A simple guide on how to add a checkbox to a WooCommerce product

WooCommerce add checkbox to product

WooCommerce, by default, doesn’t let you add checkboxes to products on your WooCommerce store. The good news is that you can use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin for WooCommerce to add a checkbox to your WooCommerce products and customize it.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can add a checkbox to a WooCommerce product using the WooCommerce Products Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

Why you’d want to add a checkbox to WooCommerce products

Displaying a checkbox next to WooCommerce products makes it easy to offer product add-ons with your WooCommerce products. This way, you add more value to existing WooCommerce products. 

This can also be a great way of offering shoppers free gifts when they purchase from your WooCommerce store. In addition to this, you can also offer extra product personalization options. Customers can select their personalization options before adding the WooCommerce product to their cart. This not only helps increase the average order value but also helps you deliver an engaging shopping experience.

Let’s go over a few examples of when you might want to add checkboxes to products on your WooCommerce store:

  • Offer gift wrapping with orders. Customers can select the option to either pack their order in gift wrap or order it as-is. Shoppers can select the checkbox next to the “Free Gift Wrap” option and have their order wrapped in wrapping paper. Customers looking for gifts for friends and family will be more likely to buy from your store. 
  • Give customers the option to extend the warranty for their product. When adding the WooCommerce product to their cart, customers can select if they want an extended warranty for the product. You can let customers select from multiple checkboxes and add a small fee to each VIP warranty checkbox.
  • Offer engraving on products. If you sell personalized jewelry or offer custom printing on apparel items, you can let customers select a checkbox to add an engraving to their product. This way, when the customer selects the checkbox, a text field will appear prompting customers to enter the initials or message they want to have engraved on the WooCommerce product. 
  • Age verification for certain products. A checkbox is a great way to set up age verification for certain products on your WooCommerce store. For instance, if you sell alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, or vodka on your online store, you need age verification so only people above the legal drinking age can buy from your store. 

How to add a checkbox to your WooCommerce products

Here, we’ll take a look at how you can add a checkbox to your WooCommerce products using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin. 

We’ll assume you already have a WordPress site ready to go along with some WooCommerce products added to the store. We’ll also assume that you have already downloaded and installed the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to your WooCommerce site. 

Display the checkbox in the product page, cart, and checkout page

You can use the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to display a checkbox on the product page, cart, and checkout page. Keep in mind that it’s not always beneficial to add a checkbox to the checkout page instead of the product page on your online store.

You can make it easier for customers to select add-ons by adding checkboxes on the product page. This way, customers can easily select the correct checkboxes before adding the product to their cart. 

Customers are more likely to select paid add-ons for products before adding the product to their cart instead of selecting options at checkout. This is because personalization options work better and offer more value before the customer makes their purchase decision. The product add-ons might seem like a “premium feature” rather than a personalization option. 

It’s also better to display checkboxes on the product page instead of other pages on your WooCommerce site as it helps add more value to existing products. By offering unique add-ons for each WooCommerce product, you incentivize the customer to personalize the product and, in turn, increase the average order value. 

Here’s how you can do this in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin:

Checkbox product page settings
  1. Select the WooCommerce product you want to add a checkbox to and go to its product edit page. 
  2. Scroll down to the Product data section and select the Product Add-Ons tab. 
  3. Click on Add Group and then click on the Add Field button.
  4. Select Checkbox from the Field Type.
  5. Give your checkbox field a name and description and click the Update button to save the changes on the front-end

Here’s what it will look like on your WooCommerce store:

Checkbox product page

Add extra price when the user selects a checkbox

Using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you can add a price to a checkbox. This way, when the user selects the product add-on checkbox, a price will be automatically added to the product’s order total. 

Here’s how you can add a price to a checkbox on WooCommerce:

Checkbox with price
  1. After adding a new field, give the add-on field a name using the Field Label text field.
  2. Set the Field Type to Checkbox
  3. Add a price to the text field Field Price
  4. Click the Update button to save changes and continue.

After selecting the checkbox, customers will see the product total price change dynamically:

Price updated

Add all parameters to the checkbox

You can also set certain parameters for all WooCommerce product add-on checkboxes using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

You can choose to display additional information with the checkbox and choose whether to enable the checkbox by default or not. In addition to this, it also lets you add the checkbox to WooCommerce products as a Required Field. This will require the customers to enable this checkbox before they can add the product to their cart. It’s perfect for store owners that want to set up age verification.  

Here’s how you can add various parameters to the checkbox for WooCommerce products:

Parameters settings
  1. After setting the Field Label, Field type to checkbox, and the Field Price, scroll down to the Default checkbox.
  2. Tick the checkbox next to Default – this will enable the checkbox by default as visitors land on your product page.
  3. Add a short description in the Field Description text field.
  4. You can also add an image to the checkbox using the Field Image button. 
  5. Once you’re done, click the Update button to save changes and continue.

Here’s how it looks on the front-end of your WooCommerce store:

Parameters preview

Display multiple checkboxes

With the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you aren’t limited to a single checkbox. Instead, you can display multiple checkboxes per product on your WooCommerce site. 

Here’s how you can do that easily in WooCommerce:

Checkbox group
  1. Navigate to the WooCommerce product’s edit page and scroll down to the Products Add-Ons tab. 
  2. Click the Add Group button to create a new checkbox group
  3. Now click on the Add Field button and set the Field Type to Checkbox Group.
  4. Enter the different options you want to offer and set prices.
  5. You can also set a Min Number and Max Number to require customers to select a minimum or maximum number of checkboxes.

Here’s what they’ll look like on the front-end:

Checkbox group preview

Display additional fields when a checkbox is selected

It’s also possible to display additional fields when a customer selects a checkbox for a WooCommerce product. Let’s take a look at how you can do this using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin:

Additional fields settings
  1. After adding multiple fields, you can set conditions for checkboxes groups and fields.
  2. Start by clicking the Add Condition button for the checkbox group that needs to be selected to display additional fields
  3. We’ve set the following conditions:
    1. Show this group if All rules match
    2. What Date Suits You Is checked

This will display additional date selector fields when the customer selects what date they want the flowers shipped to them. Here’s how that looks on the front-end of your WooCommerce store:

Additional fields preview


Adding checkboxes to WooCommerce products is a great way to offer free and premium product add-ons. This way, you can add more value to existing products and offer a more personalized shopping experience on your WooCommerce store.

Ready to add a checkbox to your WooCommerce products? Get WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate today!

Two comments

  1. Hi, does the plugin work with discount codes ? I mean, I want genuine client to pay $15 for an option but if they have a discount code, they won’t pay this $15 option. I don’t know if i made myself clear

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