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  5. Set text preview to specific colours
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  3. Text Preview for Add-Ons Ultimate
  4. Set text preview to specific colours

Set text preview to specific colours

The Text Preview plugin allows you to add a colour picker field so that the user can choose a colour. However, you might want to limit the number of colour options you want to give to the user.

To do this, you’ll need to add a snippet:

* Set text preview field to specific colours
function prefix_set_preview_colours() {
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
var colours = {
blue: "0000ff",
red: "ff0000"
var colour_field_id = 9484;
var preview_field_id = 9483;
$( '.pewc-field-' + colour_field_id + ' input' ).on( 'change', function( e ) {
var colour = $( this ).val();
colour = colour.toLowerCase();
var hex = colours[colour];
$( '.apaou-text-layer-' + preview_field_id ).css( 'color', '#' + hex );
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'prefix_set_preview_colours' );

Here’s how to add the snippet.

Using this snippet on your site

The snippet requires two fields: a text preview field and a field to give users the colour options. The colour options field could be a radio group, a select field, or an image swatch field.

In the colour options field, list the colours as options, e.g.:

In this example, we’re offering Red and Blue as colour options.

Updating the snippet

Make a note of the text preview field ID and the colour field ID. You can see where to find the IDs in the screenshot below.

You’ll need to make some changes to the snippet above for it to work for your site:

  • Update line 13 with the ID of your colour field
  • Updated line 14 with the ID of your text preview field

You’ll also need to create a list of hex values for the colours in your colour field. Update the list starting at line 10 with a hex value for each of your colours. Note how the list is formatted. Each colour is in lower case and will match the name of the option in your field – so ‘blue’ matches ‘Blue’. The name of the colour is followed by a colon then the hex value in quote marks. At the end of the line, add a comma, then add your next colour option.

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