6+ Best WooCommerce variation swatches and photos plugins (2023)

WooCommerce swatches

Displaying your products in a more detailed and attractive manner can seriously bring in those sales!

Having a large catalogue of products on your eCommerce store requires you to use product swatches and images. This way, you can display your products and product variations much better on your WooCommerce site, deliver an engaging shopping experience, and help your customers make informed purchase decisions.

In this article, we’ll explore the top five plugins for variation swatches and photos on WooCommerce.

Why use product swatches and photos for your WooCommerce product and variations?

Before we begin going through some of the best plugin options for displaying product swatches and photos, let’s take a step back to understand what WooCommerce swatches are.

Swatches are a way to showcase product details in a more attractive and comprehensive manner on your shop’s product pages. For a better understanding, you can take a look at Pottery Barn’s single product page.

Pottery Barn variation swatches

If you hover your mouse over different product variation options, you’ll see detailed images of each option. So if you’re interested in the red blanket, you’ll get a series of variation photos that can help you see how the blanket looks in real life. This helps enhance the shopping experience and makes it easier for customers to find the right product options quickly.

Another great example of product swatches and photos can be seen on Under Armour’s product page.

Under Aromour single product page

Customers can select the colour and view the product image for the specific colour or product option they select. This is a great way to showcase all product variations better and helps customers make informed purchase decisions.

Benefits of using product swatches in WooCommerce

Using product swatches and photos on your online store is a great way to make your online store look unique and help it stand out from the competition. Let’s talk about more of the benefits of using product swatches and images on your WooCommerce site:

  • Make your WooCommerce products more attractive. Using product swatches and images to display products and product variations options is a great way to encourage more sales. This is because customers will find it much easier to view what each product variation option looks like in real life. While it’s an effective way to boost sales on your WooCommerce site, it can also help make your WooCommerce products look more attractive on shop pages and archive pages.
  • Add extra details to your products. Adding extra details to your WooCommerce products is important, especially if you’re selling products that have specific technical details that the customers need to know about before adding the product to their cart. For instance, if you’re selling carpets and rugs, product swatches can be a great way to showcase what each fabric option looks and feels like. Similarly, you can also include product swatches for different carpet sizes and use images to tell customers the actual size measured in inches.
  • Make it easier for customers to differentiate between product variations. Using product swatches and photos on your WooCommerce site can also help extra product options or variations stand out on the product page. As a result, it makes it much easier for customers to differentiate between product variations as there are more visual elements associated with each product variation option.

The top 6+ plugins for variation swatches and photos on WooCommerce

Here, we’ll go over some of the best product variations and photos plugins available for WooCommerce sites.

#1. WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin offers an all-in-one solution for personalising the look and feel of your WooCommerce products.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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This plugin has everything you need to transform your WooCommerce site into a high-converting, professional storefront. The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate comes built-in with a suite of add-ons and advanced features that help you customise, personalise, and improve the shopping experience on your WooCommerce site.

Multiple types of swatches available

This plugin lets you add customisable image swatches, colour swatches, attribute swatches, and many more swatch types to your WooCommerce products. As a store owner, these are some of the things you should be on the lookout for when deciding on the right variation swatches and photos plugin for your WooCommerce site, such as features like a built-in photo editor to make quick adjustments to your product images. You also have a lot of flexibility in terms of how you can present your swatches, such as:

  • You can add them to radio buttons or checkboxes.
  • You can set a default option; for e.g. if you offer three t-shirt variations on a product page then you can include swatches for all of them and add a border on the most popular option.
  • You can assign a price to each swatch displayed on a product page. Let’s say you sell t-shirts and want to amend the pricing on how intricate the design is or the quality of the material. You can easily do this within the same product page!

See how this works in action by checking out this demo site featuring WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate set up for radio buttons and image swatches.

All in one plugin for WooCommerce swatches and custom fields

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is the most flexible plugin in this list as it offers a lot more than WooCommerce swatches. You can also add custom fields to products, such as checkboxes, custom pricing fields, file upload fields, or calculation fields. This way, customers can personalise your products themselves before adding them to their shopping cart. In addition to this, you can also use conditional logic to show or hide fields based on the value of other fields or depending on which variation the customer has selected.

Instead of using a separate plugin to add product swatches and images to variable product attributes on your WooCommerce site, you can use a single plugin to do everything. The plugin lets you easily create custom fields that display image swatches, which is an easier way to add product details.

WooCommerce swatches preview

Set global or product-specific rules

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate lets you set up all the rules you need to create an optimal purchase experience across all product pages.

Some rules will apply to all your products, or all products within a category. For example, let’s say you sell custom guitars and offer the same colour variations for all your models. In this case, you could set global image swatches that display these colour choices. As another example, let’s say you sell clothes online and offer t-shirts in XS, S, M, L, and XL. If you wanted to, you could use image swatches to only appear for the t-shirt category and they would showcase how the different sizes look.

Another great feature of the plugin is that you can apply conditional logic on the swatches. For example, let’s take the example above and say you offer t-shirt sizes as image swatches because you want to include information about the dimensions directly in the product image. A customer could choose a t-shirt in M, which would reveal a text field asking them whether they want to add up to 30 characters of text. If the same customer had chosen an XS t-shirt, you display a text field that’s limited to 20 characters because of the smaller printing area.


Pricing starts at $69 for the Basic package. However, you will need to subscribe to the Pro package which starts at $119 to access advanced features like image variation swatches and variable products. However, considering that the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin gives you access to many other custom fields alongside image swatches, we think that’s a great deal. With other plugins on this list, you may need to purchase multiple plugins to have the full breadth of features.

#2. WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos

WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos is a simple yet powerful plugin for displaying colour and images swatches for WooCommerce variable products.

The WooCommerce swatches plugin lets you add product colour swatches or image swatches and display them instead of the usual dropdown boxes for details on your WordPress site. Using colour and images swatches provides a much nicer way to display the variations of a product, showcase some of the available styles, or display products in extra colours better.

For instance, you can display a T-shirt product with images swatches that showcase each colour option the t-shirt is available in. This not only makes it easier for customers to make quick purchase decisions but also encourages them to add more product options to their cart as each option looks more appealing.

As a result, it can help enhance the shopping experience and makes your online store look and feel more professional.

Pricing – You can get the WooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos for $99 per year.

#3. Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Variation Swatches for WooCommerce is a robust WordPress plugin designed to help you showcase product options better using image and product swatches.

This lets you display professional-looking options for product variations on your WooCommerce store using product variation swatches. You can transform your product variation options to custom swatches such as radio button swatches, images, colours, and labels instead of using the generic-looking, default WooCommerce dropdowns.

This solution is better suited for users who are slightly comfortable with figuring out things on their own and work with WooCommerce product attributes extensively. This is because you first have to add product options using the old, tedious process before you can auto-convert them into product swatches and images using the plugin.

In addition to this, you can experiment with different product swatch variations in the quick view popup and display entire attribute swatches in the category, catalogue, store, archive pages, and shop pages on your WooCommerce site using the premium version of this plugin.

Pricing – While the Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin has a free version, you will need the Pro version, which starts at $49, to unlock the full potential of the plugin.

#4. YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations

The YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations plugin offers an intuitive and effective way to display all product options on your WooCommerce site in colour and photo swatches.

Using the robust plugin, you can replace the default WooCommerce product detail options with custom icons, images, and labels. You can add unlimited product variations and display all of them on a single page. This not only helps offer an enhanced shopping experience but also makes it easier for customers to differentiate between different product options.

Customers will be able to navigate all extra options for products without having to jump around multiple pages. As a result, you encourage more sales and improve product variations’ visibility on your ecommerce store.

Pricing – You can get the YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations plugin for $89.99 per year.

#5. Product Add-Ons

Product Add-Ons is an extra product option and product swatches plugin that lets you easily create a personalised shopping experience on your online store.

You can offer product customisation options that let customers add text and images before adding products to their shopping carts and also display product details better using images, colours, and swatches. Product details can be added globally or per product using the edit product page.

Pricing – You can get the Product Add-Ons plugin for $49 per year.

#6. ProductX

The ProductX WooCommerce builder plugin comes with various features – allowing you to create full WooCommerce websites in just a few clicks. 

One notable feature is product variation swatches – allowing you to show various swatches of your products based on different attributes. You can enable custom-size labels to show product size swatches in the way you want. You can show custom product size labels based on the attributes you set.

Pricing: The ProductX variation swatches feature comes bundled with the ProductX WooCommerce builder plugin. Pricing for a single-site license with 1-year support starts from $49. For a lifetime license of 1-site, pricing starts from $149.

#7. YaySwatches

YaySwatches lets you add image and color swatches to your WooCommerce products. You can customize the shape, size, border colour, and positioning of your swatches, and you can even include tooltips to add more info about product variations.

Another handy feature of the plugin is that you can use the swatches to mark product variations as sold out.

Pricing: You can get the plugin for a single site at $59 per year.

Pro-tips in choosing a WooCommerce swatches plugin

With so many different plugin options available, it can be hard to decide on the right option for your WooCommerce site. This is why it’s important to look out for a few features when choosing a WooCommerce swatches plugin for your eCommerce site.

As a store owner, these are some of the things you should be on the lookout for when deciding on the right variation swatches and photos plugin for your WooCommerce site:

  • Ease of use. The first thing you want to consider when choosing a plugin is how easy it is to set up. Depending on your level of tech-savviness and the amount of time you have, you need a plugin that’s easy and quick to first set up on your WooCommerce site. You also need to consider whether the plugin has good documentation and offers customer support or not. These factors come into play when you’re stuck with a plugin bug and you need an expert to help you quickly fix your site and get it back up and running in no time.
  • Comprehensiveness. You also need to consider whether the plugin you choose has all features built-in, especially the ones you need to personalise your online store. Ideally, you want to use a single plugin for the maximum amount of tasks, so it reduces the need for other plugins. You need to consider a plugin that at least offers product personalisation options through custom fields, customisable colour, variation photos, and other styles of WooCommerce swatches, and also offers additional features such as conditional logic, advanced pricing fields, and file upload or text boxes.
  • Better customer experience. Other than the experience on the back-end of your WooCommerce site, you need to see how well the plugin enhances the shopping experience for your customers on the front-end.

With that in mind, let’s have a final look at the 6 plugins we covered today before concluding with our winner:

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate ProWooCommerce Variation Swatches & Photos Variation Swatches for WooCommerceYITH WooCommerce Color and Label VariationsProduct Add-OnsYaySwatches
FeaturesHas 16 add-on fields to choose from ranging from swatches to lots more; you can set up global rules and conditional logicIncludes standard colour and image swatches to replace the default drop-downIncludes color, button, radio, and image swatches. Also has useful features such as dual color variations and tooltipsDisplay product variations based on colour, label, and image attributes. You can add a colour picker on each variation7 add-on options for product pages including image variationsOnly includes image and color swatches, but you have quite a few customisation options
Pricing$116/year $99/year$49/year $89/year$49/year$59/year

Get started with a WooCommerce variation swatches plugin today!

Product variation swatches and images are a great way to showcase extra product options better and make them more appealing to customers. This is because product swatches and images help customers differentiate between different product options easily. As a result, they can make quick, informed purchase decisions and proceed to checkout.

However, you have limited product customisation options with default WooCommerce. This is why we recommend using an all-in-one product personalisation plugin such as the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. The plugin is the perfect option for creating a fully customisable shopping experience on your WooCommerce site, even if you’re not very tech-savvy. It offers all the features you need to create a professional, well-designed product store that rakes in more conversions.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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Ready to start adding customisable variation swatches and photos with a WooCommerce variation swatches plugin? Get WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate today!

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