The 6 best plugins for setting up wholesale prices in WooCommerce (2022)

WooCommerce wholesale prices

Want to offer your customers wholesale pricing without having to manually adjust each product price?

There are many benefits of setting up a wholesale store. It helps you grow your customer base and increase sales as you can sell to retail customers as well as wholesale buyers. Plus, you can use it to offer exclusive discounts and deals to members only.

In this article, we’ll show you how to set up a wholesale store, while comparing all the top plugins that allow you to create wholesale pricing rules, membership sites, and coupon codes.

Let’s put everything into context before we begin.

Benefits of using a wholesale pricing system

The wholesale pricing system works great for online stores selling products to regular customers and wholesale buyers. Regular customers can freely browse your product catalogue while members access exclusive products. This way, you can set products at a special price or create a private store for members only on your site.

By using a wholesale pricing system, you can also offer discounts on bulk purchases. This encourages wholesale buyers to purchase from you and incentivises regular customers to add more products to their cart to get a discounted price on their orders. In addition, you can set up prices that encourage distribution via wholesalers as they might restock their inventory from your online store.

As a result, you can effectively increase your sales and grow your bottom line. With more customers visiting your WooCommerce store, your business gains more market share. Additionally, you’re able to expand your customer base and enhance the growth of your business in the long run.

Using a WooCommerce wholesale prices plugin

WooCommerce by default doesn’t have built-in support for offering discounted prices or setting up bulk pricing. It only lets you set the regular price (and a sale price) for all products.

If you want to modify the regular price, you can manually alter each individual product’s retail price which is time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to error.

If you’re selling products wholesale on your online store, it’s important to be able to create different pricing tiers for your products and set different prices for different customers on your online store. For instance, if you sell a ‘T-shirt’ product, you may want to charge wholesale customers $10.50 while a regular customer can purchase it for $14.

This is where a WooCommerce wholesale prices plugin comes into the picture. You can use it to make bulk orders or discounts available to members only.

Top wholesale plugins for your WooCommerce store

Choosing the best WooCommerce wholesale prices plugin can be complicated.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the top wholesale plugins for your WooCommerce store. We’ve split them into three different categories based on wholesale features to make it easier to find the exact plugin you’re looking for.

#1. WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle

The WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle is an all-in-one solution for creating a full-fledged WooCommerce wholesale store.

Out of the box, the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle lets you create multiple pricing levels on your online store. You can create role-based pricing, offer bulk discounts to customers, create dynamic pricing rules, offer tier-based pricing, and set multiple pricing rules by category, user role, or product.

It also helps you manage new user registrations on your WooCommerce wholesale store and create custom user roles. You can create and pre-approve customer registrations. This lets you quickly register new customers and makes it easier for new customers to purchase from your wholesale store. It’s perfect for store owners that want to sell to registered wholesale buyers.

In addition to this, using the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle, you can also create private wholesale stores. A private wholesale store lets you hide products and categories from specific users on your online store and display different prices for different user roles. This way, you can create and offer exclusive deals and discounts for members or wholesale buyers on your WooCommerce store.

The WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle’s pricing starts at $89 for the Basic package.

Let’s take a closer look at the two powerful plugins included in the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle:

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin lets you customise various pricing options on your WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

Create powerful pricing incentives quickly and easily

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You can create dynamic, bulk, and role-based pricing, which can be product-based, cart-based fees, or discount codes that can apply to any product on your online store.

The WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin also lets you collect fees on each transaction from the customer or apply discount codes based on user roles. This is perfect for offering discounts to specific types of customers, such as affiliate users. It lets you offer fixed discounts and percentage discounts and create tiered pricing by setting minimum quantities and maximum quantities.

The entry-level pricing plan of the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin starts at $59.

WooCommerce Members Only

The WooCommerce Members Only plugin offers all the functionality you need to create and run your membership site and sell wholesale-only products.

WooCommerce Members Only

Protect your content and sell members-only products

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Using the plugin, you can turn your online shop into a membership site where only members can get access to specific products, content, or purchase with special offers. This plugin is perfect if you don’t want your whole site closed off for regular customers but still offer some exclusive features like wholesale discounts or access to a wholesale members-only forum.

WooCommerce Members Only pricing starts at $59 per year for the Basic package.

#2. Wholesale for WooCommerce

The Wholesale for WooCommerce plugin lets you manage wholesale prices, products, and sales on your WooCommerce wholesale store.

Using the plugin, you can create custom user roles and offer role-based pricing on your products. This also lets you create and manage multiple wholesale user roles on your WooCommerce site.

You can then offer different prices and discounts based on the customer’s user role. It lets you offer global discounts, category-based discounts, and product-based discounts. You can also use it to hide prices of wholesale products on your WooCommerce site from logged-out or guest user roles. This lets you offer a more unique shopping experience and create a private store for wholesale members on your WooCommerce site.

The Wholesale for WooCommerce plugin’s pricing starts at $99 per year. However, there is a free version of this plugin, Wholesale for WooCommerce Lite, that simply allows you to set wholesale pricing on products and product variations, and assign a ‘wholesaler’ role to customers.

#3. WooCommerce Wholesale Suite

WooCommerce Wholesale Suite is a professional wholesale plugin that lets you easily add wholesale functionality to your regular WooCommerce store.

Using the plugin, you can create multiple wholesale pricing levels and manage them across multiple levels either on a fixed or percentage basis. You also have access to extensive product visibility options that let you control which user roles can access specific products and categories across your wholesale store.

In addition to this, you can use product quantity or order quantity to offer exclusive deals and discounts on your WooCommerce store. This helps encourage all types of customers to add more products to their cart so that they receive a discount or special price on their orders.

The WooCommerce Wholesale Suite is also famously known for its one-page ordering form for wholesale customers. You can create a streamlined order form for wholesale customers as a way to let them quickly purchase from your store. As a result, it helps enhance the user experience and encourages more sales.

The WooCommerce Wholesale Suite pricing starts at $148.50 per year for the Growth Bundle. Note that you can also get the WooCommerce Wholesale Prices & B2B Plugin, which is the basic version of the Wholesale Suite plugin, for free. You get reasonable functionality for setting wholesale prices in this plugin alone. For example, you can show or hide retail prices from wholesale customers, or hide prices altogether until customers log in. You can also disable WooCommerce coupons for wholesale customers.

#4. Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic Pricing is a simple yet powerful WordPress plugin designed to let you offer bulk discounts and role-based pricing on your WooCommerce store.

This plugin is perfect for creating different types of pricing based on product, category, or user roles. It offers a simple way to apply discounts and promotions thanks to its conditional discounts.

For instance, you can create a dynamic pricing offer “Buy 5, get 10% off”. This way, customers will receive a 10% discount on the product if they purchase at least five units. It makes it easy to boost sales and increase the average order value on your WooCommerce wholesale store.

The Dynamic Pricing plugin’s pricing starts at $129 per year.

#5. WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin is a one-off solution for displaying your WooCommerce products (including variable products) in a sortable table-style layout that encourages easy and quick shopping.

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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This is why the plugin is perfect for wholesale order forms and restaurants that want to list a large number of products without ruining the shopping experience. The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin enables you to create sortable and filterable tables that can list hundreds of products and variations by category, tag, or custom query.

In addition to this, it also allows you to display product tables anywhere on your site, including replacing the shop page and archive pages. It’s also incredibly flexible and lets you choose which information to display in the table layout such as the product price and add to cart button. Customers can add products (simple products or variable products) to their cart and proceed to checkout without going to the single product page.

You can set up the WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin to work as a wholesale order form of sorts.

The WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate plugin pricing starts at $59 for the Basic package.

#6. ELEX WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing Plugin

The ELEX plugin

This is a free plugin that gives you quite a bit of flexibility in terms of role-based pricing. You can set up your product catalogue and configure wholesale pricing and custom pricing for any other user groups relevant to your store.

You also have the option to hide product listings from certain user groups, which is handy if you don’t want your regular customers to see wholesale prices and vice versa.

The main drawback of this plugin is that all these features only apply to simple products, and not variable or grouped products. There are also a few other limitations that you should keep in mind. For example, you can’t hide individual products from specific user roles or set up customer-specific discounts.

How to set up WooCommerce wholesale pricing using plugins

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the top plugins for setting up WooCommerce wholesale prices yourself and creating a full-fledged wholesale store.

Step #1: Install the WooCommerce wholesale prices plugins

  1. Start by getting the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle and installing both plugins on your WooCommerce site. Once you have the .zip files for the plugin, navigate to Plugins → Add New from the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Upload the plugins to install them and click on the Activate plugin button to continue.
  3. Now, navigate to the plugin settings page by going to WooCommerce → Settings → Members Only and click on the Licence link to activate the plugin. Enter your license key given to you at the time of purchase in the Licence key meta box and click on the Save changes button to continue. Similarly, we want to do this for the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin. Simply navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Fees and Discounts and click on the Licence link from the top. Once you’re done entering in your license key, click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #2: Create a members-only area

  1. Now we need to create a members-only area and display products only for members on your WooCommerce site. Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Members Only and set the Restriction Method to Log In Status.
Members Only plugin settings
  1. Using the Restricted Content dropdown menu, select Specific Categories and select the product categories you want members to access using the text field next to Restricted Categories. Click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #3: Create wholesale pricing rules

  1. Now we can apply discounts based on quantity, user role, category, and coupon codes using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin. Navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Fees and Discounts and select the checkboxes next to Enable Dynamic Pricing and Enable User Role Pricing. Click on the Save changes button to continue.
Enable Fees and Discounts
  1. You can create pricing rules and apply discounts based on quantity, category, and user role. Click on the Add Rule button and select Bulk Pricing from the Offer type dropdown menu.
Tiered pricing
  1. Select Specific Categories from the Applies to dropdown menu and select your members-only categories using the “Buy” categories text field.
  2. Using the Tiers section, add your tiered pricing offer by setting a Min quantity and Max quantity. Select your discount or fees using the Adjustment dropdown menu and enter the amount in the text field beside it. Once you’re ready, click on the Save changes button to continue.
Shop page preview
  1. Members on your WooCommerce site can only view the products in the restricted categories on the front-end. This lets you display exclusive discounts and deals to wholesale members only.
Cart preview

Why use the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle

Both the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts and the WooCommerce Members Only plugins work great with each other and let you create a fully functional wholesale store while still catering to regular customers.

One of the best parts about the WooCommerce Members Only plugin is the membership management page and wholesale registration form. Using the plugin, you can approve new user registrations and assign them specific user roles when they register.

Registration form

This lets you register wholesale customers or let them decide their user role when registering on your WooCommerce site. It’s a great way to effectively manage all membership registrations on your WooCommerce site using a single plugin.

Using the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts, you can offer your ‘VIP Members” exclusive discounts and special prices on certain items in your eCommerce store.

As a result, you can create a fully functional, robust WooCommerce wholesale store using just two plugins – one to enable members-only access and one for discounting.

Get started with the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle

Setting up wholesale prices in WooCommerce by default isn’t possible unless you use a plugin. Using a wholesale pricing system you can create a private store for members only and offer them discounts on bulk purchases. This not only encourages wholesale customers to purchase from your online store but also helps you increase the average order value. This encourages wholesale customers to purchase from your online store and helps you increase the average order value.

The WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle features two robust plugins that stand out from other solutions: they enable easy member login even when paying by card, helps you stay connected with members via email newsletters over social media, and also help you create personalised experiences by allowing customers to pick their shipping costs and payment gateways.

In addition to this extensive functionality, you can also automatically send notifications based on customer activity such as refunds or abandoned carts instead of sending them yourself manually. If you’re looking for a more ‘hands-off’, all-in-one solution for creating and managing a professional WooCommerce wholesale store, the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle is the right choice for you.

Ready to start setting up wholesale prices on your WooCommerce store? Get the WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle today!

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