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If you’re running an e-commerce store that offers customised products, you might find yourself wondering, “How do I add an upload button to my WooCommerce Product page”?

It is very useful to allow file and image uploads on your WooCommerce store, especially if it’s an online print shop, personalised gift store or stationery shop. However, you need the ability to add the functionality to your product page in the first place.

The solution is to use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. This plugin provides lots of extra enhancements, but it particularly shines for WooCommerce image uploads. As such, this article will take a look at how to upload images to WooCommerce, and manage the process within WordPress.

WooCommerce image and file uploads – the features we’ll cover

Adding an image or file uploader to your WooCommerce product page is much easier than you might think. In fact, the first method we’ll show you is simple and fast to execute.

Through the rest of the article, we’ll offer a step-by-step guide using an example of a print shop with a live working demo. Later on, we’ll also show you a video for the entire process.

A WooCommerce product page showing image uploads along with a thumbnail.

Throughout the post, we’ll look at the following:

  • Uploading a single file on the product page
    • Adding WooCommerce image uploads on the front end
    • Setting parameters, like maximum file size and permitted file types
    • Displaying uploaded image thumbnails on the product page
    • Displaying thumbnails in the cart page and checkout pages
    • Setting a price for image uploads
    • How to work with uploads as part of a received order
    • Attaching uploads to email notifications
  • Allowing bulk uploads on the product page
    • Enabling bulk uploads
    • Using an AJAX uploader with upload progress bar and the ability to add or remove images
    • Setting a maximum number of uploads
    • Charging customers per upload
  • Creating other custom fields, such as a way to choose print sizes and finishes
  • Calculating the product price based on the number of uploads
  • Organising uploads by order number
  • Downloading all WooCommerce uploads by order in a single ZIP file
  • Renaming image uploads
  • Editing image uploads
  • Uploading multiple files and specifying a quantity for each file
  • Using a pricing table to set a price per print depending on the total quantity of prints required

While we use the example of a WooCommerce store offering a printing service for user uploaded images, you don’t have to. Instead, you can adapt the information here to your own needs. You’ll see how flexible the process can be for different types of store.

Using a plugin to add WooCommerce image and file uploads

The simplest, fastest, and most powerful way to add WooCommerce image uploads is to use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin is the simplest, fastest, and most powerful way for you to add WooCommerce image uploads. Among other features,  the ‘Upload’ field lets your customers upload files and images from the product page.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

While the Basic version has most of the features you’ll need for uploading images, the Pro version offers more functionality.

As such, you can carry out WooCommerce image uploads using the Basic version, but you may also want to consider using features such as calculations for pricing within your own setups.

How do I add an upload button to my WooCommerce Product page?

Once you install and activate the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you can add custom fields to your products. While we’ll concentrate on WooCommerce image uploads here, you might want to investigate the custom fields in more detail within our documentation.

To start, click the ‘Product Add-Ons’ tab in the ‘Product data’ meta box on any product within your store:

The Product Add-Ons tab within WooCommerce.

Next, click the ‘Add Group’ and ‘Add Field’ options, then choose ‘Upload’ as the ‘Field Type’. From here, enter a value in ‘Field Label’:

The Product Add-Ons section, showing the Field Type drop-down.

If you save your product and take a look on the front end, you’ll see that the product page contains an image upload field with a button to choose files to upload:

A WooCommerce image uploads section on a product page.

This is all you need to do to add WooCommerce image uploads to product pages. As a further example, we have a working demo of the product. We encourage you to have it open while you go through this article. Also, there’s a specific section within the plugin’s documentation on how to add fields with the plugin that you’ll want to reference too.

How to set the maximum file size within WordPress

Using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you can set a maximum file size. This will prevent your customers from uploading files that are too big.

To achieve this, head to the ‘WooCommerce’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Product Add-Ons’ screen, and set the maximum file size in Megabytes (MB):

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons screen, showing the Max file size (MB) field.

Once you save your changes, this will apply to your site on a global level.

How to define which file types you can upload

By default, the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin lets your customers upload image files only. There are a few reasons for this, but security is primary concern. The default file types you can upload are JPEGs, PNGs, and GIFs.

In some cases, you might want to change the upload file types. If this applies to you, you can add a filter in your snippets or child theme’s functions.php file.

How to display image thumbnails on product pages

When the user uploads an image to the product page, it will display the thumbnail and file name:

A product page showing a WooCommerce image upload's thumbnail and file name.

However, you don’t have a restriction on where you see this. You can also add these to other WooCommerce elements and WordPress pages.

How to display thumbnails in the cart and on WooCommerce checkout pages

When the customer uploads an image to a product page and clicks ‘Add to Cart’, WordPress will validate the image size and other parameters to ensure it’s okay to upload.

If it passes the checks, the image becomes part of the product as custom data. When the user clicks through to the cart or checkout page, they will see the image as a thumbnail.

A WooCommerce cart showing an image upload, along with a thumbnail and title.

This is something you won’t need to touch as part of the WooCommerce image uploads process. The plugin will add this on your behalf.

How to charge a price for WooCommerce file uploads

It could be that the image upload is an optional product field on your site. If so, you might want to charge the customer an additional fee on top of the basic product price.

This is simple with the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. To start, enter the price for image uploads using the ‘Field Price’ box:

Editing the Field Price box in WooCommerce.

You’ll see that the price will display on the front end when the user uploads a file:

The product page front end showing the additional price and the running total.

As with the functionality to add a thumbnail to the cart, this aspect is something the plugin handles without the need for your input.

How to add WooCommerce file uploads to orders

There are no extra steps you’ll need to take to add WooCommerce image uploads to your order. WordPress will add the uploads on your behalf:

The WooCommerce cart showing the image uploads within.

What’s more, you’ll also get a thumbnail of the image in the new order email you receive:

A new order email, showing the image thumbnail and title.

Because a lot of this functionality is hands-off, this gives you more opportunity to get the overall functionality working as you’d like.

How to attach image uploads to order emails

You can also choose to attach image uploads to the emails you receive when a customer places a new order. To do this, head to the ‘WooCommerce’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Product Add-Ons’ screen and select the ‘Attach uploads to emails’ option:

The Attach uploads to emails option.

How to upload files to product pages – video

At this point, you have all of the basics you need. In fact, we have a video to help sum up and explain everything we cover up to this point:

From here, we’ll get into more advanced functionality.

How to carry out WooCommerce image uploads in bulk

Everything so far applies to single image uploads. Next, let’s look at bulk image uploads to a WooCommerce product page. While the previous steps still apply, we will need to change one or two settings to get things working.

Enabling bulk WooCommerce image uploads for specific products

To enable bulk uploads, you can check the ‘Allow Multiple Uploads’ option in the upload field settings:

The Allow multiple uploads checkbox within WooCommerce.

If you take a look at the product page, you’ll notice a minor difference:

A WooCommerce product page showing a file chooser.

The button here will now show ‘Choose Files’ instead of ‘Choose File’. The user can now carry out bulk image uploads. To clarify, everything else – including thumbnails in the cart and order – will be the same as with the single field.

How to use an AJAX uploader with an upload progress bar (and the ability to add or remove images)

Next, we can look at some more advanced features. Up to this point, we use standard HTML file input fields to upload files.

Now, let’s look at enabling an AJAX uploader. There are a few benefits to consider:

  • You’ll note a progress bar, to display the upload status for each file. This helps the user to see that the upload is taking place and how long it’s likely to take
  • There’s the ability to add further images
  • There is also the ability to remove uploaded images
  • You’ll also have drag-and-drop functionality. This helps the user to drag images into the field if they want

As with the previous example, we have a working demo for you to help follow along.

A WooCommerce AJAX image upload on product page.

To enable the AJAX uploader, go to ‘WooCommerce’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Product Add-Ons’ within WordPress. Next, select the ‘Enable AJAX uploader’ checkbox:

The Enable AJAX uploader checkbox.

This is all you need to do here, although we can improve the functionality on the front end. We can also control the experience the user has with the image uploader.

How to set a maximum number of image or file uploads

One of the more advanced facets of the AJAX uploader is how it’s possible to set a maximum number of uploads for each upload field.

To do this, enter a value in the ‘Max Files’ field in your field settings:

Entering a value into the Max Files field.

Once you save your changes, the AJAX uploader won’t accept more files than you’ve specified.

How to charge per image upload

Even better, you can charge the user for each upload that they make. Here, check the ‘Price per upload’ option.

The Price per upload checkbox.

The price you enter in the ‘Field Price’ section will multiply by the number of file uploads.

A WooCommerce product page showing the price for bulk uploads, and a running total.

In fact, you don’t have to stop here. There’s more we can do with the AJX uploader involving other custom fields.

How to use WooCommerce image uploads with other custom fields

Depending on your WooCommerce store, you might want to include other custom fields with your file upload field.

In the example, customers can upload their images and have them printed. We are offering a choice of finish, either matt or gloss, and print size.

To achieve this, we’re going to add a couple of radio button groups with print sizes at a different cost per upload. As such, we’re going to include a calculation field to calculate the total price.

Adding radio button groups for print sizes and finishes

To add some radio buttons, click ‘Add Field’ and select ‘Radio’ as the field type:

Adding radio buttons to the image uploader.

We’ve entered ‘Gloss’ and ‘Matt’ as the options, with the former as the default value. When the user opens the page, this will be the option that shows.

Adding further options to the radio buttons field group.

Now, you can see that there are some extra choices for the user, as well as the upload field:

The WooCommerce product page with custom fields and image uploader.

It looks slick and is straightforward to use, but there’s more we can achieve.

Calculating a custom price per image upload

Finally, we’re going to calculate the product price by multiplying the number of uploads by the cost of the selected print size. For example, if the user uploads five images and selects the largest print size, the total cost will be £6.25 per set of prints.

To do this, we add a ‘Calculation’ field and enter a formula to calculate the price:

Adding a Calculation field in WooCommerce.

The calculation here is:

( {field_1070_option_price} * {field_1054_number_uploads} ) - {field_1070_option_price}

This means we’ll multiply the selected option price from field #1070, by the number of files uploaded to field #1054, then minus one of the options prices.

We’ve enabled the ‘Hide Calculation’ option here so we don’t display this on the front end. Instead, it works behind the scenes to set the product price. If you want to read more about how this works, we have a dedicated piece on using calculating WooCommerce product prices.

WooCommerce image uploads – the finished product

If you take a look at the product page and look to upload some images, you’ll understand how that functionality works:

A WooCommerce product page with bulk upload and calculated price.

As with all of our examples, we have a viewable product to look at.

How to organise WooCommerce image uploads by order number

By default, the plugin places uploaded images in a unique directory for each user. If you prefer, you can organise uploads by order number.

To ensure all order image uploads live in the same directory, go to ‘WooCommerce’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Product Add-Ons’ and enable ‘Organise uploads by order’.

WooCommerce's Organise uploads by order checkbox.

Once you save your changes, the functionality will apply to your site.

How to download all image uploads by order in a single ZIP file

If you’ve enabled ‘Organise uploads by order’, you’ll be able to download all the file uploads from an order in a single ZIP file.

You’ll see a new button in the order screen to ‘Download files’:

The Download Files button within the WooCommerce checkout.

At this point, WordPress takes over and serves the files to the user.

How to rename image uploads

If you wish, you can rename uploaded files. To do this, go to ‘WooCommerce’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Product Add-Ons’ and enter the format for your file names in the ‘Rename uploads’ field:

The WooCommerce Rename uploads field.

You can use the following tags, and WooCommerce replace these when a user places an order:

  • {original_file_name}
  • {order_number}
  • {group_id}
  • {field_id}
  • {date}
  • {product_id}
  • {product_sku}

Think of them like mail merge tags, where they refer to database elements that turn into readable text on the front end.

How to edit image uploads

You might want to let users edit the images they upload. You can do this with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate and with the Advanced Uploads extension (note though, that you need to have both active).

The WooCommerce Advanced Uploads extension.

With the Advanced Uploads extension, users can crop, rotate and resize their uploaded images. You can also specify a minimum and maximum width and height, plus define the aspect ratio for cropping images.

Advanced Uploads for Add-Ons Ultimate

Let users crop, size and rotate their uploaded files

Find Out More

How to upload multiple images and specify a quantity for each file

Next, let’s look at another scenario. For example, you could let users upload multiple images to then print. We want to let the user specify how many of each print they require.

Implementing WooCommerce print fulfilment.

You can see in the screenshot above that the user can upload multiple files and enter a quantity against each one. If you can’t visualise it, there’s a working demo product for you to view.

What’s more, there’s a pricing table which shows the price per print based on the total quantity of prints ordered. This table can change based on the size of print selected. For example, if the user wants prints at 10 x 10 they’ll be cheaper than prints at 20 x 20.

Let’s take a look at how to set this up.

Adding quantity fields per upload

For this feature, you’ll need the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin and the Advanced Uploads extension.

Advanced Uploads for Add-Ons Ultimate

Let users crop, size and rotate their uploaded files

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The first task is to create a ‘Number’ field that will store the combined quantity of prints.

Creating a number field type in WooCommerce.

You don’t need to give the field a label, just set the ‘Field Type’ to ‘Number’ and make a note of the ID number. Note that the plugin will automatically hide this field on the front end, so you may not see it on the product page.

Next, create a new upload field. With the Advanced Uploads extension installed, you’ll see some extra parameters in your upload field:

The Field meta box showing additional checkboxes.

You’ll need to set the following parameters:

  • ‘Allow multiple uploads?’
  • ‘Price per upload?’
  • ‘Quantity per upload’ (this will enable the quantity field for each uploaded file)
  • ‘Combined quantity field ID’, which will be the same ID of the number field from a previous step. The plugin will use this field to store the total quantity of prints required

Now, when you preview this product, you’ll see a quantity field input for each uploaded file. The total quantity for all inputs will fill the number field, and you won’t see it display.

You can use the number field in calculations as in the examples earlier in this article. However, you might also want to create some pricing tables for your prints.

Using a pricing table to set a price per print (depending on the total quantity of prints required)

Pricing tables let you get a price based on a user input. While there are different types of pricing table, in this case we’re using a ‘lookup table’.

Related Tutorial
We have an in-depth article about the different types of price matrix.

WooCommerce price matrix

To use this feature, you’ll need another extension for Add-Ons Ultimate: Advanced Calculations:

Advanced Calculations for Add-Ons Ultimate

Read prices and values from lookup tables

Find Out More

With the Advanced Calculations extension, you can upload a CSV file with multiple price tables. Then, you’ll have some extra parameters in your calculation fields. This means you can use the table to get a price for the prints based on the total quantity selected.

A simple pricing table could show an initial column displaying ranges of quantities, with another column showing a corresponding price.

A simple pricing table.

So if the combined quantity is between 10 and 49, the plugin will return 0.25 as the print price. If the combined quantity is between 50 and 399, the plugin will return 0.20 as the price. For more information on lookup tables, we have a dedicated tutorial that explains everything you need to know.

Upload your CSV file and add a calculation field for the ‘price per print’

First, upload your CSV file containing your price tables to the ‘Product Add-Ons’ > ‘Calculations’ page. You’ll want to make sure that your tables are in the correct format.

Next, add a new group for the calculation fields you’re going to add. You can click ‘Add Group’, then insert a ‘calculation’ field in your new group. We’ll use this field to calculate the price of each print.

Setting up the Price per print field in WooCommerce.

You can see that we set the field type to ‘Calculation’ and in the ‘Formula’ field we enter {look_up_table}. This tells the plugin that it’s going to get a result from one of the table uploads.

Next we enter the ID of the number field we created above in the ‘Field ID for Y’ field. You need to use the ‘Combined quantity field ID’ here that you entered when you created the upload field above.

Finally, choose the price table from the ‘Look Up Table’ field. This field will now fetch the total combined quantities entered by the user for each upload. It will use this value in the specified lookup table. Then it will return the price per print.

Setting the overall product price

Last of all, we’re going to use the price from the lookup table to set the overall product price. Let’s say the user has specified a total quantity of 10 prints and our cost per print for 10 prints is 0.25. We need to multiply 10 * 0.25 for our overall product price.

To do this, add one more calculation field as follows:

Adding a Calculation field in WooCommerce.

We set the field type as ‘Calculation’ then in the ‘Formula’ field we multiply the combined quantity field by the price per print field. Next, set the ‘Action’ to ‘Set Product Price’ in order to use the result of this calculation field as the product price.

As always, you can take a look at the demo product to get a feel for what we’re achieving.

Getting different print prices based on size or format

Just in case you want to return different prices based on another user selection, such as the print size or format, you can add conditions to groups.

Adding group conditions within WooCommerce.

Here, we add our calculation fields into a group. Then, we set a condition on this group to show only if the user selects ’10 x 10′ in the ‘Size’ option field.

You can then duplicate this group and choose to display the duplicated version if the user chooses a different option. You can also change the look up table used in each group.

How to revise and approve WooCoomerce image and file uploads

You might want to enable your customers to upload files that you then rework or revise. This way, you can present the order details page to the customer for their review and approval.

You can do this using the WooCommerce Review and Approve plugin. There’s a full tutorial on creating a WooCommerce file approval process elsewhere on the blog. It’s essential reading if you want to implement this functionality.

Adding WooCommerce file and image uploads to product pages – final thoughts

Using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, it’s simple to implement image uploads on a product page. You will set parameters such as file size and file types, and display thumbnails. For more advanced functionality, you can enable an AJAX drag-and-drop file uploader. This lets users upload their images in bulk.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

For some of the more advanced features, you might need the Advanced Uploads and/or the Advanced Calculations extensions:

Advanced Uploads for Add-Ons Ultimate

Let users crop, size and rotate their uploaded files

Find Out More

Advanced Calculations for Add-Ons Ultimate

Read prices and values from lookup tables

Find Out More

Do you think that WooCommerce image and file uploads can be something you can implement with our plugin? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

The post How to add WooCommerce image and file uploads on your store’s product pages appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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Setting up Restrictions on Products in WooCommerce: A Complete Guide Tue, 09 Nov 2021 12:07:00 +0000 Find out how to set up WooCommerce product restrictions on your online store to deliver a personalised shopping experience.

The post Setting up Restrictions on Products in WooCommerce: A Complete Guide appeared first on Plugin Republic.


Want to restrict your WooCommerce products to members-only?

Doing this lets you offer a personalised shopping experience to members of your website. It also encourages regular customers to register as members on your site so they can gain access to the restricted WooCommerce products.

All kinds of business owners use WooCommerce product restrictions to curate private or personalised experiences for members. These include galleries, photographers, or schools.

For instance, if you sell prints or stock photos on your WooCommerce site, you can restrict some products to your “VIP” members only. Exclusive members might qualify for a better price compared to everybody else. As a result, it encourages more people to become VIP members. 

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to apply restrictions on your WooCommerce products in a step-by-step guide and go over some potential use cases of implementing them.

Why set up WooCommerce product restrictions?

While WooCommerce certainly has a lot of applications, it’s pretty limited when it comes to restricting WooCommerce products on your online store. However, many WooCommerce plugins can help you extend your store’s functionality.

Our plugins, for instance, offer an intuitive way of setting up restrictions on your WooCommerce products.

Plugin Republic offers a wide range of powerful plugins that can help you customise or personalise the look and feel of your WooCommerce store based on your specific needs. This lets you offer an enhanced shopping experience to customers in your online store. 

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin makes it easy to set up product restrictions in WooCommerce. You can restrict user access to your products using passwords, by user role, or by logged-in status.

WooCommerce Members Only

Protect your content and sell members-only products

Find Out More

WooCommerce product restrictions use cases

Let’s take a look at a few use cases of these plugins and how they can help you create amazing WooCommerce stores:

  • Private wholesale stores. You can create private wholesale stores inside of your regular WooCommerce store. This means that you can let wholesale buyers place bulk orders from your online store. You can assign the “wholesale customers” user role for wholesale customers while still selling products to regular customers. 
  • Filterable and sortable product tables. You can create product tables on your WooCommerce site. This way, you can list WooCommerce products in product tables that are easy to navigate and can help improve product visibility on your shop page.
  • Restaurant order forms. If you run an online restaurant website, you can let customers quickly order from your WooCommerce site through a restaurant order form. This makes it easier to buy from you and helps you manage restaurant orders much more efficiently.
  • Membership sites. It’s also possible to create WooCommerce membership sites and manage them using our plugins. It works great for school departments, clubs, or affiliate marketers looking to offer high-quality content in return for a subscription fee that’s renewed monthly or annually.

How to set up restrictions on your WooCommerce products 

Here, we’ll take a look at how you can set up restrictions on your WooCommerce products easily. For this tutorial, we’ll need the WooCommerce Members Only plugin along with a WooCommerce site with some products added to it. 

Downloading and Installing Plugin Republic plugins

Start by getting the WooCommerce Members Only plugin. Once you purchase the plugin, you will receive an email containing the license key for your plugin and the download link.

Click on the link to download the plugin on your device. Now, you can upload the plugin to your WooCommerce site to install it. 

Here’s what you need to do:

Navigate to Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin and select the file and click the upload button. 

Once the plugin is successfully uploaded to your site, click the Activate button to enable the WooCommerce Members Only plugin on your site. Now, you can start using it to set up WooCommerce product restrictions.

Customising who can access your content

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin lets you choose between different restriction methods to determine who can access your content. Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Members Only and select the Restriction Method using the drop-down menu. 

Let’s go over each of the three options in the Restriction Method:

Restriction method option

Logged in users only

This option allows you to only let people who are logged into the site access the hidden content. This way, you can offer logged-in users access to exclusive WooCommerce products while hiding them from all other users on your WooCommerce site. Select the User Role option from the drop-down menu next to Restriction Method and click on the Save changes button to continue.

Access for logged-in users only

This way, only logged-in users can access the “add to cart” button on your ecommerce store.

Password Protected

You can also password protect your WooCommerce products by creating one or two passwords and handing them out to registered users. Users who do not enter a password will be locked out of the hidden content until they enter the correct password. You have the option to set one global password or create multiple passwords, either unique to each individual or one for each group.

Password protect WooCommerce products

Start by selecting the Password option from the drop-down menu and a new section called Password Settings will appear dynamically on your screen. Using the Passwords text field you can enter multiple passwords, according to what you need. In addition to this, you can also create a password form automatically.

After selecting the Password restriction method and setting the passwords, click on the Save changes button. You’ll see a notification to automatically create a page. Here, you’ll need to click on Yes, please create a page for the password form. This will automatically create a page on the front-end of your site and embed the password form on the page. As a result, this not only saves you time but also helps you quickly restrict content on your WooCommerce site using passwords. 

You can also tick the checkbox next to Hide in Archives and Hide Price. This will restrict the user from viewing any part of your content until they log in. Using the Add To Cart Text text field, you can also display text instead of the Add to Cart buttons.

Here’s how users who are not logged in will see products on your WooCommerce store:

WooCommerce product restrictions for logged-out users

User role

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin also allows you to let users access your content based on their user role. For instance, you can set only users with the Editor role to access your hidden store.

WooCommerce product restrictions by user role

Select the User Role option from the Restriction Method and click the Save changes button. This will hide content from your WooCommerce site for all user roles except the Administrator and Editor user roles. It’s a simple way to restrict content based on user roles.

Hiding specific content in WooCommerce

You can also choose to hide specific content on your WooCommerce site. This way, you can still let users access other content, just not the exclusive or hidden content.

You can access the Restricted Content setting by navigating to WooCommerce → Settings → Members Only from the WordPress admin panel. 

The All Product Pages option lets you restrict content and WooCommerce products by hiding all product pages from your online store. The All WooCommerce Pages option lets you hide all your WooCommerce pages. You can also hide content on your entire site by selecting the Entire Site option from the drop-down menu. The plugin also lets you hide specific product categories from your WooCommerce store. 

Once you’re done selecting the Restricted Content setting, click on the Save changes button to continue. 

Restricting individual WooCommerce products

You can also restrict individual WooCommerce products on your ecommerce store using the WooCommerce Members-only plugin.

Restrict individual products

Simply navigate to the product’s edit page and click on the Members Only tab under the Product data meta box. Here, you can select from the three options, including By User Role. By User, and By Password. Once you’ve selected the Restriction method, click on the Update button to save changes on the front-end. This will restrict all unauthorised users’ access to this specific product. 

Only permitted user roles will be able to access the product and be able to add it to their shopping cart. It will look something like this:

Preview for permitted users

Restricting WooCommerce products by category

Using the Restricted Content setting mentioned previously, you can hide specific WooCommerce categories using the WooCommerce Members Only plugin. All you need to do is select the Specific Categories option using the drop-down menu next to Restricted Content.

WooCommerce product restrictions on specific categories

You can specify which categories you want to restrict access to and hide the product price or prevent unauthorised users from buying products from those categories. Once you’re done, click the Save changes button to continue.

Preview of the restricted categories page

Restricted users will not be able to access the specific WooCommerce categories on your online store. Once they successfully enter the password, they can view prices and add products to their shopping cart from the restricted WooCommerce category. 

Using advanced restrictions in WooCommerce

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin also offers advanced restriction options for your WooCommerce store. You can restrict (or allow) payment gateways based on the user role of the customer. This way, you can offer customised payment methods or exclusive payment methods only for customers on your WooCommerce store.

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin also allows you to restrict (or allow) shipping methods by user role. In addition to this, you can also hide widgets and menus from users, redirect users to a different URL depending on the password, and hide prices for restricted products. All of this is possible without having to code or use shortcodes.

Further customising your WooCommerce products

So, what else can you do to customise your online store?

There are many ways you can customise and offer a unique shopping experience. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  • You can offer premium add-ons. Set up product personalisation on your WooCommerce store by offering premium product add-ons for products. This way, you not only offer a personalised shopping experience but also increase the average order value. 
  • You can display your WooCommerce products better. You can display your WooCommerce products better in customisable and easy-to-navigate product tables. 
  • Offer dynamic pricing rules and discounts. You can also offer dynamic pricing rules and discounts on your online store. For instance, you can offer bulk discounts or charge fees on all products in your online store. Additionally, you can also set up user role-based pricing for products in your store. For example, you can charge Subscribers $20 for a t-shirt while VIP Customers pay only $17 for the same product. 

Let’s take a look at some of the robust plugins that can help you customise your WooCommerce store even better:

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin lets you offer the ultimate suite of add-ons and extra options for your WooCommerce products. This way, you can personalise products with extra options to add more value to your offering. It lets you pick from 10+ add-on field types including checkboxes, dropdowns, text fields, radio buttons, file upload, and many more. You can insert add-on fields on your product pages and let shoppers customise their product before adding it to their shopping cart and proceeding to the checkout page.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin 

Additionally, the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin offers advanced features like conditional logic. This gives you more control over how your WooCommerce products are displayed on your online store. 

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin lets you create sortable, filterable product lists quickly and easily. This is perfect for displaying your products in an attractive, table-style layout. As a result, shoppers will have an easier time finding exactly the product they need and help them quickly add it to their cart without being redirected to the single product page.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin

This is a great way to boost sales and helps make your WooCommerce store user-friendly. The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin is also perfect for listing variable products.

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts is a WordPress plugin designed to help you customise price adjustments on your online store. It lets you set bulk and dynamic pricing rules and set user role pricing for your WooCommerce products. This is a great way to offer tier-based pricing to customers.

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin offers a simple way to apply bulk discounts or fees, either fixed or percentage, to all products on your WooCommerce store. You can create dynamic pricing rules such as a “Buy One Get One Free” offer or offer a gift with the order.

In addition to this, you can also offer discounts based on the total value in the shopper’s cart. This is a great way to encourage customers to add more products to their cart and spend more than they originally planned. As a result, this helps boost sales and increase the revenue your store generates. The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin also let you apply fees or discounts based on the payment gateway the shopper decides to use. 


Setting up restrictions on products in WooCommerce can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the right tools on hand. However, with the help of the WooCommerce Members Only plugin, you have the freedom to customise your WooCommerce store to fit your business needs best. 

WooCommerce Members Only

Protect your content and sell members-only products

Find Out More

You can set different restriction rules depending on your specific needs. It lets you restrict access to products by logged-in status, user role, and passwords.

Ready to start restricting your WooCommerce products? Get WooCommerce Members Only today!

The post Setting up Restrictions on Products in WooCommerce: A Complete Guide appeared first on Plugin Republic.

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