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  4. How to add and edit bookings manually
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  4. How to add and edit bookings manually

How to add and edit bookings manually

Mostly, bookings are taken directly from users through the front end. However, you may wish to add bookings manually or edit existing bookings.

How to add a booking manually

Go to Bookings > Add Booking and enter the booking details, including the product, start date, end date and quantity. You can also enter the user details and, once the booking has been published, you can then link it to a new order.

How to edit an existing booking

To edit an existing booking, go to Bookings in your WordPress admin. Click on the booking you wish to edit and click the ‘Edit booking’ button.

You’ll be able to enter a new start date, then a new end date, and enter a quantity if enabled for the product. Click ‘Update’ and your booking will be updated.

Setting to edit existing booking in WooComnerce

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