How to show WooCommerce product quantities in a drop-down list

WooCommerce quantity dropdown

Do you want to make it easier for your customers to select product quantities in your WooCommerce store? You can display them in a dropdown list!

Displaying product quantities in a dropdown list helps speed up the shopping flow on your online store, as your customers will be able to see how many units of a particular item they can add to their cart, and quickly choose their desired amount.

You can also use a dropdown list to display custom quantities for products, which is great if you want to sell products in bundles, or if you want to control the minimum order that customers can make in your store. For instance, you can sell eggs by the dozen or cushions in sets of 4.

In this tutorial, we’ll talk about how WooCommerce quantity dropdown lists can benefit your online store and how you can add them to your product pages using the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin.

Why display product quantities in a dropdown list?

It’s important to understand how product quantities work in default WooCommerce and why it offers a limited user experience for your shoppers. When customers visit your product pages to purchase a product, they can enter their own value using the quantity selector text field before adding the item to their shopping cart. This works fine, but almost all stores would be able to improve their customer experience by switching to a product quantity dropdown list.

Let’s dive deeper into some of the major reasons why businesses display product quantities in a dropdown list, so you can decide whether it makes sense for your WooCommerce store.

Sell multiples of a product

By default, WooCommerce doesn’t tell your customers how many units are in stock for a single product. Because of this, customers who want to buy multiples of a product may be disappointed after they manually enter the quantity value. Using the drop-down list clearly tells customers the maximum number of units they can purchase.

No need to manually enter quantities

Displaying a WooCommerce quantity dropdown list also speeds up the shopping experience on your online store since users won’t need to manually enter the quantity they want.

Although it’s a small detail, it makes a huge difference for regular customers, wholesale customers, and even bulk buyers.

Set custom min and max quantities

A WooCommerce quantity dropdown list is also useful for setting custom minimum and maximum quantities for specific products on your online store. For example, let’s say you sell guitar picks and customers can purchase a minimum of 5 picks.

A quantity dropdown list will inform customers about the minimum purchase quantity, and they’ll easily understand that they can’t order less.

Display product values in custom steps

By replacing the default quantity selector with a dropdown list, you can display product values as multiples or custom steps. For example, if you sell cartons of eggs, you can show your customers that they can purchase them in quantities of 3 boxes, 6 boxes, and 9 boxes only.

Similarly, you can sell rice in pre-packaged quantities such as “250g”, “500g”, and “1kg”.

Showcase quantities as text

The WooCommerce quantity dropdown list is also a great option for showcasing quantities as text rather than numbers. For instance, if you sell wine in your WooCommerce store, you can display options such as “1 bottle”, “Half case (6 bottles)”, or “Case (12 bottles)”.

The best way to display a WooCommerce quantity dropdown

One way of doing this is to amend the code in your child theme templates, but it’s not the recommended option for most situations.

This is because, if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, you can easily break your site and prevent customers from accessing your online store. On top of this, it’s also a limited option. For instance, you can set up custom values by editing the code in the back end but it doesn’t let you set different quantity values for different products in your online store.

Instead, you’re much better off using a dedicated WooCommerce quantity display plugin. This makes the entire process much easier and straightforward while offering you more functionality out of the box.

For this, we recommend using the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin to display a quantity dropdown list on your WooCommerce site.

Introducing WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

The WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin offers an intuitive solution for displaying product quantities in a dropdown list on your eCommerce store.

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

Maximise your store’s revenue by setting rules on quantity and values

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The plugin comes with a wide range of features out of the box and gives you full control over how you set quantities for your products:

  • You can set minimum and maximum quantities for products that can be displayed in a quantity dropdown list on your product pages.
  • Set custom step values for your shop’s products. This way, if a customer buys golf balls that are sold in batches of 5 units, they will open the dropdown list and find “5”, “10”, “15”, and “20” as quantity options.
  • Alternatively, you can set minimum and maximum order quantities for your WooCommerce products. This means you can specify a value customers have to spend before they can purchase the product. For example, customers can’t spend less than $10 on chocolate bars.
  • The plugin also lets you set custom error messages and labels to help customers understand these quantity rules when shopping from your online store.
  • You can also use descriptive text instead of numerical values for the quantity dropdown list. This makes it easier for your customers to better visualize and compare different quantity options when purchasing products from your online store.

You can set pricing rules for individual products on your online store or set global rules that apply to all products and exclude any product you want. This ensures you have a lot of flexibility to configure your product quantity dropdown lists so they don’t all function the same way.

However, you don’t have to set dropdown lists on all your products. For instances where you prefer to keep the default quantity input, you can simply remove the product from the plugin’s quantity rules and display it the regular way.

Check out the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order demo site to get a better idea of how the plugin works. You’ll be able to see all its key features in action and decide which ones are most relevant to your WooCommerce store.

Product with WooCommerce quantity dropdown

This way, you can get a feel for the plugin and see how it helps you enhance the shopping experience on your online store.

How to display WooCommerce product quantities in a drop-down list with the plugin

Here, we’ll show you how to display WooCommerce product quantities in a dropdown list using the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin.

For this, you will need a WordPress site with the WooCommerce plugin installed. You will also need the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin to display quantity dropdown lists on your single product pages.

Step #1: Install and activate WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

Get the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin and install it on your WooCommerce site. Upload the plugin’s ZIP file by navigating to Plugins → Add New from the WordPress admin panel and click on the Install Now button. Make sure to activate the plugin once it’s installed on your WooCommerce site.

Now, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Min Max and click on the Licence link from the top to activate the plugin.

Paste the license key given to you at the time of purchase and click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #2: Showcase product quantities in a dropdown list

Now that the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin is installed and activated on your WooCommerce site, you can start showcasing product quantities in a dropdown list.

We’re going to showcase a couple of the plugin’s most essential features so that you can get the most value out of your dropdown lists.

Step #3: Set minimum and maximum product quantities

Simply navigate to WooCommerce → Min Max Rules and click on the Add New button to get started.

Add new min max rule

Using the Rule Applies To meta box, you can select specific products for displaying a quantity dropdown list or display it for all products on your WooCommerce site. The Roles field also lets you specify “exclusive” or special user roles that get to purchase custom quantities from your online store.

Set quantity rules

The Quantity Rules meta box lets you set maximum and minimum product quantities for the products you specified earlier. For instance, you can let shoppers purchase a minimum of 3 t-shirts and a maximum of 12. This is useful if you sell products that already come in pre-defined quantities.

After specifying the minimum and maximum quantities for your products, make sure to check the Display as Dropdown checkbox before clicking on the Publish button to continue.

WooCommerce quantity dropdown product preview

This lets your customers purchase products using a quantity dropdown list that has predefined minimum and maximum quantities.

Step #4: Set custom quantities on products

While setting minimum and maximum quantities and displaying the quantity selector as a dropdown list are great ways to improve the shopping experience of your WooCommerce site, you can do more with the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin.

The robust plugin lets you set custom quantities for products or sell products that come in pre-defined packaging. For instance, you can sell t-shirts in packs of 3, 6, 9, and 12 only.

Set custom quantities

To do this, set the Quantity Increment field to the quantity you want to sell your products in only. For example, if you sell eggs in half-dozen and dozen quantities only, it will only let customers add or remove eggs in increments of 6.

Defined quantities

Using the Defined Quantities field, you can showcase custom quantity labels for predefined quantities. For instance, you can sell t-shirts in custom quantities like “3-piece pack”, “6-piece pack”, “9-piece pack”, and “12-piece pack”.

Just specify the quantity and use the “|” symbol to separate the quantity value from the quantity custom label. Once you’re ready, make sure to click on the Update button to continue.

Defined quantities preview

Customers on your online store can now easily select custom pre-defined quantities using the custom labels from a dropdown list. This ensures customers don’t end up ordering the wrong quantity for products that come in pre-packaged quantities and helps enhance the user experience on your online store.

Bonus: display product quantities with dropdowns in a product table

In this tutorial, we’ve showed you how to create dropdown lists in your product pages. But what if you want to add product tables to your store, so that your customers can view multiple products in one list?

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order integrates with WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate!

WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate

List products in quick and easy order forms

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Using both plugins together, you can display multiple products at once in a table-style format and enable quantity dropdown lists. This means your customers can easily browse through hundreds of products at once and add multiple products to their shopping cart at once while being able to use quantity dropdown lists to select the desired quantity of each product. This way, customers don’t have to worry about updating the cart quantity later on.

Improve your store experience with WooCommerce quantity dropdown lists!

Displaying a quantity dropdown list instead of the default WooCommerce text quantity field makes it easier for customers to purchase multiple units of a product from your online store. Since customers don’t have to manually enter quantities, it also helps speed up the shopping experience on your WooCommerce site. It’s perfect for businesses that want to cater to regular customers as well as wholesale customers and bulk buyers.

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order comes pre-built with a lot of essential features that not only let you display a quantity dropdown list for your products but also let you set minimum and maximum quantity values, display custom quantity steps, and showcase text instead of numerical quantities. In addition to this, you can also set custom pricing rules on all your products which helps you unlock the full potential of quantity dropdown lists.

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

Maximise your store’s revenue by setting rules on quantity and values

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Ready to start showcasing WooCommerce product quantities in a dropdown list and improve the shopping experience on your online store? Get WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order and WooCommerce Product Table Ultimate today!

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