $plugin_id ) {
      // Break these up so we only collect the data we need for each report
      $plugin_slug = get_post_meta( $plugin_id, 'wisdom_plugin_slug', true );
      if( ! empty( $plugin_slug ) ) {
        if( isset( $plugin_data['slugs'][esc_attr( $plugin_slug )] ) ) {
          $plugin_data['slugs'][esc_attr( $plugin_slug )]++;
        } else {
          $plugin_data['slugs'][esc_attr( $plugin_slug )] = 1;
    $offset += $increment; // You can set your increment value here
    set_transient( $transient, $plugin_data );
  echo json_encode( array( 'offset' => $offset, 'url' => $url ) );

// Returns the array of post IDs to be used by the batch query
function wisdom_get_query_ids( $params=array() ) {
  // Query the IDs only for all tracked-plugins
  $args = array(
    'post_type' => 'tracked-plugin',
    'posts_per_page' => -1,
    'fields' => 'ids',
    'post_status' => 'publish'
  // An example of using the $params to refine the query
  if( ! empty( $params['wisdom_plugin'] ) && $params['wisdom_plugin'] != 'all' ) {
    // This will refine the query to only include meta_key / meta_value pairs
    $args['meta_query'][] = array(
      'key' => 'wisdom_plugin_slug',
      'value' => $params['wisdom_plugin'],
      'compare' => '='
  $id_query = new WP_Query( $args );
  if( $id_query->have_posts() ) {
    return $id_query->posts;
  return false;

In essence, what happens here is:

  1. The function receives some data from JavaScript, namely a value for offset and some query parameters
  2. If the offset value is 0, it runs some additional functions to get the post IDs that we want to query, and drops them into the $plugin_data array
  3. If the offset value is greater than 0 but less than the total number of posts we want to query, it grabs data that we’ve already processed from a transient and re-populates the $plugin_data array. New data that is being processed on this pass will get added to that array
  4. It runs a new, smaller query using the post IDs that we collected on our first pass, using 'post_in'. The number of posts and offset values are determined by the $increment value – set this to whatever you feel is best
  5. The actual query is run using get_posts( $args ) and will only return post IDs
  6. We iterate through each ID and grab the data we want, adding that to the $plugin_data array
  7. After the query has run, increase offset value
  8. Save the $plugin_data array to a transient
  9. Return the data to JavaScript
  10. The process will keep running until the value of offset is greater than the total number of posts to query

Now, I think the big thing here is using a transient to store the data between batches. Each time a batch runs, it reloads the data stored in the transient, adds to it, then saves the transient again ready for the next batch.

Why transients?

Yes, that’s a good question and at this point I’d be very happy for anyone to jump in with a comment on the rights and wrongs of using a transient here and, even better, with some alternatives. For a long time while working on this, I fought against using transients as it seemed messy somehow. I considered passing the ever-growing array of data back to JavaScript, and then back again to the PHP function, but that didn’t feel right on several levels. I also considered using a global variable but again it just felt wrong.

Eventually I had to cave into to the notion of using transients because I couldn’t see a better way. Transients seemed the worst of all possible solutions, except for all the others.

Smaller queries for specific reports

Having got this far, I decided that it was going to be better in the long term to run multiple smaller queries and save results in different transients rather than try to collect all data in one huge super-transient. So the initial query that Wisdom runs to get data will be enough for a summary report: it gets the active/deactivated statuses for all tracked sites.

Then, when you decide you want to run a different report, it’ll check whether that report already exists by searching for the transient where the data would be stored. If it exists, it uses this data – no need to run another query. If it doesn’t exist, it runs a smaller query based on the parameters of the report required.

Final thoughts

I’ve gone from a mega query which caused out of memory issues to multiple smaller queries that store their results in a transient. Once the initial query has been run, which may take a few seconds depending on your dataset, the reporting is really quick because all the work has been done up front. I have a nagging feeling that when building the array of results while the batch process is running there is a better solution than storing it in a transient – but for now I’m happy with the way it’s all working.

One more thing

About two days after publishing this article, I came across this podcast from Drew Jaynes who works on the Affiliate WP plugin. He isn’t discussing WP_Query specifically but a lot of interesting stuff, plus links to code.

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