WooCommerce measurement price calculator: easily calculate product prices [+ video]

Not all WooCommerce products are sold in simple units; and sometimes the standard quantity field isn’t enough for your customer. If you’re selling products that have prices calculated by area, volume or other custom units, you’ll want your customers to be able to enter their desired dimensions then have WooCommerce calculate the product price by a formula. That’s where a WooCommerce measurement price calculator comes in.

WooCommerce measurement price calculator

If you want to sell products that are priced by a non-standard unit, like area or volume, you’ll need a measurement price calculator plugin. This will let you and your customers calculate the product price according to user-inputted measurements.

There is no default method in WooCommerce to help you create a custom price calculator. The best way to do so is by using a plugin. 

In this article, we’ll understand:

  • Which are the top measurement price calculator plugins and how to choose the best one
  • How a WooCommerce measurement price calculator based on measurements works
  • How the price calculator works in conjunction with other add-on fields
  • Some different real-life examples of products using a measurement price calculator

You can navigate through the article using the links on the left-hand side.

Top 4 WooCommerce Plugins for creating price calculators

There are many plugins available to help you display prices based on input from customers. So before we dive into the top WooCommerce Price Calculator plugins, let’s understand what you should look for in the first place. 

  • Custom pricing variables: Depending on what kind of products you’re selling, choose a plugin that lets you calculate prices based on relevant factors like size, weight, area, dimensions, time, etc. For example, if you sell tailored clothing, you should be able to show prices based on size and dimensions. But if you’re running a store supplying raw material in bulk (like a construction company), you should be able to show prices based on volume and weight.
  • Relevant Integrations: You should be able to integrate the plugin with other relevant WooCommerce plugins that you may be used to customize and enhance your user experience. This will help you stand out from the rest of your competition and offer flexibility to your customers.
  • Value for money: Choose a plugin that is priced well – if it only serves the function of a price calculator, it shouldn’t be burning a hole in your pocket! Unless you have the need for high-level customizability for price calculations, you should pick a plugin that has multiple functions.

Based on these factors, here are our top plugins.

The best plugin for creating a price calculator – WooCommerce Product
Add-Ons Ultimate

As the name suggests, this is the ultimate plugin for product customization and personalization. It comes with 15+ useful custom fields that enable your customers to personalize products according to their preferences, including a price calculator option.

The ‘Calculation’ field allows you to calculate part or all of the product price according to your own formula. It supports dynamic custom pricing based on multiple factors like length, area, size, volume, weight, etc.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More

What makes this plugin the best is that it’s far more than a price calculator plugin. Add-Ons Ultimate also lets you add extra options to your products using input fields like text, number, select, etc; create custom pricing and discounts; and use conditional logic to customize what is shown to customers.

With the basic plans starting at $69/year and pPro plans at $119/year (which includes the calculation feature), it is the most price-optimal plugin on this list.

Measurement Price Calculator by Skyverge

Probably the most popular plugin on this list, this plugin enables you to display prices based on your customer’s choices and input regarding factors like volume, weight, dimensions, etc. It also comes with inventory management, dynamic price estimation, and pricing tables.

The only reason this plugin isn’t on top is because of its high price. At $129/year, this plugin is best suited if you’re a big store looking to display highly-customized price calculations. 

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Plugin, Price Per Unit

With this plugin, you can easily display prices on your product pages based on length, area (Sqft), volume, and weight. It also supports product variations and shows prices in a table format, with custom pricing labels and units.

This plugin is currently selling at $27 for 6 months of support – a worthy consideration if you’re looking for a straightforward price calculator plugin. 

Flexible Quantity – Measurement Price Calculator for WooCommerce

This is a good plugin for adding a simple measurement price calculator on a WooCommerce store selling products based on weight, volume, dimensions, and area. That’s where the functionality ends in its free version. The Pro version includes custom pricing labels, dynamic calculations, and pricing tables and is available at £79/year. 

Now that we’ve identified the top plugins and their strengths let’s take a look at adding a WooCommerce measurement price calculator using WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate.

Calculate WooCommerce product price by formula

Using the calculation field, you can set complex prices based on multiple factors using mathematical formulas. It’s perfect if you’re selling goods in quantities that are based on dimensions, for example:

  • Length
  • Width
  • Area, e.g. square feet or square metres
  • Volume, e.g. cubic inches, cubic centimetres or cubic metres
  • Weight by volume

Note that you can also calculate product prices based on a pricing grid or lookup table. See this article for more information.


The calculation field uses the concept of ‘tags’. Basically, these are pieces of text that you can insert into a formula that will later be replaced by a numerical value.

For example:

  • The {field_932} tag will be replaced by the value of the field with the ID 932
  • The {product_price} tag will be replaced by the price of the product

You can also enter numbers as well, so your formulas will most likely be a combination of tags. In this article, we’ll look at loads of examples.

It’s possible to use tags for the following:

  • Number field values input by users
  • The price of a specific add-on field
  • The value of an option selected in a dropdown field
  • Product/variation price
  • Product dimensions like weight, length, height and width
  • Global variables that can be set once and used through multiple calculation fields and products
  • The number of files uploaded to an upload field
  • The selected product quantity

WooCommerce measurement price calculator video

Here’s a video that covers many of the items in this article.

Example: WooCommerce product price calculator for windows and glass

As an example, let’s say you’re selling windows. You can create a standard WooCommerce product for your window product, then, use the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to add a couple of number fields where your customers can enter the height and width of each window.

WooCommerce product price calculator for window

Now, using the calculation field, you can decide how to price the product based on the area, calculated by multiplying the height by the width, plus any other factors that you want to include, such as:

  • Cost of goods
  • Mark-up or margin
  • Base product price
Product price by formula for WooCommerce

The customer enters the height and width that they require and the calculation field takes care of the rest.

There is a more detailed walkthrough of a window measurement calculator product below.

Works with simple and variable products

The calculation field works with simple or variable products. In our windows example, this means you can include variations for different frame styles or glass types.

Using multiple calculation fields

You can use the results from calculation fields in other calculations. This means that you can easily build up complex formulas.

Create global variables

If you’re using calculator fields on multiple products, you might want to be able to set some variables in one place. Let’s say your calculations allow for a 50% markup or margin. Then, one day, you decide you want to increase this to 60%. You don’t want to have to go through every product and change each formula. It’s too painstaking and painful.

Instead, you can set a value for your markup in the settings and use a tag, e.g. {variable_1}, in all your formulas. If you need to change this value, you only have to change it in one place.

Product price calculation global variables

WooCommerce product price calculation formulas

The WooCommerce product price can be calculated using formulas which are simple or complex.

Formulas can include:

  • Add-on field values
  • Product price
  • Preset variables
  • Other calculation fields
  • Product dimensions (length, width and height) and weight

Formulas also allow you to use standard operators:

  • Plus
  • Minus
  • Multiply
  • Divide

And finally, you can specify how many decimal places to return results to. Or you can decide whether you want to round the result up or down.

WooCommerce Add-Ons Ultimate and price calculator plugin

Because the calculation field is part of the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you can do much more than just simple product price calculations.

You can create products that allow your customers to specify their precise requirements. Creating a customizable product in WooCommerce helps you boost sales, sell unique products and increase customer loyalty.

As I mentioned before, because the price calculator is just one feature of the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you get loads of powerful extras. For example:

Conditional logic

Product Add-Ons Ultimate allows you to use conditional logic to decide which fields should be displayed to users. You can set conditions on most field types so you could include calculations based on:

  • Whether or not a checkbox is selected
  • If the user has chosen a certain option from a select field or radio button group
  • Only if the user has entered certain text in a text field
  • If the cost of the product is above or below a certain threshold

Variation specific fields

Maybe you only want to trigger a calculation if the user has selected a certain product variation. Add-Ons Ultimate allows you to display fields only when specified variations are selected.

Minimum and maximum values

The calculation field can look for the value of other add-on fields. In our windows example above, this would a number field for height and a number field for width.

With Add-Ons Ultimate you can specify minimum and maximum values for number fields – so if your windows can’t be bigger than a certain size, you can enforce this.

Examples of WooCommerce product price calculators based on different characteristics

Now we’re going to look at a number of examples of product price calculators. We’ll walk through how to set each one up and link to a working demo product.

In total, we’ll look at:

  • A wallpaper roll calculator which calculates the number of rolls of wallpaper you’ll need depending on the dimensions entered
  • How to create a product for windows which allows you to specify the exact height and width
  • Simple products that are sold by length or meterage, like fabrics
  • Selling products by volume, e.g. gravel, pebbles, aggregates

All the products will have some additional options so you can see how the calculation field interacts with other product options.

Recommended reading: Adding extra product options to create customizable products in WooCommerce.  

Build a wallpaper roll calculator

Let’s look at how to create a WooCommerce product price calculator for rolls of wallpaper, or similar products. You can view the full working demo here.

Note that this is an example of a wallpaper calculator – but could work equally well for wall tiles, flooring, carpets, or any other product where you want to calculate an item quantity based on area.

WooCommerce measurement price calculator

The requirements here are:

  • Allow the user to calculate the area of the room to be wallpapered by entering the width and height of the walls
  • Factor in some contingency for the area – so allow an extra ten percent added to the user’s dimensions
  • Calculate the number of rolls, then round up to prevent the customer from trying to purchase part rolls
  • Automatically setting the quantity field so that we can still track inventory and know how many rolls we’re selling

This sounds quite complex – but in fact it’s really easy with the calculation field.

Creating the calculation field for the wallpaper product

We need two user input fields – one for height and one for width. Make sure you specify the field type as ‘Number’.

For now though, let’s assume you’re familiar with adding groups and fields in the plugin. Here’s our ‘Width’ field for the wallpaper price calculator.

WooCommerce width option

It’s pretty simple – just a Number field with a label.

We can duplicate it for the Height field.

Adding the calculation field

Now we can add the WooCommerce price calculator field.

Our formula is relatively simple:

  • Essentially it’s the width multiplied by the height to get the area the wallpaper will need to cover
  • Then we multiply the area by 1.1 to give an additional 10% contingency
  • Finally, we divide by 3.5 (which is the area of one roll of our wallpaper). Obviously, it’s likely to be different for you.

The field looks like this:

WooCommerce measurement price calculator for wallpaper rolls

Note the Height and Width fields above the calculation field. We can see the field IDs for each.

The calculation formula is written like this:

( {field_907} * {field_908} * 1.1 ) / 3.5

Note that I’ve used some tags, e.g. {field_907}. That just means that the formula will grab the value of Field #907 (the Height) and use it in the formula.

Parentheses are allowed, so I’ll calculate the area first, then multiply by 1.1, then divide the whole lot by the area of a single roll.

Rounding the result

Because we want a whole number as our result and because we want to make sure our customer has enough wallpaper to finish the job, we set the ‘Round Result’ field ‘Round up’.

This will round the result of the calculation up to the nearest whole number.

Updating quantity

And because we want to use this field to specify how many rolls the customer will be buying, we set the ‘Action’ field to ‘Update Quantity’.

This means that when the user enters their height and width, the calculation will trigger an update in the Quantity field so that the user will purchase the correct number of rolls.

Upselling additional items

The calculation field is part of the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin – so you can include more options on the product page than just an area calculator.

You can encourage upsells by offering some typical equipment customers might need when they’re doing their wallpapering, like adhesives or tools.

These can be simple options or you can include other products on this page.

Change the price label

As a finishing touch, we’ll want to change the product price label so that the user understands the price is per roll.

Add-Ons Ultimate gives us a couple of extra fields on the ‘General’ tab of the Product data section.

You can enter some text in the ‘Price label’ field that will accompany the product price. Then you can decide where to display the text in the ‘Price label display’ field.

Setting the product price label

Take a look at the demo here.

Selling WooCommerce products by the metre

Many products may need to be sold by the metre or the foot (or the inch, centimetre, or mile – who knows?). In this example, we look at setting the price of lengths of fabric by using a simple calculation. You can view the demo here.

WooCommerce buy fabric by the metre

Create the add-on fields

Because we’re selling by length, we only need one user input field. Create a Number field and label it how you wish, e.g. ‘Length’.

Now you can create your WooCommerce price calculator field. The formula is simpler than in our wallpaper example:

WooCommerce product price calculation for products sold by length

The formula is simply:

{field_932} * 5.95

Where {field_932} is the value of the input field (i.e. the number of metres of fabric that the customer wants) and 5.95 is the price per metre.

Display as cost

Unlike the wallpaper rolls, where we were calculating the number of rolls then setting the quantity field to match, here we are setting the price directly.

To do this, set the ‘Action’ field to ‘Display as Cost’. This will return the result of the calculation as a price value and update the total product price accordingly.

Creating a WooCommerce measurement calculator to calculate price by volume

Let’s add another dimension now – depth. If you are selling materials that are measured by volume, equal by cubic metre or yard, you will need a measurement calculator.

In this example, we’re selling aggregate – i.e. pretty pebbles or gravel that we might use as a decorative feature in our garden. Your customers won’t necessarily know how much they’ll so we’ll provide them with a neat calculator.

Example product page for selling by volume

As a bonus, we’re also going to give the customer the opportunity to add a shovel to their cart direct from the aggregates page.

You can view the demo product here.

Add the calculation fields

As before, let’s add our calculation fields. We need Number fields for Length, Width and Depth.

Just to throw a spanner in the works, the Length and Width fields will be in metre units; the Depth field will be in centimetres.

Input fields

Note that I’ve indicated the units as part of each field label.

Create the product calculation formulas

In a similar way to the wallpaper calculator above, we’re going to create two calculation fields:

  • One field will calculate the volume based on the user inputs
  • The second field will calculate the number of bags of aggregate required based on the calculated volume and a global variable that we’ll set to indicate the volume of each bag
WooCommerce volume calculation formula

Note that we’ve accounted for the fact that the depth unit is centimetres by multiplying that field value by 0.01 to convert it to metres.

We return the result to 2 decimal places.

Price calculation formula

Then we use the result of the volume calculation in the next formula. We multiply the area by 1.1 to add a 10% contingency then we divide it by the value of a global variable.

Global variables in calculations

We can set global records to use in any formula by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Product Add-Ons. In the Calculation section, there are fields for three variables. Enter values here and they will be available to all your measurement price calculators.

Upsell some more products

Finally, we can use another feature of the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to encourage the customer to purchase a related product.

We’ll add a ‘Products’ field so that the customer can buy a shovel to help with their aggregate delivery. Even better, we’ll give them a 10% discount. Wa-hoo!

Bonus product

For more information on allowing customers to purchase multiple products from a single product page, take a look at this article.

How to create a WooCommerce product cost calculator for windows and doors

In this example, we’re going to create a customisable window where the user can specify their dimensions, choose some extra options, and the whole price is calculated dynamically.

You can view the demo here.

WooCommerce product price calculator for window

Create the user input fields

As before, let’s create two Number fields so that the user can enter the dimensions of their window.

WooCommerce number fields for price calculator

Note that we’ve set some minimum and maximum parameters to ensure that customers can’t specify windows that are really tiny or absolutely massive.

Create the area and cost calculator formulas

Now we’ll create two calculation fields: one to calculate the area of the window based on the user’s data, and a WooCommerce product price calculator to calculate the cost.

WooCommerce area calculation field

The area calculation formula just multiplies the Width and Height fields, which are entered in millimetres, then divides by 1,000,000 to produce a result in square metres.

We return the result to two decimal places.

Then we add our price calculation:

Product cost calculator

This multiples the result of the area calculation by a factor to obtain our price. Your price calculation might be a bit more complex than this.

Adding calculation fields with conditional logic

Sometimes you’ll want to offer your customers optional extras in your products that will affect the price. We can do this here by creating calculation fields that will only appear if certain conditions are met.

In our window product, we’re going to give the customer the option to select frosted glass. To do this, we create a checkbox called ‘Frosted Glass’.

Then we create a calculation field with another cost calculation that will only display if the checkbox is selected:

WooCommerce conditional calculation field

Now, there’s an additional cost if the user chooses to have frosted glass. If they deselect the option, the cost is removed.

Bonus: using Advanced Custom Fields in your calculations

Advanced Custom Fields is used on over a million websites as an easy way to add custom fields to WordPress posts, pages, and custom post types.

Using Add-Ons Ultimate and the Advanced Calculations extension, you can also use the values of ACF fields in your calculation fields. When you create a number field using ACF and assign it to products, it will automatically become available to be used in calculation fields.

This is ideal if you need to add extra fields to the back-end using ACF for additional product information.

There’s more information on the support doc here.

Final thoughts on the WooCommerce measurement price calculator

The calculation field in the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin is incredibly powerful, especially when it’s combined with other features of the plugin. You can:

  • Create calculators that set a dynamic product cost based on user input
  • Include other product options, including upsells
  • Use conditional logic to make calculations only when certain conditions are met
  • Chain calculation fields so that you can use the results from other calculations in new formulas
  • Set the WooCommerce product price by formula

If you need to include a measurement price calculator in your WooCommerce store, you should get the Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

Find Out More


  1. This is great thanks. I’ve used Product Addons for custom products and its been great. But not as a dynamic calculator yet.

    Do you know if along with calculating the price, it will also allow you to set the weight of the product based on those options? Eg lets say you pick 3m x 6m of fabric at 50gm per square meter. We can work out that the weight would be 900g. But how can we tell Woocommerce this so that we can then price the shipping accordingly?

  2. Hi Gareth,
    There is an upload module in the Ultimate plugin, is it possible to link it with this price calculator ?
    For example, let say I want to sell little books my clients want for a presentation/documentation/paper-news/guide, I tell theme to load a pdf or something, but I want to price it based on the number of pages.
    Is it possible ? If yes how do I do ?

  3. Hi Gareth,
    I would like to know if through this plugin I can create a group of products which are conditioned by a formula which is determined by an initial value set by the user.

    Choice between 10 different sizes.
    the quantities of the products loaded change according to that value through a mathematical formula.

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

  4. Hi, I’m looking to use this plugin to calculate the cost per character for making physical signs. Is it possible to make calculations based on the text fields? I can’t seem to figure it out.

  5. Hi, the plugin looks good. I have a webshop with 1.400 product. 1000 would require a calculation. Same principle for all 1000 products: area in m2 as visitors input, calculation based on the m2 per box + 10% cutloss: how many boxes are needed? I think the plugin can do that. If I make 1 formula, would it be possible to clone it to the other 999 products?

  6. Hi Gareth

    Very interested in your plugin. Basically we want to setup a flooring calculator which is sold in packs of a specific size. We want to display the m2 pice but only allow people to purchase according to the pack size increments for example 2.74 m2 per pack. On top of this we need the calculator to show % discounts above certain pack sizes. Essentially what we need is fuctionality which can be seen here:


    Please can you tell me if this is possible with your plugin. Would be great if it is as I have search around including Woo Measurement Price Calculator but they do not have all these feaures. Many thanks

  7. Thanks Gareth
    Sounds good. If we use your Addons plugin to setup the calculator and then your fees and discounts plugin to assign the bulk discounts will this all update live on the page? I was experimenting with the Woo Measurement Price Calculator plugin along with the rightpress bulk discounst plugin but it would only show the discount in the cart and not in realtime on the product page. Your 2 plugins can achieve that?

    Also is it possible like on the flooringsupplies.co.uk example I gave you to show the wording after the area is entered for example: 33 packs (66.99m2)
    @ £19.99 /m2, Your saving is £275 or something like that. If the above 2 things are possible that would be perfect for us. Thanks

  8. I am very interested in your plugin for a site I am working on.

    The site sells doors. It is possible to create the width/height fields made up of two fields each. One field will be a text box that takes in integer, then other field is a dropdown with fractions (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, etc..). The calculate would then use these two fields together to calculate sq/ft of the door for pricing. If not, is it possible to have a text box that can take fractions and convert to decimals and enforce they have to be in 1/8 increments.

  9. Hi,
    the Plugin looks great. Is it possible to add this steps:
    – take the current product variation price
    – multiply this with a customer meta value
    – multiply this with some product variation meta values
    – multiply this with a number given from the the country origin value
    For example: $ 100 * 40 * 0,5 * 1,2 = $ 2.400

    Best wishes

      • Not user inputs but database datas. In my example:
        $ 100 is the product variation price
        40 is a user meta (via get_user_meta)
        0.5 is a product meta (via get_post_meta)
        1.2 is a theme mod (via get_theme_mod)

        Because at this moment woocommerce calculates the price via JS. But i need a solution to calculate the price via different database datas.


  10. Hi Gareth,

    Can you explain to me how I can fix the following issue:

    I already have the formula to calculate the price of square meters.
    I use the following fields
    Width cm
    Height cm
    Price m² = field_width/100 * field_height/100 * price (something like this)

    When I want to add an option that costs 45€, I don’t want it to be affected by the square meters.
    So no matter if the people choose 5m² or 50m², the cost should still remain 45€.
    I tried this with a checkbox giving the option a cost of 45€, but now when the option is selected, it doesn’t sum up after the calculation.
    When I try this with a product with a fixed price, it does work.

    Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance,


  11. I want to make functionality just like tile per box functionality, and in it, I want to calculate the area covered by one box of tiles! Can we do that using this plugin? And I have one more question, after adding all the global addons, can we import the data from .csv in it as my store has more than 2000 products?

  12. Is there any demo website available from where in the backend I can apply my calculation and test it, before purchasing the plugin?

    • Hi

      There’s no back-end demo site but there’s a 14 day money back guarantee – so if it’s not what you’re looking for, just let me know and I’ll refund you.


  13. Would it be possible to instal the Measurement Price Calculator Plugin on another web platform other than WooCommerce? I created my website with Wix and I need function

  14. Hi there, is there any way to add to current calculated price?

    I mean, I have 10 conditionals that set up the price, then in the next step i want to add to that calculated price +1800.
    I do not have a static field_# for reference, i was thinking about something like {current_calculated_price} or something like that.

    Is there any way to solve this?

  15. Hello!! it looks great! but we have a question, It works for measure blinds and multiple variations of measurements.
    For example:
    Height: 400cms to 500 cm
    WIdth: 400 cms to 500 cms
    total: $ 27.000

    Then we have tej same blind but the price change because the measures:
    Height 501 to 700 cms
    Width 401 to 700 cms
    Total: $ 34.000

    Can we configure this plug in this way???
    thank you!!!

  16. Is it possible to set a minimum area for an order? I.e. User inputs width and length 1m x 1m, but they can’t check out because the minimum allowed size is 2sqm?


  17. Boa noite

    Comprei a versão básica tem como reverter o valor pra versão pro. eu dando a diferença?

  18. Hello,
    I already have many items configured for size and color, but I would also like to add the possibility of adding a custom size: in addition to XS, S, M, L, XL, I would like to add another custom attribute. When this custom attribute is selected I would like to display “W x H” for the area calculation in cm2.

    How can I do it?

    Thank you

  19. Hello,
    I sell products whose price varies depending on its area (length x width). There are 10 possible combinations of possible areas which I would like to list in a dropdown so that the user can simply select. Now my question is, using this plugin, do I need to create these ten combinations for each one of the 500 products that I offer? or is there any way to re-use these “select” fields so that I can easily apply to each product?


  20. Hello,
    I want to create a WooCommerce product cost calculator for Blinds and Window. Can you Guide me on which Plugins i needed for that?


      • Dear, where i decide the order?
        And.. i use Fancy designer for making custom article, i can take the dimension from the dynamic views of fancy?

  21. Hi Gareth,

    We would like to use your plug in on our site for picture frame moulding calculations. I think (and please confirm) we can program your plugin to calculate correctly, please tell me if this will work with your program:

    Complete Picture Framing Calculation Formula:
    2(H + W) + 8(Width of Moulding) = Total length of moulding
    Example: 11×14″ print with a 2″ moulding: 2(11 + 14) + 8(2) = 66 inches total

  22. does this tool support products with big volume which must be packed in multiple boxes?
    e.g. you have a big machine, one machine contains many parts, and all these packed in 11 boxes, each boxes with a different dimension,
    is there place to input the dimensions of all these 11 boxes into product data, and then calculate the whole volume; assume we have many products like this, can this tool workable?

  23. For a client I would like to create an e-commerce website with the same capabilities than this one : https://www.bachecreation.com/Bache-Couverture-Piscine-hiverA2A.php?id=100036
    So for example, a client can write the size of his pool to buy a custom made pool cover.

    Another example with a complexe calculation : https://www.bachecreation.com/bache-toit-terrasse.php?id=100003

    Let’s say they sell 10€/sq. m, the client fill all the fields and then the final price is calculated automatically, based on the 10€/sq. m.
    Is this possible with the your plugin ?

    Another question, here is an example of what I want to do with the conditionnal fields : https://www.bachecreation.com/bache-toit-terrasse.php?id=100003
    Scroll down to the “Nombre de chevrons intermédiaires” label, choose a number, and you will see fields appearing for price calculation…
    I guess it’s possible with your plugin thanks to the conditionnal system, right ?

    For the pools cover, the client must choose the shape of his pool first, and then the fields will appear, and the fields will be different depending of the choosen shape.
    Is that posible ?

    By advance thank you for your guidance.
    Best regards,

    • Hi Valentin

      Thanks for the links. As far as I can tell, you can achieve all this functionality with the Pro version of Add-Ons Ultimate: https://pluginrepublic.com/wordpress-plugins/woocommerce-product-add-ons-ultimate/. The customer can enter the dimensions of their pool and the plugin will calculate the square metres and also the price.

      With the conditional fields, you can display different fields based on the value of the option selected.

      I hope that helps.


      • Thank you !

        One more question.

        I want to build a B2C/B2B shop, I red that we can set different price for the addons depending on the user-role thanks to this plugin : https://pluginrepublic.com/wordpress-plugins/woocommerce-wholesale-plugin-bundle/

        But is possible to pre-approve customer registrations only a certain role ?

        I want B2C customer to register without approval, but I want to have control on the B2B registration…

        Also is it possible to a separate form for each roles on different pages ?
        One B2B registration page, and one B2C registration page.

        Last question, is your plugin “Product Add-Ons Ultimate” compatible with other B2B plugins ?

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