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  5. Is Product Add-Ons Ultimate compatible with CSV importers?
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  4. Is Product Add-Ons Ultimate compatible with CSV importers?

Is Product Add-Ons Ultimate compatible with CSV importers?

You can continue to import products via a CSV or XML importer even if you are using WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate.

However, it’s not currently possible to use a standard CSV import/export plugin to import the product add-on fields themselves. But we do have a specialist import/export tool in beta that will allow you to export your add-on groups and fields to a CSV file, then import them to another site.

Product level and global fields can be exported and the tool will allow you to map the fields to new products in the import site.

Please note that some of the field data is exported as serialised arrays – meaning that it’s not easy to edit the fields in a spreadsheet.

If you’d like to try the import/export tool, please contact us by raising an enquiry on the Support page.

Alternatives to importing and exporting

One of the main reasons for wanting to import and export fields is to make editing a large number of fields easier. Product Add-Ons Ultimate allows you to create global add-ons, which can be applied to all products, multiple products, or all products within specified categories. So instead of creating the same field over and over for each product, you just create the field once and apply it to multiple products.

Global add-ons are persistent – they won’t get wiped when you add or import new products.

Using global add-ons makes it easier to edit your add-on fields – even when the add-on fields apply to multiple products.

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