How to add radio button swatches to WooCommerce product variations

Improving the user experience of your online store is important for attracting and retaining customers. A great way to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience is by customizing your product pages, especially the way product variations are displayed.

When it comes to displaying product variations, using radio buttons can be a game changer. However, WooCommerce doesn’t let you display product variations as radio buttons by default and, instead, showcases them in generic-looking dropdown menus. Fortunately, this can be easily solved using a plugin.

In this article, we’ll explain the advantages of using radio buttons for displaying product variations and introduce a powerful plugin, WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate, which allows you to display extra options in radio groups as an effective alternative for product variations.

Why use radio buttons for product variations?

There are many reasons why you might want to replace the dropdown menu with radio buttons for product variations, and here are the main ones:

Improved user experience

Radio buttons provide a more intuitive and user-friendly interface for selecting WooCommerce product variations. They allow customers to visually see all available options at a glance, making it easier for them to make selections.

Enhanced visibility

Dropdown menus can sometimes hide the available options, especially if the list is long. Radio buttons, on the other hand, display all variations directly on the product page, increasing their visibility and accessibility.

Quick selection

Radio buttons enable customers to make selections with a single click, without the need to open a dropdown and scroll through the options. This streamlined process can save time and effort for your customers.

Clearer presentation

With radio buttons, it’s easier for customers to compare and evaluate different variations side by side. They can quickly see the available options and make informed decisions based on their preferences.


Radio buttons are particularly well-suited for mobile devices. They offer larger clickable areas compared to dropdown menus, making it easier for users to select their desired variations on smaller screens.

Consistency with other platforms

In addition to all of these reasons, it’s also important to consider that radio buttons are a common UI element used in various eCommerce platforms and websites.

By using radio buttons for variations, you provide a familiar and consistent experience for customers who may be accustomed to this type of interface from other online stores.

Types of radio buttons to consider

If you’re looking to improve the way you display variations on product pages, there are a few options you can consider. Radio buttons are extremely popular for the reasons we outlined above, so we’re going to compare the most common types of radio buttons used across eCommerce stores. We’ll also explore a few other popular options that aren’t available by default, but can be achieved using a WooCommerce plugin:

Standard radio buttons

Standard radio buttons are the traditional radio buttons that consist of small circular buttons and labels. Users can select only one option from the set of buttons and labels.

Standard radio buttons offer a simple and widely recognizable interface for single selection.

Radio buttons with image swatches

Radio buttons with image swatches combine standard radio buttons with visual representation. Instead of a textual label, each option is represented with a large image or thumbnail.

Users can select their desired option by clicking on the corresponding image. Image swatches are commonly used for product attributes like color, texture, or style.

Radio buttons with text swatches

Text swatches can also be used together with radio buttons to create a more visually appealing and intuitive interface for shoppers on your WooCommerce site.

Instead of displaying plain text options, the options are represented as graphical variation swatches or buttons that contain text. These are great for configurable products with attributes such as sizes.

Other relevant option fields for product variations

There are also other great options for displaying product variations in WooCommerce that work as great as radio buttons.

Let’s look at two of the most popular options:

  • Select buttons. Select buttons, also known as dropdown menus or select fields, let users select product options from a list. When customers click on a select button, it displays a list of options in a dropdown menu and lets your shoppers choose a single option. Select buttons are mostly used for cases where space needs to be conserved or when there is a large number of options that need to be displayed neatly.
  • Checkboxes and checkbox groups. Unlike radio buttons that only allow your shoppers to make a single selection, checkboxes let them select multiple options simultaneously. In addition to this, checkbox groups consist of a collection of checkboxes that are related to a specific attribute or feature. This way, your shoppers can select or deselect checkboxes independently which allows them multiple selections within each checkbox group.

Introducing WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate for radio buttons

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is a powerful tool that revolutionizes the way you customize WooCommerce products and offer additional options to your customers. It offers a wide range of add-on fields that allow you to offer additional options with your WooCommerce product including radio buttons, checkboxes, select boxes, upload fields, and product fields.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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While the plugin does not directly support traditional product variations, it provides an innovative alternative by enabling you to display extra options using radio buttons and other formats, offering numerous advantages for your online store.

The main advantage of this for store owners is simplified product management. With WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate, you can manage all the extra options in one centralized location, rather than creating and managing individual product variations. This streamlines the product management process, making it easier, and more efficient, for store owners to add, update, or remove extra options across multiple products.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate allows you to enhance the visual appeal of radio buttons by presenting them as image swatches or text swatches. This intuitive approach enables customers to make product selections more easily, thereby reducing the likelihood of confusion and cart abandonment.

Use cases for using radio groups with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Here are some use cases where you can use the plugin’s radio button functionality to effectively replace traditional product variations:

Apparel and fashion

  • Size selection: Businesses offering clothing and apparel can use radio buttons to allow customers to select their preferred size, making it easy to browse and choose the right fit.
  • Color options: Radio buttons can be used to showcase available color choices for products like t-shirts, dresses, and shoes, providing a clear and visually appealing selection process.

Personalized products

  • Custom engravings: Companies offering personalized items like jewelry or gifts can utilize radio buttons to enable customers to choose different engravings or messages to be added to the product.
  • Monogram options: For products like bags or accessories, customers can select their preferred monogram style from a range of options using radio buttons.

Food and beverages:

  • Toppings and add-ons: Restaurants or food delivery services can use radio buttons to let customers select toppings or add-ons for their meals, such as extra cheese, veggies, or sauces.
  • Beverage preferences: For coffee shops or beverage sellers, radio buttons can be used to offer various customization options like milk type (regular, soy, almond), sweetener (sugar, honey), or flavor shots.

Electronics and gadgets

  • Storage and memory options: Businesses selling smartphones or laptops can use radio buttons to allow customers to choose different storage capacities or memory options.
  • Accessory selection: Radio buttons can be utilized to present a range of compatible accessories for electronic devices, like phone cases, chargers, or headphones.

Subscription Plans and Services

  • Tiered plans: Businesses offering subscription-based services can use radio buttons to present different plan options with varying features and pricing levels.
  • Payment frequencies: Radio buttons can be used to allow customers to select their preferred payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually) for subscription services.

3 ways to add radio buttons and swatches to WooCommerce product variations

Here, we’re going to show you how to offer extra options on products and display them with radio buttons. We’ll also show you how to add image and text swatches as different layout options.

For this, you will need a WordPress site with the WooCommerce plugin activated. On top of this, you’ll also need the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin for adding radio buttons and swatches to your WooCommerce product variations.

Once you have the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin installed and activated on your site, you can set up radio buttons and swatches for products in three different ways. Let’s explore the different methods in more detail.

Method 1: Radio groups

The radio groups field lets you add extra options to products. For example, if you sell throw pillows, you can let customers choose which pattern they want to buy using a radio group. In this way, radio groups work as an alternative to product variations.

The best part is that you can add the same radio group to a different throw pillow product, as well. So, if you sell throw pillows in different shapes or sizes, you can add the “Select a pattern” radio group to each one.

Note: Radio groups should be used when you want to let customers select only one option from a list of options. If you want to let customers choose more than one option, you can use the checkbox group field instead.

Here’s what you need to do to create a radio group using the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin:

Head over to the Product data metabox from the product’s edit screen. Click on the Product Add-Ons tab. Next, click the Add Group button and then the Add Field button. Enter a suitable title for both.

Radio group for pattern

Set the Field type option to Radio Group using the dropdown menu. Click the Add Option button to start adding extra options to the radio group. You can also set a Price for each option if you want to charge extra.

Click the Update button to continue. The product will look something like this on the front-end:

Radio group preview

Method 2: Image swatches

If you want to improve the layout of the single product page and display the products in a more visually-appealing way, you can use the image swatches option.

Using WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you can show extra product options with image swatches to give customers a better idea of what they’ll get. Following our example from above, you can display the throw pillow patterns using image swatches.

Here’s how:

Set the Field type option to Image Swatch using the dropdown menu. The options you created will remain in place and an upload image icon will appear next to each one. Click it to add an image for each option.

Pattern field settings

Click the Update button to continue. Preview the product page on the front-end. It will look something like this:

Image swatch preview

Customers can view the throw pillow pattern options in image swatches and click the image swatch to make their selection.

Method 3: Text swatches

Another way to improve the layout of the single product page and better display the different product options is by using text swatches.

The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin lets you create text swatches that are more user-friendly than plain radio buttons. For example, let’s say you want to offer pillow insert options for your throw pillow products. You can display the different options using clickable text swatches.

Here’s how:

Set the Field type option to Radio Group using the dropdown menu. Next, click the Add Option button and add the extra product options. Same as before, you can use the Price field to charge extra for each product option.

Text swatch

Tick the checkbox next to the Display as Swatch? option. The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin will display the extra product options in clickable text swatches on the front-end.

Click the Update button to continue. Preview the product page on the front-end. It will look something like this:

Text swatches preview

Customers can view the throw pillow insert options in text swatches and click a swatch to make their selection.

Enhance your product variations with captivating radio swatches

Say goodbye to the ordinary dropdown menus of default WooCommerce functionality and welcome vibrant radio buttons that revolutionize the shopping experience. With the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin, you can transform your product options into visually stunning radio swatches, creating an effortlessly intuitive interface that delights your customers, especially those on mobile devices.

Embrace this plugin as a powerful alternative to traditional product variations, offering a diverse range of add-on fields, including radio buttons. This exciting feature allows you to showcase product variations in a more visually appealing manner on your product pages. Take it even further by incorporating image swatches and text swatches to make your options truly eye-catching.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Personalise products with extra fields and custom options

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Ready to captivate your customers with dynamic radio button swatches for your WooCommerce product variations? Get WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate today!

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