WooCommerce category discount – reduce product prices by category

WooCommerce category discount

Offering WooCommerce category discounts is one of the most popular ways to increase sales. The idea is that you offer customers a flat discount or percentage discount off all products in a specific WooCommerce category.

WooCommerce category discounts

For example, you might offer customers a 10% discount on Winter Apparel or a flat $25 off on all products from the Furniture category. Similarly, you can create a WooCommerce bulk discount category for wholesale buyers.

In this article, we’ll show you how to apply reduced product pricing by categories using a WooCommerce category discount plugin.

We’ll cover:

Why you might want to apply WooCommerce category discounts

A WooCommerce category discount is when all products that fall under a specific WooCommerce category are sold at a discounted rate. For example, if you decide to offer 5% off on all winter items, you could apply a WooCommerce category discount to the Winter Apparel category.

The key benefit of offering a WooCommerce discount by category is that it makes it easier to manage discounts on the back-end. As the store manager, you can implement this in two different ways. You can:

  • Create a new category to apply discounts to e.g. Items on Sale.
  • Apply discounts to an existing category e.g. Winter Apparel or Sports Gear.

Creating WooCommerce category discounts also makes it easy for digital marketers to run limited-time marketing campaigns. For example, you can create an Up to 25% off on all winter gear! campaign and send customers a link to the Winter Gear product category page via email.

Using a WooCommerce category discount plugin, you can offer customers a flat discount or a percentage discount.

Real-life examples of when to apply discounts on specific WooCommerce categories

Let’s step through some real-life examples of when you can apply discounts on specific WooCommerce categories and why you’d want to.

#1: End of season sale

Offering a WooCommerce discount by category is a great way to move your inventory which makes it the perfect strategy for an end of season sale.

Here’s how it works:

Start by creating a new category for the products you’d like to offer a discount on. For example, you might call this category Sale or Items on Sale. Next, assign this category to all WooCommerce products on sale. Finally, use a plugin to apply the discount – either a flat discount or a percentage discount.

Running an end of season sale is a great way to move inventory quickly, increase your average order value, and boost sales. Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to run marketing campaigns and build your email list.

#2: Marketing campaigns

Running marketing campaigns for your online store involves contact segmentation, crafting compelling email copy, and analyzing results. For this reason, the easier you make it to manage the actual discounts, the better.

Here’s how you can set this up in WooCommerce:

Create a discount on a specific category such as Sports Gear or Accessories using a WooCommerce category discount plugin. Once that’s done, create and send out email marketing campaigns announcing the product category discount.

Running marketing campaigns is a great way to get the word out about exclusive discounts and potentially acquire new customers. In addition to this, it helps you boost conversions and increase sales, effectively.

#3: Members-only products

If you’re running a membership site in WordPress, you might consider offering discounts to members. A WooCommerce category discount plugin makes this easy to set up.

Here’s how:

Start by creating a new category for members-only products. For example, you might call this Members Only. Next, create a WooCommerce category discount on that category – either a flat or percentage discount. Finally, hide the category so only members can see it when they’re logged in to their user account.

Offering discounts on members-only products is a great way to encourage member registrations and also to generate recurring revenue for your business. Alternatively, you can also set prices by user role if you’d like to sell members-only products at different prices.

How to apply discounts on specific WooCommerce categories

In order to apply discounts on specific WooCommerce categories, you need to use a WooCommerce category discount plugin like WooCommerce Fees and Discounts.

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

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Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Fees and Discounts > Dynamic Pricing from the WordPress admin panel to get started. Click the ‘Add Rule’ button and configure the following settings:

Add rule for offering category discount in WooCommerce
  • Offer type – Set the offer type to ‘Bulk Pricing’.
  • Label – This is an optional text that will appear under the price label on the product page.
  • Applies to – Set this to ‘Specific categories’.
  • Count by – Set this to ‘All’.
  • “Buy” categories – Choose the categories customers can buy from to qualify for the offer.
  • “Get” categories – Choose the categories customers can get discounted products if they qualify for the offer. This should be the same as your “Buy” categories.
  • Tiers – Configure the following options:
    • Min quantity – The minimum number of products the customer has to purchase to qualify for the offer.
    • Max quantity – The maximum number of products the customer can purchase.
    • Adjustment – Set this to either ‘Fixed Discount’ or ‘Percentage Discount’.
    • Amount – Set the discount value amount.
    • Label – Optionally, enter a label that will appear in the cart.

Finally, click the ‘Save changes’ button to continue.

Once customers add products to cart from the specified categories, the discount amount will automatically be applied. It will look something like this on the front-end:

WooCommerce category discount in shopping cart

Also, be sure to check out our full guide for more ways to set up dynamic pricing in WooCommerce.


Creating a WooCommerce discount by category is a great way to attract new customers and encourage existing customers to buy more from you.

You can use a WooCommerce category discount plugin like WooCommerce Fees and Discounts to create either fixed or percentage discounts. This makes it incredibly easy to set up an end of season sale, run marketing campaigns, or offer members-only products to registered members. As a result, you can boost conversions and increase sales.

Looking for an easy way to apply reduced product pricing by categories in WooCommerce? Get the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin today!

WooCommerce Fees and Discounts

Create powerful pricing incentives quickly and easily

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